AGW nuts first say milder winters now they say stronger winters.....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms but could cause an increase in freezing rain if average daily temperatures fluctuate about the freezing point. It is difficult to predict where ice storms will occur and identify vulnerable populations. The ice storm of January 1998 (see Section left 45 people dead and nearly 5 million people without heat or electricity in Ontario, Quebec, and New York (CDC, 1998; Francis and Hengeveld, 1998; Kerry et al., 1999). The storm had a huge impact on medical services and human health. Doctors' offices were forced to close, and a large number of surgeries were cancelled (Blair, 1998; Hamilton, 1998). One urban emergency department reported 327 injuries resulting from falls in a group of 257 patients (Smithet al., 1998b).

Now that very same consensus of scientists and experts are saying more violent winters.
More moisture in the atmosphere due to more heat means bigger storms! It always seems to make sense when they say it...even when they do a complete 180...they always have evidence to back them up and then of course there is the ever sacred CONSENSUS that must never be questioned. When the CONSENSUS is wrong only the CONSENSUS is qualified to say so. And so we have this:

The United States is already experiencing more intense rain and snowstorms. The amount of rain or snow falling in the heaviest one percent of storms has increased nationally over the last half century—with the largest increases in the Northeast, Great Plains, Midwest, and Southeast.

It doesn't seem to matter to the AGW devotees that they are talking themelves in circles ...they are always right even when they contradict themselves. They are always superior because they are a consensus even if they do double back over their own conclusions.

Now the new schtick is that warmer temperatures make more moisture available and therefore more snow. Makes perfect sense to me actually....but then again so did the original theory that there would be milder winters and maybe even the disappearance of snow altogether. As long as the consensus says so....for that particular that particular must be true! Until it isn't that is.

Now I know that there will be attempts made to show that these two contradictory positions are really the same position. It's mandatory robotic reactivity in defense of the beloved theory.

See....what it is..... is that you are just too stupid no matter what. You are not part of the consensus, the field of experts, the anointed ones and therefore you are always wrong, ignorant and stupid
Imagine if the democrat controlled media actually reported the truth...this fantasy of AGW would never have gotten anywhere......
Those computer models predicted 5 inches of snow here last Wednesday night. We got a dusting. They can't predict weather a couple hours in advance, but they can years down the line. Lol
The rightard war on science marches on. They predicted a low of - 1 degree here last night. It got to -3. They really suck.
OP is out of context and is ludicrous.

Climate change means unusual seasons across the globe and that clearly is happening.
Those computer models predicted 5 inches of snow here last Wednesday night. We got a dusting. They can't predict weather a couple hours in advance, but they can years down the line. Lol
Don't they use doppler?

We don't have snow but doppler tells us just when the rain will start, how long it will last and how much there will be.

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