Ain't That Just Like California?

Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch
Who cares if they have the top economy in the world? The State has zero power to do anything to the Federal government.
Yes, but don't they have any leverage? They can threaten to do bad things and then send in Holder as a defense. Either way, we have to find a way to fuck conservatives in their asses.
The most the moonbats of Sacramento can do is hold their breath and jump up and down in a tantrum.
I don't think so. What we're going to do is ignore any Trump administration changes to federal law. Then when they go after us we send in Holder to tie things up in court. How that's not going to work?
So you think States have anything to do with Federal courts? :haha:
No. But we will ignore your changes to federal law. We simply won't abide by them. You can do whatever you want to get us to comply but you will only get the bird in your face.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
Who cares if they have the top economy in the world? The State has zero power to do anything to the Federal government.
Yes, but don't they have any leverage? They can threaten to do bad things and then send in Holder as a defense. Either way, we have to find a way to fuck conservatives in their asses.
The most the moonbats of Sacramento can do is hold their breath and jump up and down in a tantrum.
I don't think so. What we're going to do is ignore any Trump administration changes to federal law. Then when they go after us we send in Holder to tie things up in court. How that's not going to work?
So you think States have anything to do with Federal courts? :haha:
No. But we will ignore your changes to federal law. We simply won't abide by them. You can do whatever you want to get us to comply but you will only get the bird in your face.
Sure you will. Just like you were all going to move to Canada (noting how racist you are for not going to Mexico)
California has the largest economy in the Union, and is a blue State, not a welfare-queen, red State.
Again, what is California going to do?
Stop producing eco friendly kale and seaweed bread?
What we do best. Remember, it Only took California about three weeks to understand the "markets", when joining the Union.

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.
What's Sacramento going to do, lay down on the high speed rail train tracks? Oh wait, they've spent billions and there is no train.
Should we ask Kentucky Colonels for leadership advice?

In my opinion, we should have State and federal Standards to establish. For example, every State capitol should connect with the federal capitol via high speed rail. In that same manner, county seats could be connected to State capitols.

Stations could connect the private sector at convenient locations.
Do you know what the topic is?
ain't that just like, Californians.
They don't have to do a thing and Trump will still look like a buffoon
Only in the eyes of you moonbats.

Republicans control they purse strings and the leftards of Sacramento are addicted to spending like a hardcore heroin addict. They'll be kissing Trumps fat ass by summer.
Yes republicans have controlled the purse strings for most of the century. There's nothing you clowns love more than spending like a heroin addict. It'll be fun to watch you bastards try to pay for Trump's tax cuts and wars.
How'd spending go under Obama? Your self mockery is very entertaining.

What's California going to do? Moonbeam Brown going to stage a hunger strike?
California has the largest economy in the Union, and is a blue State, not a welfare-queen, red State.
obama just took over 1.5 million acres of ground in Utah and has it's affect over 11 million..
How is that going to help the economy?


We have a Commerce Clause.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
Marijuana is not anymore water intensive than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch
Who cares if they have the top economy in the world? The State has zero power to do anything to the Federal government.
i make a motion to repeal the 17th Amendment.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

"Calexit" would not be permitted, period.
Yes, but don't they have any leverage? They can threaten to do bad things and then send in Holder as a defense. Either way, we have to find a way to fuck conservatives in their asses.
The most the moonbats of Sacramento can do is hold their breath and jump up and down in a tantrum.
I don't think so. What we're going to do is ignore any Trump administration changes to federal law. Then when they go after us we send in Holder to tie things up in court. How that's not going to work?
So you think States have anything to do with Federal courts? :haha:
No. But we will ignore your changes to federal law. We simply won't abide by them. You can do whatever you want to get us to comply but you will only get the bird in your face.
Sure you will. Just like you were all going to move to Canada (noting how racist you are for not going to Mexico)
What are you talking about? We share a border with Mexico. I have a house in Mexico and I'm down there all the time.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
yes, it has since 1996 for medical purposes.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

"Calexit" would not be permitted, period.
California has the largest buildup of military equipment in the country and we have a very defensible border that we also share with our allies, the Mexicans and the Mexican army.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

"Calexit" would not be permitted, period.
California has the largest buildup of military equipment in the country and we have a very defensible border that we also share with our allies, the Mexicans and the Mexican army.
So the military follows the orders of Jerry Brown?

You're so delusional you're not even funny anymore.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

"Calexit" would not be permitted, period.
California has the largest buildup of military equipment in the country and we have a very defensible border that we also share with our allies, the Mexicans and the Mexican army.

California would be repatriated by force, if necessary. There would be no question as to the victor. To think otherwise is sheer folly.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

Beginning in 2018 the multi billion dollar cash crop, Marijuana, will add to our states GDP, and reduce costs to local government in terms of law enforcement (police, probation, courts). Bad for the Pharmaceutical and Adult Beverage Industries, but ending of the black market will increase tax revenue and continue California as an economic behemoth.
Maybe not. Pot is water intensive.
It's not anymore than many other crops.

"Statewide, what is the water footprint for cannabis versus other crops? Cal NORML estimates that in-state annual consumption for California is about 2 million pounds, or one billion grams. That figure could be multiplied by a factor of four to account for marijuana that is diverted out of state. At the high-end estimate of one gallon per gram, that means the cannabis crop in California, licit and illicit, uses around 12,000 acre-feet of water yearly if grown indoors; one third of that if grown outdoors. That compares favorably to grapes, which use 2.2 million acre-feet, rice at 2.8 million-acre feet, and almonds, which soak up 3.7 million acre-feet of water yearly. Overall 35-45 million acre-feet of water is used for agriculture in California, some 80% of the state's developed water supply. (Sources: and

This chart compares total water consumption by crop in California to cannabis’s consumption (in millions of acre-feet):

The biggest users alfalfa, which requires over 5 million acre-feet of water yearly, 70% of which goes to feed dairy cows. According to an estimate by professor Robert Glennon from Arizona College of Law, California is exporting 100 billion gallons of water a year to China in the form of alfalfa hay."

On Water and Weed: Is Marijuana Responsible for California's Drought? | California NORML
Dufus thinks Cannabis has been legally grown as a crop.
OMG, you are one stupid son of a bitch. First off, it is currently and has been grown legally for medical purposes. Second, I didn't say one way or another whether it is grown legally you stupid son of a bitch
One pot plant requires 6 gallons of water PER DAY, dufus.
Trump has to love it. He can battle the idiots in Sacramento while pointing out to the nation what idiots Democrats are. No Republican needs California, they have a zero bargaining position.
Don't fuck with California

California has "the sixth largest economy on planet Earth." This comparison rests on California's $2.4 trillion GDP, which moved slightly above that of France and Brazil in 2015 to sixth in the world.

Calexit could make California the worlds sixthlargest economy Will it happen - MarketWatch

"Calexit" would not be permitted, period.
California has the largest buildup of military equipment in the country and we have a very defensible border that we also share with our allies, the Mexicans and the Mexican army.
So the military follows the orders of Jerry Brown?

You're so delusional you're not even funny anymore.
You've buying into my comments too much which has you losing your perspective on my humor.
Good. The more people trying to stop Trump the better.
The idiots in California are only going to make Trump look good. There is not topic where they come out on top except in the eyes of far left moonbats, who everyone ignores anyway.

You really think this, don't you?

You realize Trump LOST the popular vote, right?

Do you truly believe that matters?

Ask any president with zero mandate. Like GW Bush before he soaked up 9/11 for approval.

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