All 50 States Moving to the Right

Let's see what happens in November 2014.

Congress passed under 60 bills since 2010. This is the most unproductive congress in history. And all of the obstruction has come from conservatives.

It's approval rating is at 7%.

People like dog shit better than they do congress.

So lets see how that works out.


60 laws..GOOD...The whole notion of an activist legislative branch is is vision created by liberals in support of large intrusive government.

Amen....59 laws to many.
I see that a different poster posted an invalid link that claimed the above.

Intrigued, I found several articles discussing this.
Surprise Analysis: All 50 States Are Actually Shifting Toward Conservatism? |

The 2nd link has the table of how each state has shifted over the past 50 years. Personally, I'm a little skeptical about this considering how much the government has grown over the past few decades, but perhaps this means that Americans know what they want, but they're just not voting correctly.

EDIT: Fascinating thing: According to the chart, Hawaii was the most conservative state in 1964 based on that survey. Imagine that!

Really? You do realize that Virginia, a swing state just elected a Dem Governor, Lt Governor, and Attorney General.

but they're just not voting correctly.
And Romney won by a landslide in 2012. LOL

No, all 50 states are not moving to the right. In fact, with Virginia going blue, and Texas on the brink of the same, it may be a while before the GOP does well in a National Election. You just cannot alienate the working poor, the middle class, most of the minorities, and scare the bejeebers out of Wall Street, and expect to win elections. Gotta have some votes other than the fruitloops and those that are senile.

This is your opinion..
The political pendulum will swing back to the right. Its inevitable.
All of this rhetoric about screwing the working poor, Wall Street, middle class, etc is just the noise of talking points.
It means nothing.
The fact is this administration has pushed the country too far. Political correctness has angered too many people.
It's over. The swing to the left is complete and things must come back to balance.

You are totally dismissing the demographic changes taking place right now. All the while the GOP house is sitting on the Immigration legislation. They are hoping it will all go away, but it won't...
And Romney won by a landslide in 2012. LOL

No, all 50 states are not moving to the right. In fact, with Virginia going blue, and Texas on the brink of the same, it may be a while before the GOP does well in a National Election. You just cannot alienate the working poor, the middle class, most of the minorities, and scare the bejeebers out of Wall Street, and expect to win elections. Gotta have some votes other than the fruitloops and those that are senile.

This is your opinion..
The political pendulum will swing back to the right. Its inevitable.
All of this rhetoric about screwing the working poor, Wall Street, middle class, etc is just the noise of talking points.
It means nothing.
The fact is this administration has pushed the country too far. Political correctness has angered too many people.
It's over. The swing to the left is complete and things must come back to balance.

You are totally dismissing the demographic changes taking place right now. All the while the GOP house is sitting on the Immigration legislation. They are hoping it will all go away, but it won't...

Those are democrat talking points. The old "white guy is dead" nonsense.
I dismiss nothing.
Your premise is based on the assumption that members of minority groups will vote in lockstep with democrats.
That's pretty arrogant of you.
It is YOU who are dismissing. You dismiss reality. You dismiss the fact that the US is a conservative nation..

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