All blacks are victims of whitey museum opening today.

Yes Black is also a culture. Its a way of thinking, being, moving, and living that is connected to us Black folk and recognized universally among Black folk. Its kind of hard to put into word if you are not Black so I dont fault you for not understanding.


I have been to the USA, the Bahamas, the Sudan, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Burkina Faso, the Gambia, Senegal, Guinee Bissau, and I've lived in Rhodesia. I have met and befriended Jamiacans, Trinidadians, Haitians, Zaïrois, Cameroons. Nigerians, Ghanans, Erethians, Ethiopians, Somalis, and black Colombians, Panamanians, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans. If you want to believe that there is such a thing as "Black Culture" and that there is a 'recognized universal' thread with regards "thinking", "being"," moving", and "living" then don't try to tell me about it. I can spot the difference between a Shona and an Ndebele (from the same country). You my friend, are up to your eyeballs in shit.

Is that suppose to be a slave ship?

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address Saturday, talked about what he described as "the newest American icon on our National Mall - the National Museum of African American History and Culture."

Obama said the museum, which officially opens Saturday, "tells a story of America that hasn't always taken a front seat in our national narrative.

"As a people, we've rightfully passed on the tales of the giants who built this country," the president said. "But too often, willful or not, we've chosen to gloss over or ignore entirely the experience of millions upon millions of others.

"And so it is entirely fitting that we tell this story on our National Mall, the same place we tell the stories of Washington and Jefferson and our independence," Obama said.

On Friday, the president told a group of about 750 guests in the Grand Foyer of the White House, gathered to celebrate the museum's opening, that "The timing of this is fascinating."

The crowd, many of whom were African American, laughed and applauded at the understatement.


Negros holding their fists in the air, for not being treated properly at the 1968 Olympics as they were awarded medals.

Shackles that were from at least 150 years ago. Since slavery ended 150 years ago in this country, they must be older than 150 years. Wow, talk about old. Slavery must be over in Africa. Right? Right?


Is that the woman that would not sit at the back of the bus? Whitey. I think they are allowed to sit at the front now. I think.

Obama Hails African American Museum as 'Newest American Icon”

Never forget everyone. Never forget. The blacks, who were traded here as slaves by the blacks in Africa were slaves.

Patronize patronize patronize.

This is an election year, right?

Are you going to visit the black victims of whitey museum in your lifetime? Can't wait. Yeeeeeah!!!!

I sure hope one day they get "equal treatment."

Interesting how Obama, someone who dad came to this country freely and whose mother was white talks as if he was a descendant of those "giants" he says "built this country".
Multiculturalism is a great thing. it enables you to experience different cultures which I have found exposes how intelligent you are. The more adverse to multiculturalism you are the dumber you are. There is a reason intelligent whites are way less racist than their less intelligent white brethren.
You're wrong this time. Your mistake, at the moment, is that you are confusing multiculturalism with multirace-ism. You should be aware that race and culture are two entirely different things. Personally, I do not agree that both of them are "great things", as you say.

I didnt confuse anything. Thats why I said it allows you to experience different cultures. For example. I have a buddy I met in the military that was Black like me but he was Puerto Rican. His culture was really different from mine but by engaging and spending time with him I learned more about his culture.
Then let me put it plainly .... Black is not a 'culture'. Inter-racialism harms only those who think in terms of colour, but in itself colour hurts no one any more than freckles or a sun tan. Multi-culturalsim however, is not a great thing, unless you (for yourself) have chosen it.
Yes Black is also a culture. Its a way of thinking, being, moving, and living that is connected to us Black folk and recognized universally among Black folk. Its kind of hard to put into word if you are not Black so I dont fault you for not understanding.

You mean like having bastard children at a 3/4 rate, using food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, dropping out of school at a rate higher than any other race, and being incarcerated for committing crimes at a rate highly disproportionate to the percentage in society? Thanks for describing black culture.
Multiculturalism is a great thing. it enables you to experience different cultures which I have found exposes how intelligent you are. The more adverse to multiculturalism you are the dumber you are. There is a reason intelligent whites are way less racist than their less intelligent white brethren.
You're wrong this time. Your mistake, at the moment, is that you are confusing multiculturalism with multirace-ism. You should be aware that race and culture are two entirely different things. Personally, I do not agree that both of them are "great things", as you say.

I didnt confuse anything. Thats why I said it allows you to experience different cultures. For example. I have a buddy I met in the military that was Black like me but he was Puerto Rican. His culture was really different from mine but by engaging and spending time with him I learned more about his culture.
Then let me put it plainly .... Black is not a 'culture'. Inter-racialism harms only those who think in terms of colour, but in itself colour hurts no one any more than freckles or a sun tan. Multi-culturalsim however, is not a great thing, unless you (for yourself) have chosen it.
Yes Black is also a culture. Its a way of thinking, being, moving, and living that is connected to us Black folk and recognized universally among Black folk. Its kind of hard to put into word if you are not Black so I dont fault you for not understanding.

You mean like having bastard children at a 3/4 rate, using food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, dropping out of school at a rate higher than any other race, and being incarcerated for committing crimes at a rate highly disproportionate to the percentage in society? Thanks for describing black culture.
You just described white culture except you forgot pig wrestling, welfare cheating, animal molesting, and meth using.
You're wrong this time. Your mistake, at the moment, is that you are confusing multiculturalism with multirace-ism. You should be aware that race and culture are two entirely different things. Personally, I do not agree that both of them are "great things", as you say.

I didnt confuse anything. Thats why I said it allows you to experience different cultures. For example. I have a buddy I met in the military that was Black like me but he was Puerto Rican. His culture was really different from mine but by engaging and spending time with him I learned more about his culture.
Then let me put it plainly .... Black is not a 'culture'. Inter-racialism harms only those who think in terms of colour, but in itself colour hurts no one any more than freckles or a sun tan. Multi-culturalsim however, is not a great thing, unless you (for yourself) have chosen it.
Yes Black is also a culture. Its a way of thinking, being, moving, and living that is connected to us Black folk and recognized universally among Black folk. Its kind of hard to put into word if you are not Black so I dont fault you for not understanding.

You mean like having bastard children at a 3/4 rate, using food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, dropping out of school at a rate higher than any other race, and being incarcerated for committing crimes at a rate highly disproportionate to the percentage in society? Thanks for describing black culture.
You just described white culture except you forgot pig wrestling, welfare cheating, animal molesting, and meth using.

Whites don't have bastard at a 3/4 rate, use food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, drop out of school at a rate higher than other races, or are incarcerated at a level above their lot in society.
I didnt confuse anything. Thats why I said it allows you to experience different cultures. For example. I have a buddy I met in the military that was Black like me but he was Puerto Rican. His culture was really different from mine but by engaging and spending time with him I learned more about his culture.
Then let me put it plainly .... Black is not a 'culture'. Inter-racialism harms only those who think in terms of colour, but in itself colour hurts no one any more than freckles or a sun tan. Multi-culturalsim however, is not a great thing, unless you (for yourself) have chosen it.
Yes Black is also a culture. Its a way of thinking, being, moving, and living that is connected to us Black folk and recognized universally among Black folk. Its kind of hard to put into word if you are not Black so I dont fault you for not understanding.

You mean like having bastard children at a 3/4 rate, using food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, dropping out of school at a rate higher than any other race, and being incarcerated for committing crimes at a rate highly disproportionate to the percentage in society? Thanks for describing black culture.
You just described white culture except you forgot pig wrestling, welfare cheating, animal molesting, and meth using.

Whites don't have bastard at a 3/4 rate, use food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, drop out of school at a rate higher than other races, or are incarcerated at a level above their lot in society.
Whites were the original absentee dead beat dads. Not only did they rape defenseless Black women, the pretended not to father children. Give me a break white boy. Thats where the culture started.
For some reason, white people in Appalachia have remained in poverty for over 100 years.
How can you tell? According to FEDUPTAXPAYER every race is flocking to live with the white people because they feel safe living among them for the simple reason that whites are more civilized and more intelligent than the rest. So with all of those 'other races' bursting white communities at the seams, it must be difficult to find a white person ....... Appalachian or otherwise.

Is there something genetically flawed with whites in Appalachia?

Maybe they are just naturally dim witted and lazy

The white people of America are slowly being phased out of America and other white countries. All part of a globalist elite plan to destroy the white race. America 60 years ago was a country made up of approx. 90% white. Today it is down to approx. 60%. So don't try to feed me that bull chit that whitey has nothing to worry about. The dim witted ones like you who think that when old whitey is gone the world will be a better place is wrong. It will become a slum third world cesspool. Just look at the ghettos in some cities in America where blacks live. That is whites have to look forward too when they get swamped with third world immigrants. They will become a minority or worse, dim wit.

Sorry dummy. Its not a plan. Its your recessive genes that will bring about your demise as a race. Your only option is to move away to another planet and create the same genetic bottle neck that occurred when whites became more inbred during the ice age. Now that isnt really a good thing for you and would never work anyway because white women would claw your eyes out if you tried to keep them away from Black men.

Your [sic] dam right it is part of a plan. It will be the dummy white people who will create their own demise because they appear to not care what the hell is going on against their race and culture. There are many whites who think like you. Money and it's all about me attitude that will do them in. [sic]

If white people did move to another planet, it would not be too long before the non-whites would start to show up. It's in their non-white genes. Non-whites want to be and live with whites because they know that they can pretty much live in a somewhat better peaceful society than the one that they left and lived in.

Ya, we see it on TV all the time the brainwashing and propaganda for white women to think that it would be cool and great to be with a black man. White women living with or married too some black guy is the shiek [sic] thing with some white women today because they have been led to believe so. But many white women have paid for their stupidity.

The problem with most white women is that common sense and logic does not work for them. They are full of emotionalism and political correctness and down right foolish at times, and will listen too [sic] the lies of the fake media and fake politicians who keep feeding them such garbage that multiculturalism and diversity is great for them. Pathetic.

Wow, all this seems to have scared the English right out of you.

Conservatives support ending welfare for everyone, not just a particular race. Welfare steals dignity, self worth, and the normal patterns of reliance on self and one's family and community. That's why it puzzles me that you're singling out a single race. It has the same detrimental effect on everyone.

Whites in Appalachia are incapable of getting off welfare

Obviously genetic or natural laziness

Blacks in America are incapable of getting off the white peoples tax rolls. They need old whitey to survive and eat. I cannot imagine what the world would be like without white people.

Many blacks in America are quite wealthy....wealthier than you

While those poor lazy whites in Appalachia, Mississippi and Louisiana are on welfare generation after generation
Who manage not to kill each other and overflow the ER triage unit every weekend. Maybe they are dissimilar from the blacks you try to associate them with after all. And maybe poverty isn't an excuse for murder and high crime. Maybe it isn't a poor thing, it's just a black thing....they do here what they're doing in Africa too.

Damn...the racism just oozes from this guy

NOW do you understand why we need a museum in Washington?

You mean we have been grappling with Democrat bigotry and institutional discrimination for many decades and all this time we just needed to build a museum and it would all be vanquished?

Now that's a tremendous oversight.
Then let me put it plainly .... Black is not a 'culture'. Inter-racialism harms only those who think in terms of colour, but in itself colour hurts no one any more than freckles or a sun tan. Multi-culturalsim however, is not a great thing, unless you (for yourself) have chosen it.
Yes Black is also a culture. Its a way of thinking, being, moving, and living that is connected to us Black folk and recognized universally among Black folk. Its kind of hard to put into word if you are not Black so I dont fault you for not understanding.

You mean like having bastard children at a 3/4 rate, using food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, dropping out of school at a rate higher than any other race, and being incarcerated for committing crimes at a rate highly disproportionate to the percentage in society? Thanks for describing black culture.
You just described white culture except you forgot pig wrestling, welfare cheating, animal molesting, and meth using.

Whites don't have bastard at a 3/4 rate, use food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, drop out of school at a rate higher than other races, or are incarcerated at a level above their lot in society.
Whites were the original absentee dead beat dads. Not only did they rape defenseless Black women, the pretended not to father children. Give me a break white boy. Thats where the culture started.

Typical n*gger blaming white people. It's all you have which means you have nothing.

The black bastard child culture started in the 1960s when a bunch of bleeding heart Liberals decided to give you deadbeat black boys the ability to produce children you didn't have to pay for. You don't have to believe me. This source explains it well:

The True Black Tragedy: Illegitimacy Rate of Nearly 75%
I hear the new African American museum is sold out for the next six months......hard ticket to get
I didnt confuse anything. Thats why I said it allows you to experience different cultures. For example. I have a buddy I met in the military that was Black like me but he was Puerto Rican. His culture was really different from mine but by engaging and spending time with him I learned more about his culture.
Then let me put it plainly .... Black is not a 'culture'. Inter-racialism harms only those who think in terms of colour, but in itself colour hurts no one any more than freckles or a sun tan. Multi-culturalsim however, is not a great thing, unless you (for yourself) have chosen it.
Yes Black is also a culture. Its a way of thinking, being, moving, and living that is connected to us Black folk and recognized universally among Black folk. Its kind of hard to put into word if you are not Black so I dont fault you for not understanding.

You mean like having bastard children at a 3/4 rate, using food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, dropping out of school at a rate higher than any other race, and being incarcerated for committing crimes at a rate highly disproportionate to the percentage in society? Thanks for describing black culture.
You just described white culture except you forgot pig wrestling, welfare cheating, animal molesting, and meth using.

Whites don't have bastard at a 3/4 rate, use food stamps at a 1 in 3 1/2 rate, drop out of school at a rate higher than other races, or are incarcerated at a level above their lot in society.
Of course they do.
One of you RW supremacists declared all other races feel safe living near Whites because they are more intelligent and civilized. Right-winger and I pointed to Appalachia to put that lie in check. Any more questions?
Yes, but those in the Appalachians are 'white trash', ie. honorary 'black people'.

As I may have mentioned, I lived in South Africa during the Apartheid era where people were segregated by law into 3 major categories:
1). White
2). African- "Bantu"
3). Coloured (mixed race) and all Asians.

But when diplomatic dignitaries came on official business, Asians were given what was called "Honorary White status" so that they could enjoy many of the facilities denied 'non-Whites'.
So you call poor White people white trash then equate their impoverished status with black people in general.
Your world view is so warped I doubt if there is any use in pointing out how flawed it is. The original conversation started out as a chest beating exercise whereas one RW White poster was locked onto the misconception that
White people are more intelligent and more civilized than other races. I disagreed and gave up the impoverished Appalachian hordes as a rebuttal. Now you bring all this off topic baggage with you as a diversion

I'm here to inform you that most Black people do NOT languish in poverty…and especially not in poverty as stark and hopeless as that of White Appalachians. I recoiled when you called the unfortunate Appalachians poor white trash. Some may be, but others are just victims of circumstance.

Finally, you went too far when you defined them as "honorary" Black people. Again, 75% of Blacks do NOT live in poverty. If you believe the entire Back populations is on the same socio-economic level as poor white trash,
that would explain a lot of your posts. You and maybe millions like you are delusional fools who turn fiction to fact and keep repeating lies so often they become your reality. That is scary!
Sarcasm not in your vocabulary?
Nice attempt to dodge.
One of you RW supremacists declared all other races feel safe living near Whites because they are more intelligent and civilized. Right-winger and I pointed to Appalachia to put that lie in check. Any more questions?

They live in Appalachia because it's far more preferable than living in hood rat ghettoes in the big city, and in any case black people do live in Appalachia as well, for the same reason, but being a bourgeois Burb Brat who has zero real life experiences with any of this you just babble the narrative spoon fed to you. Black middle class types move to predominantly white burbs for the same reasons, they don't like hood rats and thuggz either, and aren't impressed with all the excuses made for them by racist Democrats and 'progressives', who also wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with them or living with them.
Ahh, it is so rewarding to see you squirm. Heh heh heh! Like a rabbit caught in the jaws of a panther your eyes are bulging in fear. You squirm and wriggle to no avail as the ever tightening grip of the panther's jaw closes in on you, leaving no hope…no way out… putting an end to your fruitless desperation and hippy hopping around the truth.
One of you RW supremacists declared all other races feel safe living near Whites because they are more intelligent and civilized. Right-winger and I pointed to Appalachia to put that lie in check. Any more questions?
Yes, but those in the Appalachians are 'white trash', ie. honorary 'black people'.

As I may have mentioned, I lived in South Africa during the Apartheid era where people were segregated by law into 3 major categories:
1). White
2). African- "Bantu"
3). Coloured (mixed race) and all Asians.

But when diplomatic dignitaries came on official business, Asians were given what was called "Honorary White status" so that they could enjoy many of the facilities denied 'non-Whites'.
So you call poor White people white trash then equate their impoverished status with black people in general.
Your world view is so warped I doubt if there is any use in pointing out how flawed it is. The original conversation started out as a chest beating exercise whereas one RW White poster was locked onto the misconception that
White people are more intelligent and more civilized than other races. I disagreed and gave up the impoverished Appalachian hordes as a rebuttal. Now you bring all this off topic baggage with you as a diversion

I'm here to inform you that most Black people do NOT languish in poverty…and especially not in poverty as stark and hopeless as that of White Appalachians. I recoiled when you called the unfortunate Appalachians poor white trash. Some may be, but others are just victims of circumstance.

Finally, you went too far when you defined them as "honorary" Black people. Again, 75% of Blacks do NOT live in poverty. If you believe the entire Back populations is on the same socio-economic level as poor white trash,
that would explain a lot of your posts. You and maybe millions like you are delusional fools who turn fiction to fact and keep repeating lies so often they become your reality. That is scary!
Sarcasm not in your vocabulary?
Nice attempt to dodge.
Hold on, just a sec! Are you insinuating that I was NOT being sarcastic? You are saying that I am lying when I tell you that my response was sarcastic? What gain could I possible have from doing that? What kind of person are you? You are ill.
One of you RW supremacists declared all other races feel safe living near Whites because they are more intelligent and civilized. Right-winger and I pointed to Appalachia to put that lie in check. Any more questions?
Yes, but those in the Appalachians are 'white trash', ie. honorary 'black people'.

As I may have mentioned, I lived in South Africa during the Apartheid era where people were segregated by law into 3 major categories:
1). White
2). African- "Bantu"
3). Coloured (mixed race) and all Asians.

But when diplomatic dignitaries came on official business, Asians were given what was called "Honorary White status" so that they could enjoy many of the facilities denied 'non-Whites'.
So you call poor White people white trash then equate their impoverished status with black people in general.
Your world view is so warped I doubt if there is any use in pointing out how flawed it is. The original conversation started out as a chest beating exercise whereas one RW White poster was locked onto the misconception that
White people are more intelligent and more civilized than other races. I disagreed and gave up the impoverished Appalachian hordes as a rebuttal. Now you bring all this off topic baggage with you as a diversion

I'm here to inform you that most Black people do NOT languish in poverty…and especially not in poverty as stark and hopeless as that of White Appalachians. I recoiled when you called the unfortunate Appalachians poor white trash. Some may be, but others are just victims of circumstance.

Finally, you went too far when you defined them as "honorary" Black people. Again, 75% of Blacks do NOT live in poverty. If you believe the entire Back populations is on the same socio-economic level as poor white trash,
that would explain a lot of your posts. You and maybe millions like you are delusional fools who turn fiction to fact and keep repeating lies so often they become your reality. That is scary!

Showing some signs of intelligence here, for once.

HAHAHA! You would not be capable of recognizing intelligence if it smacked you in the eye. Stop pretending you know what intelligence is and stay in your place.
One of you RW supremacists declared all other races feel safe living near Whites because they are more intelligent and civilized. Right-winger and I pointed to Appalachia to put that lie in check. Any more questions?
Yes, but those in the Appalachians are 'white trash', ie. honorary 'black people'.

As I may have mentioned, I lived in South Africa during the Apartheid era where people were segregated by law into 3 major categories:
1). White
2). African- "Bantu"
3). Coloured (mixed race) and all Asians.

But when diplomatic dignitaries came on official business, Asians were given what was called "Honorary White status" so that they could enjoy many of the facilities denied 'non-Whites'.
So you call poor White people white trash then equate their impoverished status with black people in general.
Your world view is so warped I doubt if there is any use in pointing out how flawed it is. The original conversation started out as a chest beating exercise whereas one RW White poster was locked onto the misconception that
White people are more intelligent and more civilized than other races. I disagreed and gave up the impoverished Appalachian hordes as a rebuttal. Now you bring all this off topic baggage with you as a diversion

I'm here to inform you that most Black people do NOT languish in poverty…and especially not in poverty as stark and hopeless as that of White Appalachians. I recoiled when you called the unfortunate Appalachians poor white trash. Some may be, but others are just victims of circumstance.

Finally, you went too far when you defined them as "honorary" Black people. Again, 75% of Blacks do NOT live in poverty. If you believe the entire Back populations is on the same socio-economic level as poor white trash,
that would explain a lot of your posts. You and maybe millions like you are delusional fools who turn fiction to fact and keep repeating lies so often they become your reality. That is scary!
Sarcasm not in your vocabulary?
Nice attempt to dodge.
Hold on, just a sec! Are you insinuating that I was NOT being sarcastic? You are saying that I am lying when I tell you that my response was sarcastic? What gain could I possible have from doing that? What kind of person are you? You are ill.
DOn't sweat it , chum. The veterans here have seen this before. Desperate posters who feel cornered try to distance themselves from silly remarks they've made by being dismissive in myriad ways.; one of which is to simply say they were being sarcastic or just were just joking. We understand…heh heh heh!
For some reason, white people in Appalachia have remained in poverty for over 100 years.

What is the problem with these people? We have given them everything. Electricity, running water, schools, god knows how much welfare....yet they remain in poverty spitting out children and freeloading off the rest of us
That's a good point.

.....No, wait...what is your point?

One of you RW supremacists declared all other races feel safe living near Whites because they are more intelligent and civilized. Right-winger and I pointed to Appalachia to put that lie in check. Any more questions?
Appalanchian whites are poor, but they aren't killing each other in scores. So yes, even those whites are safer to live around than ghetto chimps.
Hatfields and the McCoys
Really? How many did they kill last weekend?

Last month?

Last year?

You use ancient history to parry the facts about blacks filling ER triage units every week?
Too bad they didn't get your racist ass.

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