Alabama Woman Missing For 2 Weeks Found Dead Inside Police Van


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"One week after the body of 29-year-old Christina Nance was found inside a Huntsville Police Department van, the department’s leader says they have surveillance footage of her getting into the van on her own. Thursday, Huntsville Police Chief Mark McMurray told News 19 the department tracked down video from a nearby building that showed Nance “somewhat disoriented” and “alone” getting into the van.

It’s still unclear how long Nance was in the van before she died or before her body was found. McMurray did say that Nance’s death occurred days before her body was found on October 7th. Chief McMurray says the family will be able to view the surveillance footage on Friday, before the video is presented to the media."

Now anyway you look at this, it is a strange case....the autopsy says there was no foul play and official cause of death is still undetermined and toxicology results are pending.........Seems to me like this was an unfortunate accident and hopefully when the family sees the footage and gets the final autopsy report; there can be some least it wasn't a murder....because if it was, that would be one bold leave a body in a police van at a police station...

"One week after the body of 29-year-old Christina Nance was found inside a Huntsville Police Department van, the department’s leader says they have surveillance footage of her getting into the van on her own. Thursday, Huntsville Police Chief Mark McMurray told News 19 the department tracked down video from a nearby building that showed Nance “somewhat disoriented” and “alone” getting into the van.

It’s still unclear how long Nance was in the van before she died or before her body was found. McMurray did say that Nance’s death occurred days before her body was found on October 7th. Chief McMurray says the family will be able to view the surveillance footage on Friday, before the video is presented to the media."

Now anyway you look at this, it is a strange case....the autopsy says there was no foul play and official cause of death is still undetermined and toxicology results are pending.........Seems to me like this was an unfortunate accident and hopefully when the family sees the footage and gets the final autopsy report; there can be some least it wasn't a murder....because if it was, that would be one bold leave a body in a police van at a police station...
There is no way to solve this crime in Alabama. After all, if you do a genetic test, for example, they all have the same DNA and none of them have any dental records to confirm who they even are for sure.
There is no way to solve this crime in Alabama. After all, if you do a genetic test, for example, they all have the same DNA and none of them have any dental records to confirm who they even are for sure.
They all who?

Oh let me this a pathetic attempt to say stupid shit for no reason other than the fact you are miserable and insecure?

Have at it, Sparky.

"One week after the body of 29-year-old Christina Nance was found inside a Huntsville Police Department van, the department’s leader says they have surveillance footage of her getting into the van on her own. Thursday, Huntsville Police Chief Mark McMurray told News 19 the department tracked down video from a nearby building that showed Nance “somewhat disoriented” and “alone” getting into the van.

It’s still unclear how long Nance was in the van before she died or before her body was found. McMurray did say that Nance’s death occurred days before her body was found on October 7th. Chief McMurray says the family will be able to view the surveillance footage on Friday, before the video is presented to the media."

Now anyway you look at this, it is a strange case....the autopsy says there was no foul play and official cause of death is still undetermined and toxicology results are pending.........Seems to me like this was an unfortunate accident and hopefully when the family sees the footage and gets the final autopsy report; there can be some least it wasn't a murder....because if it was, that would be one bold leave a body in a police van at a police station...
Seems like a tragic accident. What's the solution? Check the vehicles more often, or ensure they are locked? Not really sure what there is to discuss.
Seems like a tragic accident. What's the solution? Check the vehicles more often, or ensure they are locked? Not really sure what there is to discuss.
There is no real solution....

If she was dealing with a drug addiction, a possible solution would be treatment for that addiction....if she was dealing with underlying mental issues; improving access to mental health services would help.....

Pretty much treat her with the same compassion you would want others to treat your loved ones if they were suffering from opioid addiction, etc
There is no real solution....

If she was dealing with a drug addiction, a possible solution would be treatment for that addiction....if she was dealing with underlying mental issues; improving access to mental health services would help.....

Pretty much treat her with the same compassion you would want others to treat your loved ones if they were suffering from opioid addiction, etc
Fair enough. When it comes to addiction that has to start with addict, forcing it never works. The problem with mental health is that it has to maintained by the patient. The problem there is it's treated with medication that usually have negative side effects and the patient stops taking it on their own.
Fair enough. When it comes to addiction that has to start with addict, forcing it never works. The problem with mental health is that it has to maintained by the patient. The problem there is it's treated with medication that usually have negative side effects and the patient stops taking it on their own.
Demonizing people with mental issues and drug addictions definitely hasn't been the solution......especially when a certain group tends to get demonized more than others -- as if their addictions and issues make them less worthy
Rather strange to say the least.

A van that wasn't driven regularly?? All of the vehicle where I work are kept locked when not in use. Those are Sheriff's vehicle. Kinda funny this van wasn't locked.
If she was dealing with a drug addiction, a possible solution would be treatment for that addiction....if she was dealing with underlying mental issues; improving access to mental health services would help.....
I agree on both counts.

Jail is not the answer for drug issues, nor is it the answer for mental health issues.

End the war on drugs. Let out all "drug offenders." Use the money on better mental health care.

Problems: SOLVED
It was a joke about Alabama people.

Lighten up, Francis.
Yah, everybody knows they are ignorant hicks down in Huntsville filled with trailer trash, especially with the types of major employers they have, suck as, Nasa/Marshall Space flight Center, Boeing, US Army Redstone Arsenal, Intergraph, Siemans, Northrop Grumman, University of Alabama, you know, low education, low skill, low pay operations like that.
This story is a great example of how the media manipulates the public and seeks to create division. This is how Yahoo! News framed the title of the story


This incident involved a woman who happens to be black. The fact that she is black has no relevance whatsoever to what happened. It wasn't the cause of her dying. It wasn't the cause of her missing for 12 days. It had nothing to do with how she ended up there in the first place, so why make a point of even mentioning her race let alone in the title of the article if not to make false implications?

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