Affirmative Action bake sale, why did people get offended?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is werid how people got offended in this video and at the come and how is it racist?

UT Young Conservatives' 'affirmative action bake sale' draws hundreds of angry students | Higher Education | Dallas News

UT Young Conservatives' 'affirmative action bake sale' draws hundreds of angry students

On Wednesday, the Young Conservatives of Texas club at the University of Texas at Austin held an "affirmative action bake sale" offering cookies at different prices based on the race and sex of the buyer.

A cookie cost $1.50 for Asian males, $1 for white males and 50 cents for African-American and Hispanic males. Cookies for American Indians of both genders were free of charge


The bake sale, which club members characterized as a protest against the "institutionalized racism" of affirmative action programs at colleges and universities, soon attracted a crowd of hundreds who lobbed criticism at the conservative students.

"Check your privilege!" they yelled as the club's remaining members volleyed questions from the crowd. The crowd began to disperse just after 2 p.m. when the remaining members of the group left to chants of "racists go home!"

I would interpret the sign as meaning there was room for negotiation on the cost. I would have initiated my offer at 25¢ but wouldn't have gone above 75¢. Students need to wise up and quit over-thinking things.

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