Al Qaeda is Still Alive and GM is*Dying


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by sfcmac Al Qaeda is Still Alive and GM is Dying « The Foxhole

Gaffemeister Biden forgot to include the facts in his re-election ploy: “Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.”

We just witnessed what happened in Libya and the Islamic terror across the Middle East; aka “Arab Spring”.

Contrast that with GM’s faltering business. In spite of the $50 billion in taxpayer-funded bailout and government takeover, GM went bankrupt in 2009, and is headed for bankruptcy again. Over 1000 dealerships were forced to close under the bailout stipulation.

GM lost about one-third of its value in under two years and continues to lose market share in auto sales. The Volt is a modern day Edsel; the company lost $600 million on the electric car.

While Obama and his sidekick Joe “giggles” Biden traipse around the country bragging about saving GM, the reality is that like every other socialist Obama policy, it’s an epic fail.

And, at same site, articles about Obama laughing at Green Energy Failures and More Dem voter fraud and intimidation in Ohio.

Who was it who said Obama's Dead and GM is Alive? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

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