Far better than an IslamoNazi, of course...

Or their minions useful idiots and butt-buddies...
Some radical Jewish people hate the U.S. as much as any Moslem terrorist. So why should the U.S. expend so many lives and $$$$ to prop up Israel?! With the new energy boom, there's no reason for the U.S. to get mixed up in these endless, pointless Mideast wars and occupations.
Far better than an IslamoNazi, of course...

Or their minions useful idiots and butt-buddies...
Some radical Jewish people hate the U.S. as much as any Moslem terrorist. So why should the U.S. expend so many lives and $$$$ to prop up Israel?! With the new energy boom, there's no reason for the U.S. to get mixed up in these endless, pointless Mideast wars and occupations.
I prefer having a good ally in the Middle East among the killer terrorist that kill women and children in the name of Allah.
I prefer having a good ally in the Middle East among
Actually you prefer to be used by Zionists who hold the American people in contempt.
Everyone hates Americans...the price we pay for being the greatest.

the killer terrorist that kill women and children in the name of Allah
If you don't like child killers you should hate the Israelis: The Impact of the Conflict on Children[/QUOTE]
They have the right to defend their nation, no? They have the right to respond when Ackbar blows himself up on a bs fulll of innocent people. They have the right to respond when killer muslims run people down in the streets, no? Why do you think Israel has no right to defend herself against killer muslim aggression?
The way to do that is to ban islam and evict every muslim, they help set up bases in Israel to deal with ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM at the grass roots.
Moslems are angry at the U.S. only because we prop up apartheid Israel. Moslem nations may threaten Israel but they don't threaten the U.S. I think Americans are tied of fighting wars for Israel, especially since Israelis lack gratitude.

You know Israel was not used as a base during the wars with Iraq. Israel is nothing but a liability for the U.S.

Your authoritarian temperament and love of ethnic cleansing identify you as a Zionazi.


How many innocent Americans have been murdered by muslims since 2001, compared to innocent Americans murdered by Israeli's ?
I prefer having a good ally in the Middle East among
Actually you prefer to be used by Zionists who hold the American people in contempt.

the killer terrorist that kill women and children in the name of Allah
If you don't like child killers you should hate the Israelis: The Impact of the Conflict on Children

Was it the Israelis that forced them to become human shields for the illegally placed launch sites, or was it the ISLAMONAZI child murderers. Look at what happened during Cast Lead when hamas threw the women and children out of the only bunker to act as shields for the cowardly terrorist fighters, how many were killed in that fiasco
Long Live AIPAC !

I really enjoy watching pro Palestinian idiots squirm over the fact that AIPAC exists and they know they can't do anything about it :D
Yet you will allow the Islamic lobby to talk to your government and give them large sums of money so they vote in their favour. Why not just declare the US a caliphate and be done with it, then bring in laws that make it legal to kill all non muslims.
When did I say that?

Like I said, you're one of the biggest liars at this website and you don't disappoint.
If I was President, I'd outlaw AIPAC from the continental United States. Make it illegal for them to even talk to a member of Congress. Some might ask, how could I do that, being a member of the executive branch? That's easy, I'd put them on the "Terrorist Watch List" and call it a day.

Why stop there? You could sign an executive order and herd them all into FEMA camps.

This is Not about silencing Israeli supporters, it is about not allowing our politicians to just be bought by bribery of election funds that support Foreign Powers.


No, its about the JOOOOOOOOSSS, as it always is.
The way to do that is to ban islam and evict every muslim, they help set up bases in Israel to deal with ISLAMONAZI TERRORISM at the grass roots.
Moslems are angry at the U.S. only because we prop up apartheid Israel. Moslem nations may threaten Israel but they don't threaten the U.S. I think Americans are tied of fighting wars for Israel, especially since Israelis lack gratitude.

You know Israel was not used as a base during the wars with Iraq. Israel is nothing but a liability for the U.S.

Your authoritarian temperament and love of ethnic cleansing identify you as a Zionazi.


Well said.
And how would you deal with the sudden collapse in the US economy as the Jews transferred out of the US taking their CAPITAL and banking knowledge with them.
I don't give a shit what they do, I have a job.

Then watching as Hospital after Hospital closed down because they no longer had any Jewish support.
And which hospitals are those?

Would you round them up and put them in camps till they died of deprivation and starvation, or would you just shoot them in the back of the head.
Who is "they"?

So I say bring on the dildo fourth riech and watch him get publicly executed for his treason and crimes against America.
Who is "him"?

Is this your job? Do you get a commission for every dumbass statement you make? Does it go up with the more outrageous the comment?

Now, regarding Jews transferring out of the US...

According to one American Jew:
“Many people I know in their twenties and thirties say, I have a perfectly good Jewish life here—why do I need to worry about this country in the Middle East where they’re not representing who I am as a Jew? I’m not proud of what’s happening there. I’m certainly not going to send money. ”
- Rabbi Jill Jacobs, the executive director of T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

And many American Jews under 30, side with me, not you!

For decades, the Jewish community was generally united in its support for Israel. Today, a growing number of American Jews, though still devoted to Israel, struggle with the lack of progress toward peace with the Palestinians. Many feel that AIPAC does not speak for them. The Pew Center’s survey found that only thirty-eight per cent of American Jews believe that the Israeli government is sincerely pursuing peace; forty-four per cent believe that the construction of new settlements damages Israel’s national security. In a Gallup poll in late July, only a quarter of Americans under the age of thirty thought that Israel’s actions in Gaza were justified.
AIPAC is losing support from the young, all they have is the old, who will by dying off soon, then AIPAC will have nothing.
Once again, the worthless creatures that have absolutely nothing going for them other than their stupidity, paranoia and hatred decide to blame the Jews.

Wouldn't it be better, instead, to work towards amounting to something in life so you would no longer feel the need to do this?
Paranoia? What is paranoid about Americans who love this country like Obama, Kerry railing about Illegal Settlement building while talking peace? What is anti-Semitic about my railing about a small minority of people contributing money to influence our government politicians with vast amounts of money to influence our foreign policy against our-own interests for a foreign power?

You sir are anti-American!
They have the right to defend their nation, no?
For the most part the Israelis have been the aggressors.

An Interview with Benny Morris

Begin's Admission in 1982 That Israel Started Three of Its Wars

So do Palestinians have the right to defend themselves?

Wow is that a load of crap !

Lets see if you can honestly answer this question:

How many of the Palestinians who were killed in the latest operation would still be alive today had Hamas not launched any rockets at Israel ?

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