AfD wants to lead the European Cash Cow Germany out of EU


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Through long 16 years Germany is run by Merkel and her united far - left block of CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts.Some small differences in programs of these 'parties' are only to fool voters. In all matters the united commies of Merkel vote similar.
There is one alleged right-wing party AFD which is practically more left as the US Democratic Party. Presstitutes and the Merkel cartel 'parties' do anything possible to smear it and to lie about it. Nevertheless the party is presented in all local parliaments and Bundestag.
Now the party conference decided Germany has to leave EU. It looks like the decision is twenty years overdue: As the EU's Cash Cow Germany had already paid more as € 8.7 trillions for poor EU states, received nothing back except insane EU 'laws', criminality and political Islam.
When somebody doesn't believe Germany leaves EU soon he/she shall keep in mind that all leaders of Merkel cartel parties including her will be tried for the Corona genocide soon and AFD stays the only political party which still has trust of Germans. Thereafter disintegration can be so quick as that one of USSR thirty years ago.
In 2022 Germany can leave the den of communist psychopaths called EU

At an in-person party conference in Dresden that was accompanied by protest on the first day, the more than 550 delegates present voted by a majority for Germany to leave the EU. The resolution on the matter said, "We consider it necessary for Germany to leave the European Union and establish a new European economic and interest community."

The Cash Cow of EU wanna leave!


The EU boss isn't happy


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