Al Franken Inadvertently admits Obama Care was mean & people died


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
There's no links to people spewing selective phrasing as propaganda that bite themselves in the rear when that same standard is reflected back. This was on TV just now but has been parroted through the past week or so.

Fact: NOT EXPANDING AT THIS TIME (18 STATES) There were 19 states no having expanded Medicaid.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
Correct. It was part of the "mean" republican plan to sabotage the ACA and inflict harm on Americans for political gain. Note that they voted to repeal Obamacare 61 times, but won't vote for a 62nd time now that they can actually pass it. It was all for politics, and now the bastards are terrified at having to answer for it if they go ahead and strip 10's of millions of any hope for healthcare coverage.
There's no links to people spewing selective phrasing as propaganda that bite themselves in the rear when that same standard is reflected back. This was on TV just now but has been parroted through the past week or so.

Fact: NOT EXPANDING AT THIS TIME (18 STATES) There were 19 states no having expanded Medicaid.

I listened to him on Morning Joe and I did not hear that. He was talking about TrumpCare. Really TX could not afford to expand Medicaid, they refused Fed funding. That was one of the amendments that expanding Medicaid would be left up to the states.

Obama should of insisted all states had to expanded Medicaid.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.
:cuckoo: . what is the same for a republican and a christian ... they're both liars.
There's no links to people spewing selective phrasing as propaganda that bite themselves in the rear when that same standard is reflected back. This was on TV just now but has been parroted through the past week or so.

Fact: NOT EXPANDING AT THIS TIME (18 STATES) There were 19 states no having expanded Medicaid.

I listened to him on Morning Joe and I did not hear that. He was talking about TrumpCare. Really TX could not afford to expand Medicaid, they refused Fed funding. That was one of the amendments that expanding Medicaid would be left up to the states.

Obama should of insisted all states had to expanded Medicaid.

What part of "Inadvertant" and
"Boomerang" did you not understand?
Franken stated it was mean to remove people from medicaid(of course he does not put that in proper perspective on purpose to be deceptive in narrative). In calling losing medicaid as mean and killer, he's subject to that same standard on Obamacare
rejecting aprox 37% of the state's people. Worse those states had the highest population of the elderly most likely to die, therefore Franken and the rest who pushed Obama care inadvertantly admits being KILLERS least they admit they all lied and are insulting the intelligence &
deceiving the public to demonize their opponent.
The question one should ask when all is said and done was/ is did Obama really CARE.. I read the rules were such that it did not pay companies to offer full time jobs with the usual benefits because of the stipulations and it was more beneficial for companies to replace those jobs with part time jobs with no benefits...Course it helped the unemployment numbers as people had to work two part time jobs just to almost makeup what they lost with the one full time job so maybe that is what it really was all about as the unemployment numbers ended up looking fairly good for Obama to point to for his legacy if a few people died along the way that was an unfortunate by product but hey just look at those unemployment numbers don't they look just spiffy...
Yeah that was a result, people were given 24 hour work weeks especially in the service industry. Even as they saw that coming they ignored it for benefiting the illusional unemployment numbers.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.
Medicare/Medicaid also doesn't reimburse providers as much money as all the other Insurance companies do...yet the government insists on cramming everyone on this crap insurance. Making the Hospitals cut programs due to lack of funds the nicu for example.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
And the ones that accepted them...Like NM...were short changed and had to scramble to cover programs the fed screwed out of money.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
And the ones that accepted them...Like NM...were short changed and had to scramble to cover programs the fed screwed out of money.

Link for that please?

Well so you all would rather the state congress be in charge of your healthcare than the fed gov. Wake up , the Fed gov is now in charge of how you are going to not receive healthcare and they are leaving it up to the states and cutting funding to give the elites a tax cut. Have you read the costs of the new bill?

You have been screwed or about to be.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You are not going to choose , your state congress will choose for you with less Fed funding. I guess you do not understand what the essential health care benefits are until you lose them, which you will.
I never had them, never needed them and people haven't considered me when they just cared about themselves yet those same people seem to think they know what's best for everyone else using their own needs over others. Nice!
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.
Medicare/Medicaid also doesn't reimburse providers as much money as all the other Insurance companies do...yet the government insists on cramming everyone on this crap insurance. Making the Hospitals cut programs due to lack of funds the nicu for example.
Medicare/Medicaid also doesn't reimburse providers as much money as all the other Insurance companies do...yet the government insists on cramming everyone on this crap insurance. Making the Hospitals cut programs due to lack of funds the nicu for example.

the ACA provides enough as a beginning for improvement - the present proposals for repeal leave less to nothing completely ignoring the issue your post fails to adequately address.

is there a mandate from your religious beliefs to be dishonest in regards to healthcare ... otherwise take it to the correct forum.
So this whole thread is based on the OP's interpretation of what Franken said and not actually on what he said. Got it.

And to me it seems like the OP is pissed off not at the ACA, but at the fact his GOP state Governor decided not to give him a chance like the the other states that expanded Medicaid... so the OP is blaming the ACA and not his GOP Governor...
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
And the ones that accepted them...Like NM...were short changed and had to scramble to cover programs the fed screwed out of money.

Link for that please?

Well so you all would rather the state congress be in charge of your healthcare than the fed gov. Wake up , the Fed gov is now in charge of how you are going to not receive healthcare and they are leaving it up to the states and cutting funding to give the elites a tax cut. Have you read the costs of the new bill?

You have been screwed or about to be.
The federal government always sticks it to the middle and lower class.

For example...let's say you owe the IRS money but we're laid off work. So you want to set up a payment plan in good faith.

The IRS will charge the person upwards of $450.00/$500.00 extra for setting up a payment plan...then tack on interest.

Same with the ACA. They gouge the middle and lower class with outrageous premiums....and when they can't pay...a penalty.

And as for the fed being in charge of handing out money? Like I said they fell through with promised funds. And states scramble to make up the difference.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
And the ones that accepted them...Like NM...were short changed and had to scramble to cover programs the fed screwed out of money.

Link for that please?

Well so you all would rather the state congress be in charge of your healthcare than the fed gov. Wake up , the Fed gov is now in charge of how you are going to not receive healthcare and they are leaving it up to the states and cutting funding to give the elites a tax cut. Have you read the costs of the new bill?

You have been screwed or about to be.
The federal government always sticks it to the middle and lower class.

For example...let's say you owe the IRS money but we're laid off work. So you want to set up a payment plan in good faith.

The IRS will charge the person upwards of $450.00/$500.00 extra for setting up a payment plan...then tack on interest.

Same with the ACA. They gouge the middle and lower class with outrageous premiums....and when they can't pay...a penalty.

And as for the fed being in charge of handing out money? Like I said they fell through with promised funds. And states scramble to make up the difference.

And you blame those extra costs that screw the middle and lower class on the Dems or the GOP? Just FYI... Obama helped set up student debt relief and special student loan forgiveness and repayment plans, and Devos and Trump are already rolling those back and sticking it to the students. If it weren't for the old plan that Obama set up, I wouldn't have been able to get my loan out of default and into good standing and been able to finish my degree.
The ole boomerang affect occurs each time a Dem politician or MSM calls the new (still unknown) plan "mean" and will kill people.
1)The plan doesn't kill people, their ailment does.
2)Franken as well as many Dem Senators parroting the same narrative have inadvertantly admitted the affordable care act they originally forced upon Americans was MEAN and KILLED PEOPLE, because many of the states could not afford to extend medicaid and those people were CRUELLY LEFT OUT and many died without care. These are the people Obama care claimed the whole wreck of a system was for in the first place and yet those people were "viciously" left uncovered and worst they were fined for not being able to afford coverage and pay into the Chicago mobster's racketeering extortion scheme.
One thing we know about the Republican plan, you will not be extorted to join a plan.
You have the freedom to choose unlike the mean Dems who's fascist requirements punished those who refused to pay 50-75% of their income to an imploding system.

You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
And the ones that accepted them...Like NM...were short changed and had to scramble to cover programs the fed screwed out of money.

Link for that please?

Well so you all would rather the state congress be in charge of your healthcare than the fed gov. Wake up , the Fed gov is now in charge of how you are going to not receive healthcare and they are leaving it up to the states and cutting funding to give the elites a tax cut. Have you read the costs of the new bill?

You have been screwed or about to be.
The federal government always sticks it to the middle and lower class.

For example...let's say you owe the IRS money but we're laid off work. So you want to set up a payment plan in good faith.

The IRS will charge the person upwards of $450.00/$500.00 extra for setting up a payment plan...then tack on interest.

Same with the ACA. They gouge the middle and lower class with outrageous premiums....and when they can't pay...a penalty.

And as for the fed being in charge of handing out money? Like I said they fell through with promised funds. And states scramble to make up the difference.

And you blame those extra costs that screw the middle and lower class on the Dems or the GOP? Just FYI... Obama helped set up student debt relief and special student loan forgiveness and repayment plans, and Devos and Trump are already rolling those back and sticking it to the students. If it weren't for the old plan that Obama set up, I wouldn't have been able to get my loan out of default and into good standing and been able to finish my degree.
Democrats gouge the middle and lower class every bit as much as the Republicans do. See Obamacare.
You might supply a link for this, as the GOP refused to accept funds from the Fed to expand Medicaid in their rotten states.
And the ones that accepted them...Like NM...were short changed and had to scramble to cover programs the fed screwed out of money.

Link for that please?

Well so you all would rather the state congress be in charge of your healthcare than the fed gov. Wake up , the Fed gov is now in charge of how you are going to not receive healthcare and they are leaving it up to the states and cutting funding to give the elites a tax cut. Have you read the costs of the new bill?

You have been screwed or about to be.
The federal government always sticks it to the middle and lower class.

For example...let's say you owe the IRS money but we're laid off work. So you want to set up a payment plan in good faith.

The IRS will charge the person upwards of $450.00/$500.00 extra for setting up a payment plan...then tack on interest.

Same with the ACA. They gouge the middle and lower class with outrageous premiums....and when they can't pay...a penalty.

And as for the fed being in charge of handing out money? Like I said they fell through with promised funds. And states scramble to make up the difference.

And you blame those extra costs that screw the middle and lower class on the Dems or the GOP? Just FYI... Obama helped set up student debt relief and special student loan forgiveness and repayment plans, and Devos and Trump are already rolling those back and sticking it to the students. If it weren't for the old plan that Obama set up, I wouldn't have been able to get my loan out of default and into good standing and been able to finish my degree.
Democrats gouge the middle and lower class every bit as much as the Republicans do. See Obamacare.

The middle class ALWAYS gets screwed, because they make too much money to qualify for federal help, but not enough money to qualify for all the tax cuts the rich get. You might as well get used to that. That will never change.

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