Al Sharpton National Disgrace


May 23, 2014
Al Sharpton A Lucrative Career Built on Hate and Racial Conflagration
Race agitator Al Sharpton will eulogized Michael Brown at his funeral. Why would any parent want this weasel to even attend their sons funeral ? Also, Sharpton is a contributor to MSNBC making it a completely non-reputable news outlet. What happened in this country? In 1988 Sharpton was seen for the charlatan that he is. Now he is on a cable news channel. Did Americans brains fall out of their heads? Really? Somehow I think this can be linked to a nation that elected a community agitator President in 2008.
The White House and is sending a delegation of three to the thief and thug, Michael Brown's, funeral today. How many did they send to General Green's funeral last week? The equivalent of the White House janitor was sent to Margaret Thatcher's funeral. See a pattern folks?
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What else can we expect from a corrupt administration?

Obama is well known for claiming innocence for specific acts in his speeches. The latest is this claim he has no intention on putting a thumb on the scales of justice in Ferguson. That is exactly what he's doing by sending Eric Holder there to interfere with the Grand Jury investigation. And even though the dead kid was filmed robbing a convenience store right before he was killed, the administration is unashamedly sending 3 representatives to the funeral today. This proves that Obama and his crew believes that blacks cannot do wrong to whites under any circumstance.

Articles Ferguson and Eric Holder s Violent Past
Articles The Real Reason for the Tantrum in Ferguson
Blog Ferguson logic rebuild local businesses or it s going to be be hell to pay
Blog Forget the facts in Ferguson -- progs want an indictment
yeah, whites are getting treated like they treated other folks for years,,try not to weep so much...
Unfortunately you can't dig those dead whites up and treat them the way they deserved, so you have to mistreat the innocent ones that are alive. I guess what we need to do is murder every fucken German in Deutchland because of the friggen Nazis. Right?
yes he is

its a shame people still allow him to lead them down this path of nothing but hate

This kids funeral will just be another "spotlight show" for Sharpton and can you believe THIS PRESIDENT is SENDING people there to REPRESENT them? (on taxpayers expense). those parents should be ashamed and this administration is a race hustling whoremonger who hoses us taxpayers every time we turn around.
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yeah, whites are getting treated like they treated other folks for years,,try not to weep so much...
Unfortunately you can't dig those dead whites up and treat them the way they deserved, so you have to mistreat the innocent ones that are alive. I guess what we need to do is murder every fucken German in Deutchland because of the friggen Nazis. Right?

Does it only have to be in der Fatherland??
MSMBC does not get my goat - Sharpton ALWAYS playing the race card, does.

If you've ever listened to Al talk ... on the radio or whatever ... he actually seems like a decent guy; It's too bad that he's so pro-black, that he can't see his hand in front of his face.

Sharpton has made some horrible decisions based entirely on race and a lot of them have backfired. He has to own that.
All people should never forget this HOAX he played, yet they still let him lead them around by the nose

Sharpton Can’t Admit Tawana Brawley Hoax

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
October 8, 2013 8:18 am

Rev. Al Sharpton would not admit the Tawana Brawley rape case he drove to national prominencewas a hoax on Morning Joe Tuesday, saying he had no regrets getting involved and would respond the same way if a woman today made similar claims.

Brawley claimed she was kidnapped and gang-raped by white men, including a police officer and local prosecutor, in 1987. The story became a national sensation and was a career-maker for Sharpton, who was largely unknown at the time.

But after a long investigation revealed Brawley’s claims to be false, it was dropped. Brawley finally began making defamation payments in August for her false accusations in the case, but Sharpton would still admit no fault Tuesday for his controversial involvement.

“We have the facts and the evidence that an assistant district attorney and a state trooper did this,” Sharpton said at the time, according to the New York Times:

He called Gov. Mario M. Cuomo a racist and warned that powerful state officials were complicit. When asked whether Ms. Brawley would speak with the state attorney general, Robert Abrams, Mr. Sharpton said that would be like asking someone in a concentration camp to talk to Hitler.

But, as the meticulously researched Retro Report points out this week, it was all a hoax. After seven months, 6,000 pages of testimony and 180 witnesses, a grand jury found Ms. Brawley’s story to be a lie. Neither the police officer nor the district attorney accused by Ms. Brawley and Mr. Sharpton had been involved in any way, the report concluded.

A Sharpton associate told the news media at the time that Ms. Brawley’s lawyers, C. Vernon Mason and Alton H. Maddox Jr., and Mr. Sharpton were “frauds from the beginning.”

Tuesday, as he was promoting his new book, Sharpton did not back off.

“If I was called today by a young lady who made those claims, I would respond the same way,” Sharpton said.

ALL of it here:
Sharpton Can t Admit Tawana Brawley Hoax Washington Free Beacon
MSMBC does not get my goat - Sharpton ALWAYS playing the race card, does.

If you've ever listened to Al talk ... on the radio or whatever ... he actually seems like a decent guy; It's too bad that he's so pro-black, that he can't see his hand in front of his face.

that is the problem, people pay attention to him...even though he was proven a scam man 30 years ago..
yeah, whites are getting treated like they treated other folks for years,,try not to weep so much...
Unfortunately you can't dig those dead whites up and treat them the way they deserved, so you have to mistreat the innocent ones that are alive. I guess what we need to do is murder every fucken German in Deutchland because of the friggen Nazis. Right?

Does it only have to be in der Fatherland??
I just gave you one example of how silly your post was. We could right all the wrongs in history by getting even with the great grandchildren of every evil person throughout the ages by using your screwed up rationale.

Somehow I don't think it's fair.

Here's an and let live and quit living in the past. Mkay?
Al Sharpton is "this administration," Mud?> :cuckoo:

Anyway, yea Sharpton is a deranged goon.
Sharpton is Obama's race-baitor.

Sharpton has race relations all wrong - he thinks that if you get bad service at a restaurant ... presumably due to being black and no other reason ... that you should not tip.

Quite the opposite is true - when people treat you like a scrub - throw down a 20 dollar bill and thank them for their service; the next time you come to this place, you will certainly get an apology and probably have servers fighting over you.

"Not tipping" because you think every white person you meet is a racist, only verifies what that person already suspects - that you have no class, no cash and that you hate everyone on the planet who is not exactly like you.
oh wow, pictures of them together!

he is officially an employee!~
MSMBC does not get my goat - Sharpton ALWAYS playing the race card, does.

If you've ever listened to Al talk ... on the radio or whatever ... he actually seems like a decent guy; It's too bad that he's so pro-black, that he can't see his hand in front of his face.

that is the problem, people pay attention to him...even though he was proven a scam man 30 years ago..

... and a snitch.
Al Sharpton A Lucrative Career Built on Hate and Racial Conflagration
Race agitator Al Sharpton will eulogized Michael Brown at his funeral. Why would any parent want this weasel to even attend their sons funeral ? Also, Sharpton is a contributor to MSNBC making it a completely non-reputable news outlet. What happened in this country? In 1988 Sharpton was seen for the charlatan that he is. Now he is on a cable news channel. Did Americans brains fall out of their heads? Really? Somehow I think this can be linked to a nation that elected a community agitator President in 2008.
He should be a speech writer for least he has experience in his craft...scamming the black folk.

No jusiss, no peafs.

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