AFDI Cartoon Contest - Not Improper


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Critics of Pamela Geller, the AFDI, and the Muhammad Cartoon contest in Garland, Texas (including many conservatives) are forgetting something critically important. The cartoon contest, and other events like it, while seeming to be unecessarily provocative, actually do have a valuable effect. They stand up to the international jihad and all its components (ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al Shabbab, etc) and resist this enemy from accomplishing its well-known goal. >> To turn America into an Isloamic state, where we all live by Islamic law.

It is clearly stated in the Muslim Brotherhood's infamous declaration of war upon western civilization (the Explanatory Memorandum of May 22, 1991), that their goal is to destroy America and all western civilization "FROM WITHIN". And getting Americans to submit to their BULLYING, and Islamic requirements (in this case against Islamic blasphemy) is exactly what the Brotherhood is talking about.

The USA is in a world war right now with the international jihad. US soldiers are dying on the battlefield. Jordanian fighters are being burned alive.

The least Americans can do is to make a solid statement that we will not be BULLIED by the enemy, to change our lifestyle and depart from our Constitution, just to suit them. To do that, would be to cowardly accept defeat here at home, and hand the enemy just the victory they are working for (to destroy America "from within", as the Muslim Brotherhood expressed it), while our soldiers are bravely fighting overseas. We must fight these fiends overseas, AND here at home, as well.

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

(Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).)
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that is the Zionist protocols. You know those Khazars. they have infiltrated our government since the mid 1800s on, The Zionists are using Americans as shields.
Critics of Pamela Geller, the AFDI, and the Muhammad Cartoon contest in Garland, Texas (including many conservatives) are forgetting something critically important. The cartoon contest, and other events like it, while seeming to be unecessarily provocative, actually do have a valuable effect. They stand up to the international jihad and all its components (ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al Shabbab, etc) and resist this enemy from accomplishing its well-known goal. >> To turn America into an Isloamic state, where we all live by Islamic law.

It is clearly stated in the Muslim Brotherhood's infamous declaration of war upon western civilization (the Explanatory Memorandum of May 22, 1991), that their goal is to destroy America and all western civilization "FROM WITHIN". And getting Americans to submit to their BULLYING, and Islamic requirements (in this case against Islamic blasphemy) is exactly what the Brotherhood is talking about.

The USA is in a world war right now with the international jihad. US soldiers are dying on the battlefield. Jordanian fighters are being burned alive.

The least Americans can do is to make a solid statement that we will not be BULLIED by the enemy, to change our lifestyle and depart from our Constitution, just to suit them. To do that, would be to cowardly accept defeat here at home, and hand the enemy just the victory they are working for (to destroy America "from within", as the Muslim Brotherhood expressed it), while our soldiers are bravely fighting overseas.

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

and believe that anyone who denigrates their religion or
symbols in any way should be killed. I am not presenting
"theory" or "opinion" I am presenting fact-----lands in
which shariah law is the law of the land renders what the
pam geller group did to be CAPITAL CRIME. However--
the same system not only allows, but encourages, denigration of the religion or symbols of non muslims.
Of course what they do in OTHER LANDS---is not supposed to be an issue in the USA-----only what
we do in the USA is THE ISSUE. Rather than ape the
scum of Iran with a "contest" for the purpose of spitting
at jews------with a contest to spit at muhummad, I would
have preferred a COMPARISON exposition. Cartoons
available IN THE USA which have been produced by muslims or promulgated by them or available to their
children which denigrate non muslims. It's a BIG body of
"art" ------as compared to stuff produced by non muslims
which denigrates muslims or their cherished symbols. In such an exposition ----there is a REAL LESSON and presented in the SPIRIT OF AMERICAN FAIR PLAY
that is the Zionist protocols. You know those Khazars. they have infiltrated our government since the mid 1800s on, The Zionists are using Americans as shields.
No, fool. It is simply defending American life, and resisting the ludicrous orders of the jihadists to change ourselves to their lunatic way.
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.
that is the Zionist protocols. You know those Khazars. they have infiltrated our government since the mid 1800s on, The Zionists are using Americans as shields.
No, fool. It is simply defending American life, and resisting the ludicrous orders of the jihadists to change ourselves to their lunatic way.

Protectionist-----Penelope is simply parroting islamo Nazi
propaganda-----your attempt at logic is silly. The Khazar
thing is interesting-----she uses that bit of islamo Nazi shit
without having a clue as to its origin. Even more interesting----she cites the DNA evidence that both jews and arabs have genetic roots in the Levant ------and then
shits on her own foot by insisting that DA JOOOOS IS KHAZARS.
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.

I never met anyone who read anything that suggests that
burning the flag of the USA should be a capital crime---
"many people of the same people who 'think' this cartoon contest was a great idea ARE THE ONES WHO INSIST burning the flag should be punishable death"--

YOU FUCKING LIED and made an idiot of yourself ----
you do not know what people "THINK"----and unless
you can quote "someone" who posts here----a statement -----asserting that people who burn the American flag should be executed-----you are COMPLETEY DISCREDITED as a hopeless jerk.
My sense is that you are a 'run'o'the mill' islamo nazi
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a provocative act are the same ones who don't think a woman deserves to be raped just because she dresses like a slut.

Contrast "You got attacked for Muhamed drawings" with "You got raped because you dressed like a whore".
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.

I never met anyone who read anything that suggests that
burning the flag of the USA should be a capital crime---
"many people of the same people who 'think' this cartoon contest was a great idea ARE THE ONES WHO INSIST burning the flag should be punishable death"--

YOU FUCKING LIED and made an idiot of yourself ----
you do not know what people "THINK"----and unless
you can quote "someone" who posts here----a statement -----asserting that people who burn the American flag should be executed
-----you are COMPLETEY DISCREDITED as a hopeless jerk.
My sense is that you are a 'run'o'the mill' islamo nazi

Just one? Piece of cake.

From the thread “**** Your Flag. New Social Media Challenge?”
Post #57, Anathema said “I read about this on Facebook last night. If I see anyone doing it or find out anyone in my sphere of family or friends did it, they will get a severe case of lead and copper poisoning.”
I am BACK with my annoying insights-----the real
TAKE-AWAY (ie the lesson to be learned) from
this event is-----"Many MUSLIMS CONSIDER IT THEIR
RIGHT----BY DIVINE LAW---to murder anyone who
says or does anything that they perceive as denigrating
to the symbols of their religion ----but confer upon
THEMSELVES the right to shit on anything 'not muslim'
The reason that this belief exists amongst muslims----
is that it is part and parcel of SHARIAH LAW----
shariah law is the law elaborated by muslim scholars
as an interpretation of the Koran. It is considered by
adherent muslims to be of DIVINE ORIGIN People
tend to do that which they have been taught
since childhood---is "RIGHT" according to their "god" (disclaimer-----I did not say "ALL MUSLIMS"---however
IMO ---far too many-----and far too many people in the
USA sympathize with the idea when convenient) --
In response to the inevitable comeback-----
"Christians have killed abortionists"-------
sorry folks------comparatively speaking ----a trivial
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.

I never met anyone who read anything that suggests that
burning the flag of the USA should be a capital crime---
"many people of the same people who 'think' this cartoon contest was a great idea ARE THE ONES WHO INSIST burning the flag should be punishable death"--

YOU FUCKING LIED and made an idiot of yourself ----
you do not know what people "THINK"----and unless
you can quote "someone" who posts here----a statement -----asserting that people who burn the American flag should be executed
-----you are COMPLETEY DISCREDITED as a hopeless jerk.
My sense is that you are a 'run'o'the mill' islamo nazi

Just one? Piece of cake.

From the thread “**** Your Flag. New Social Media Challenge?”
Post #57, Anathema said “I read about this on Facebook last night. If I see anyone doing it or find out anyone in my sphere of family or friends did it, they will get a severe case of lead and copper poisoning.”

Is that thread on this board?-----I am not familiar with ANATHEMA------ALSO he seems to be stating his
PERSONAL REACTION in an hyperbolic manner----
He does not suggest that there should be a FEDERAL LAW mandating the death penalty for whatever action
against the flag is under question. "I WILL KILL YOU"--- or "DROP DEAD"-----or "GO TO HELL"----
are expletives in the USA ------they do not make it into
the code of LAW. "copper poisoning" ? are there copper bullets??? Can you cite cases of people being
executed in the USA for doing something to the flag----
or even attempts to render it a CAPITAL CRIME?
Furthermore------a line drawing cartoon of an historic character is not a FLAG-------

I assure you-----people who live as non muslims in shariah cesspits-----do not venture near Islamic stuff-----it could
mean the end of their entire non-muslim communities. Killing non muslims for very trivial reasons is ----ISLAM.
<<<<that fact is the basis for the attempted murders
in Texas--------IT IS CULTURALLY INGRAINED.------i
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.

I never met anyone who read anything that suggests that
burning the flag of the USA should be a capital crime---
"many people of the same people who 'think' this cartoon contest was a great idea ARE THE ONES WHO INSIST burning the flag should be punishable death"--

YOU FUCKING LIED and made an idiot of yourself ----
you do not know what people "THINK"----and unless
you can quote "someone" who posts here----a statement -----asserting that people who burn the American flag should be executed
-----you are COMPLETEY DISCREDITED as a hopeless jerk.
My sense is that you are a 'run'o'the mill' islamo nazi

Just one? Piece of cake.

From the thread “**** Your Flag. New Social Media Challenge?”
Post #57, Anathema said “I read about this on Facebook last night. If I see anyone doing it or find out anyone in my sphere of family or friends did it, they will get a severe case of lead and copper poisoning.”

Is that thread on this board?-----I am not familiar with ANATHEMA------ALSO he seems to be stating his
PERSONAL REACTION in an hyperbolic manner----
He does not suggest that there should be a FEDERAL LAW mandating the death penalty for whatever action
against the flag is under question. "I WILL KILL YOU"--- or "DROP DEAD"-----or "GO TO HELL"----
are expletives in the USA ------they do not make it into
the code of LAW. "copper poisoning" ? are there copper bullets??? Can you cite cases of people being
executed in the USA for doing something to the flag----
or even attempts to render it a CAPITAL CRIME?
Furthermore------a line drawing cartoon of an historic character is not a FLAG-------

I assure you-----people who live as non muslims in shariah cesspits-----do not venture near Islamic stuff-----it could
mean the end of their entire non-muslim communities. Killing non muslims for very trivial reasons is ----ISLAM.
<<<<that fact is the basis for the attempted murders
in Texas--------IT IS CULTURALLY INGRAINED.------i

Take a deep breath. Now please point out where I said anything about federal law?
QUOTE="protectionist, post: 11342868, member: 45665"]
that is the Zionist protocols. You know those Khazars. they have infiltrated our government since the mid 1800s on, The Zionists are using Americans as shields.
No, fool. It is simply defending American life, and resisting the ludicrous orders of the jihadists to change ourselves to their lunatic way.[/QUOTE]

Really, the Zionist are the evil ones. Israel is a rougue state, run by soviets. Go tell Geller that.
she is not a jew, she is a Zionist full of hate. They will be comeing after Christians next so gear up. Why do you think all the heads of Israel are mainly from Ukraine and Russia, and what over 1 million soviets came to Israel since 1990.
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.

I never met anyone who read anything that suggests that
burning the flag of the USA should be a capital crime---
"many people of the same people who 'think' this cartoon contest was a great idea ARE THE ONES WHO INSIST burning the flag should be punishable death"--

YOU FUCKING LIED and made an idiot of yourself ----
you do not know what people "THINK"----and unless
you can quote "someone" who posts here----a statement -----asserting that people who burn the American flag should be executed
-----you are COMPLETEY DISCREDITED as a hopeless jerk.
My sense is that you are a 'run'o'the mill' islamo nazi

Just one? Piece of cake.

From the thread “**** Your Flag. New Social Media Challenge?”
Post #57, Anathema said “I read about this on Facebook last night. If I see anyone doing it or find out anyone in my sphere of family or friends did it, they will get a severe case of lead and copper poisoning.”

Is that thread on this board?-----I am not familiar with ANATHEMA------ALSO he seems to be stating his
PERSONAL REACTION in an hyperbolic manner----
He does not suggest that there should be a FEDERAL LAW mandating the death penalty for whatever action
against the flag is under question. "I WILL KILL YOU"--- or "DROP DEAD"-----or "GO TO HELL"----
are expletives in the USA ------they do not make it into
the code of LAW. "copper poisoning" ? are there copper bullets??? Can you cite cases of people being
executed in the USA for doing something to the flag----
or even attempts to render it a CAPITAL CRIME?
Furthermore------a line drawing cartoon of an historic character is not a FLAG-------

I assure you-----people who live as non muslims in shariah cesspits-----do not venture near Islamic stuff-----it could
mean the end of their entire non-muslim communities. Killing non muslims for very trivial reasons is ----ISLAM.
<<<<that fact is the basis for the attempted murders
in Texas--------IT IS CULTURALLY INGRAINED.------i

Take a deep breath. Now please point out where I said anything about federal law?

you did not-----I alluded to SHARIAH LAW and its basis
for the justification in the minds of many muslims for
murders on AMERICAN SOIL or----murder of various
people all over the world. I noted----"Many people tend to do that which they are taught that their "god" wants
them to do" ----for muslims shariah law is DIVINE and
right------LAW is a very impressive indicator of that which
any given culture considers RIGHT. In fact shariah law
as customary for muslims has actually been cited as
"mitigating" in some violent crimes in USA courts and in
Great Britain
QUOTE="protectionist, post: 11342868, member: 45665"]
that is the Zionist protocols. You know those Khazars. they have infiltrated our government since the mid 1800s on, The Zionists are using Americans as shields.
No, fool. It is simply defending American life, and resisting the ludicrous orders of the jihadists to change ourselves to their lunatic way.

Really, the Zionist are the evil ones. Israel is a rougue state, run by soviets. Go tell Geller that.
she is not a jew, she is a Zionist full of hate. They will be comeing after Christians next so gear up. Why do you think all the heads of Israel are mainly from Ukraine and Russia, and what over 1 million soviets came to Israel since 1990.[/QUOTE]

"tell Geller" what??? Israel is a "rougue" state?
As far as I know the program in Texas had nothing to do with Israel----what does ROUGUE mean? Israel is run by "SOVIETS" <<<what does that mean?
It is not clear to me that "all the heads of Israel are mainly from Ukraine and Russia" The statement "over 1 million soviets came to Israel since 1990" is a silly statement--------you do not even know what a "soviet"
is You should try to get your hands on islamo Nazi shit propaganda of a better quality. Some of the stuff
you are reading seems to come from people still impressed with Mc Carthy-----try to bring your shit
up to date.. It it were true (which it isn't) that all the
politicians in Israel are from Russia and Ukraine----what
would that (non) FACT mean to YOU?------you have something against people from Russia and Ukraine?-----
would it make you feel better if I told you some facts of history-------the UKRAINIAN CHRISTIANS were among
the most anti semitic people in history. They are largely
responsible for the popularity of CHASSIDISM which is a kind of MYSTICAL ESCAPE from the filth you espouse.
The writer "Sholem Aleichem" ---was actually from
UKRAINE--------he was the writer of the story on which the play "FIDDLER ON THE ROOF" is based. That story is based on life of jews in Ukraine (is that not interesting?)
His short stories are a delight-------when you learn to read----try to read a few
Critics of Pamela Geller, the AFDI, and the Muhammad Cartoon contest in Garland, Texas (including many conservatives) are forgetting something critically important. The cartoon contest, and other events like it, while seeming to be unecessarily provocative, actually do have a valuable effect. They stand up to the international jihad and all its components (ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al Shabbab, etc) and resist this enemy from accomplishing its well-known goal. >> To turn America into an Isloamic state, where we all live by Islamic law.

It is clearly stated in the Muslim Brotherhood's infamous declaration of war upon western civilization (the Explanatory Memorandum of May 22, 1991), that their goal is to destroy America and all western civilization "FROM WITHIN". And getting Americans to submit to their BULLYING, and Islamic requirements (in this case against Islamic blasphemy) is exactly what the Brotherhood is talking about.

The USA is in a world war right now with the international jihad. US soldiers are dying on the battlefield. Jordanian fighters are being burned alive.

The least Americans can do is to make a solid statement that we will not be BULLIED by the enemy, to change our lifestyle and depart from our Constitution, just to suit them. To do that, would be to cowardly accept defeat here at home, and hand the enemy just the victory they are working for (to destroy America "from within", as the Muslim Brotherhood expressed it), while our soldiers are bravely fighting overseas. We must fight these fiends overseas, AND here at home, as well.

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

(Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).)

They don't "stand up" for anything. Nothing. They are free speech, and thus to be protected as such. But otherwise they exist for one purpose only: to deliberately inflame and hurt followers of a particular faith. They don't hurt terrorists or extremists - those folks are going to find a reason for reaction over any old thing. It's no different than "Piss Christ" etc. There is nothing noble unless you think it's somehow noble to deliberately target a group of people with disrespect and flat out hate.

Would it be noble to have a cartoon contest on Negros? How about Jews?
Critics of Pamela Geller, the AFDI, and the Muhammad Cartoon contest in Garland, Texas (including many conservatives) are forgetting something critically important. The cartoon contest, and other events like it, while seeming to be unecessarily provocative, actually do have a valuable effect. They stand up to the international jihad and all its components (ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al Shabbab, etc) and resist this enemy from accomplishing its well-known goal. >> To turn America into an Isloamic state, where we all live by Islamic law.

It is clearly stated in the Muslim Brotherhood's infamous declaration of war upon western civilization (the Explanatory Memorandum of May 22, 1991), that their goal is to destroy America and all western civilization "FROM WITHIN". And getting Americans to submit to their BULLYING, and Islamic requirements (in this case against Islamic blasphemy) is exactly what the Brotherhood is talking about.

The USA is in a world war right now with the international jihad. US soldiers are dying on the battlefield. Jordanian fighters are being burned alive.

The least Americans can do is to make a solid statement that we will not be BULLIED by the enemy, to change our lifestyle and depart from our Constitution, just to suit them. To do that, would be to cowardly accept defeat here at home, and hand the enemy just the victory they are working for (to destroy America "from within", as the Muslim Brotherhood expressed it), while our soldiers are bravely fighting overseas. We must fight these fiends overseas, AND here at home, as well.

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

(Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).)

They don't "stand up" for anything. Nothing. They are free speech, and thus to be protected as such. But otherwise they exist for one purpose only: to deliberately inflame and hurt followers of a particular faith. They don't hurt terrorists or extremists - those folks are going to find a reason for reaction over any old thing. It's no different than "Piss Christ" etc. There is nothing noble unless you think it's somehow noble to deliberately target a group of people with disrespect and flat out hate.

Would it be noble to have a cartoon contest on Negros? How about Jews?

Of course it is noble for muslims to have cartoon contests about jews-----they have been doing it in Iran for a few years and muslims have produced and promulgated denigrating cartoons about jews for decades and vile LIBELS for centuries--- (14 to be precise), As far as
I know----the "contest" in Garland, Texas was caricature
drawings of muhummad------not denigrating cartoons of
muslims -----but I am not sure. The stuff done in Iran to which disgusting people (above) give tacit endorsement are OBSCENE. Such cartoons are available on the shelves of mosques but so far no one
has taken a MACHINE GUN to the mosques harboring the filth endorsed above
Critics of Pamela Geller, the AFDI, and the Muhammad Cartoon contest in Garland, Texas (including many conservatives) are forgetting something critically important. The cartoon contest, and other events like it, while seeming to be unecessarily provocative, actually do have a valuable effect. They stand up to the international jihad and all its components (ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram, Al Shabbab, etc) and resist this enemy from accomplishing its well-known goal. >> To turn America into an Isloamic state, where we all live by Islamic law.

It is clearly stated in the Muslim Brotherhood's infamous declaration of war upon western civilization (the Explanatory Memorandum of May 22, 1991), that their goal is to destroy America and all western civilization "FROM WITHIN". And getting Americans to submit to their BULLYING, and Islamic requirements (in this case against Islamic blasphemy) is exactly what the Brotherhood is talking about.

The USA is in a world war right now with the international jihad. US soldiers are dying on the battlefield. Jordanian fighters are being burned alive.

The least Americans can do is to make a solid statement that we will not be BULLIED by the enemy, to change our lifestyle and depart from our Constitution, just to suit them. To do that, would be to cowardly accept defeat here at home, and hand the enemy just the victory they are working for (to destroy America "from within", as the Muslim Brotherhood expressed it), while our soldiers are bravely fighting overseas. We must fight these fiends overseas, AND here at home, as well.

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

(Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 1991, Government Exhibit 003-0085, United States vs. Holy Land Foundation, et al. 7 (21).)
What I find amusing is that many of the same people who think this cartoon contest was a great idea are the ones who insist burning the flag or stomping on the flag should be punishable by beatings or death.

I never met anyone who read anything that suggests that
burning the flag of the USA should be a capital crime---
"many people of the same people who 'think' this cartoon contest was a great idea ARE THE ONES WHO INSIST burning the flag should be punishable death"--

YOU FUCKING LIED and made an idiot of yourself ----
you do not know what people "THINK"----and unless
you can quote "someone" who posts here----a statement -----asserting that people who burn the American flag should be executed
-----you are COMPLETEY DISCREDITED as a hopeless jerk.
My sense is that you are a 'run'o'the mill' islamo nazi

Just one? Piece of cake.

From the thread “**** Your Flag. New Social Media Challenge?”
Post #57, Anathema said “I read about this on Facebook last night. If I see anyone doing it or find out anyone in my sphere of family or friends did it, they will get a severe case of lead and copper poisoning.”

You said many. Everyone knows that there is always one. If you can't prove "many" then you have no real

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