Air your issues, be heard

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GotZoom said:
Ahh...I did not know that. I knew I received access when I purchased a membership. Didn't know there was an "invitee" way also.

Actually..that is very good.



That was an old thread, if you go into that thread you will see that they changed it so that all paying members are members of that thread. It was actually put in there so people would know about the change.

Before that I think it was a member's only thing. It's Jim's board so he can have rules that he wishes.
Gabriella84 said:
I have to admit publicly that I AM a fake. I am really Hillary Clinton.
I need something to do while Bill is out screwing around. ;)

I do use a proxy server -- Ghost Surf Professional. I use it whenever I am on the internet, not just on this board. It protects your privacy and guards against your identity being stolen.

I will post in any thread I want and say anything I want. Just because I can.

I don't believe many of your stories either. This is the internet, ya know. Anyone can make up a bunch of old war stories.

As a mental health professional in training, I can tell that some of you have really serious problems.

I am getting married on Aug. 6. Please don't attack my wedding. :ali:

This person now claims to be "Hillary Clinton" humm...civil law kicks into place...if this person is not Hillary...defamation and liable kicks in...not to mention claiming to be a Senator...maybe a little criminal activity as well...if she is Hillary...up yours bitch!
Gabriella84 said:
Sir Evil has left the building?

That's sad, and I hope it was not because of me. I am a liberal. I have views that many of you do not want to hear. If I have serious issues or complaints, I don't air my dirty laundry on the internet. I do what you should do, which is PM The Man himself. Perhaps that is why I receive "special privileges."
Any of you who have issues with me are always welcome to PM me. I don't bite. Anyone who has ever PMed me knows I am a very rational person.

I think the biggest problem that exists with many posters here is that they don't want to be contradicted. They don't want someone to aggressively argue with them. Like I told someone I have PMed with, I consider confrontational message boards to be a field of battle. And when you are in enemy territory, you don't poke you head out and wave to people. You lob a grenade to clear a path.

The primary reason many of you want me banned is because I am as serious about my responses as you are with your questions and comments. You don't like being confronted. Well, isn't that what this is all about? Aren't we supposed to be debated.

Lastly, when I wanted to get a point across, I don't normally regurgitate some story from the internet. I read a ton of stuff every day. I don't sit around watching TV. or on IM, or playing video games, or yak on the phone. I read. And I read (shock!) both sides. I know many of you consider it treasonous to think there is another side to the Bush presidency and its policies and actions.

Am I really a fake?? Do I exist?
Why do you care? If you have issues, take them to The Man.

Like in the Kudos to Blair thread? Not backing up your statements with some links tends to make you end up with egg on your face.
freeandfun1 said:
Not true. There is even a thread in inner circle where it is discussed on whom should be invited to join the inner circle.

From a thread in the inner circle...

That's what my understanding was,that whomever the members wanted in it,would be in it. Maybe you need to be "in" with a mod. No biggie,but I have been curious about it for a while.
krisy said:
That's what my understanding was,that whomever the members wanted in it,would be in it. Maybe you need to be "in" with a mod. No biggie,but I have been curious about it for a while.

Like I said, that was before they changed the rules and every member who paid for their membership had access to that Forum. That is how I gained access. I read that thread and near the end it is mentioned that the rules of the Forum had changed and that now all members who pay for membership would get access to that Forum.
no1tovote4 said:
They wanted to give added value to paying members and therefore created a few other forums so that those who paid to be a member could have something of value added to their experience.

Fair enough,but I know not everyone in their is a paid member,but it is jim's board. Maybe most but not everyone.
krisy said:
That's what my understanding was,that whomever the members wanted in it,would be in it. Maybe you need to be "in" with a mod. No biggie,but I have been curious about it for a while.
Like somebody already pointed out... the INITIAL way to get in might be different from now... Frankly, I don't think it is all that big of an issue... like was pointed out, Jimmy can do what he wants with the board. I think the only issues people have are related to other areas....
John said:
Why did Darin make a public
issue to the other mods of a heated discussion we had,
why not pm me?

Since Jeff responded...

Here's the deal. In the Admin forum OCA and I were bitching at eachother. John stepped in, and he and I started bitching at eachother. We both lost our temper, I said "I quit", John removed my access to the thread, so I continued in the Inner Circle Forum. That's it. No hidden agenda. No sabotage. Nothing.

(shrug) I'm not sure how he related THAT instance with lying or duplicate accounts or whatever.
freeandfun1 said:
Like somebody already pointed out... the INITIAL way to get in might be different from now... Frankly, I don't think it is all that big of an issue... like was pointed out, Jimmy can do what he wants with the board. I think the only issues people have are related to other areas....

Like I said,just curious. No biggie. I tseems there are bigger fish to fry
OCA said:
Could you please point to a situation where a mod banned someone for commenting on their post, i've yet to run across that situation. Really the only thing i'll ban for is, 1.making profane comments about a members family, I believe people unable to defend theirselves should be left out, 2. publicly questioning a mods action or questioning a mods status on the board, 3. spamming, 4. if a new member after an adequate amount of time shows no other reason for being here other than to flame and flame again.

never pointed the finger at anyone...just made a observation and comment...
was not intended to criticize anyone...just open the door to discussion!
Here is the deal with the inner circle......originally it was just a place to chill out away from the prying eyes of trolls mostly, not talk politics but just casual conversation, no flaming. Jimmy created it, he invited me in and I went, simple as that. Now I guess paying members get automatic access to it, haven't paid much attention lately.

I must say that as a longtime member, a fierce debater and flamer to be sure but as some here who've taken the time to pm me 1 on 1 well know, i'm a loyal friend and willing listener, I believe and unless i'm proven wrong that most of the comments about mods throughout this thread are directed at me, hard to make me sad and depressed but here I am.

And no i'm not looking for attention but am good at deciphering hidden messages.
archangel said:
never pointed the finger at anyone...just made a observation and comment...
was not intended to criticize anyone...just open the door to discussion!

I understand Arch, just trying to remember a situation like that with any of the mods and am drawing a blank, hoping you could direct me to that situation. If its me i'll be the first to apologize.
-=d=- said:
Since Jeff responded...

Here's the deal. In the Admin forum OCA and I were bitching at eachother. John stepped in, and he and I started bitching at eachother. We both lost our temper, I said "I quit", John removed my access to the thread, so I continued in the Inner Circle Forum. That's it. No hidden agenda. No sabotage. Nothing.

(shrug) I'm not sure how he related THAT instance with lying or duplicate accounts or whatever.

And as far as i'm concerned that shit is water under the bridge. I almost want to punch a hole in my monitor because Evil split on us, I consider him a good friend, heck we've tried to get together and party twice, and just because he's dyslexic and can't read a phone number lol and has bad teeth lol we;ve been thwarted twice.
OCA said:
I understand Arch, just trying to remember a situation like that with any of the mods and am drawing a blank, hoping you could direct me to that situation. If its me i'll be the first to apologize.

no apology necessary to me...I can dish it out and I can take it!
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