AK Supreme Court tells Joe Miller to go eff himself


Jun 27, 2009
The high court on Wednesday upheld a lower court's ruling dismissing Miller's claims of impropriety in the state's handling of the election and ballots for Murkowski, who waged a longshot write-in campaign after losing her primary to Miller. It found "no remaining issues raised by Miller that prevent this election from being certified."

It's now up to Miller to decide if the election is finally over.

If it hasn't been said on here before,

Thank you, Sarah Palin and the rest of the Teahadists! If it weren't for your efforts, Sen. Murkowski probably wouldn't have voted with the Dems as much as she has during this lame-duck session.


Alaska high court throws out Miller claims
He lost and should be man enough to admitt it.

Murkowski won with the write in. Good for her.

Miller needs to take a hike. Jeeze.
Murkowski was a sore loser in the primaries. Instead of doing the right thing she cried and ran anyway. She is nothing but a RINO!!!!
Murkowski was a sore loser in the primaries. Instead of doing the right thing she cried and ran anyway. She is nothing but a RINO!!!!

So the Teabaggers tried to hijack the primary process and impose their candidate on the majority of voters, and you're okay with this?

It's a good thing that Murkowski did a write in campaign. It's so funny that the majority of the Alaskan electorate went out of their way to write in Murkowski's name rather than vote for a radical Teabagger candidate. Looks like she did the right thing as far as her constituents were concerned: She did not run away.:eusa_shhh::lol:
Murkowski was a sore loser in the primaries. Instead of doing the right thing she cried and ran anyway. She is nothing but a RINO!!!!

Well, apparently that's what Alaska wanted.

nobody can really say they were ignorant voters checking the box for the incumbent either...

Hell, she didn't even have a box to check. She was a write in Candidate with a hard to spell last name.

Apparently the voters of Alaska decided to take Sarah Palin/Joe Miller behind the woodshed.

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