
Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Why are we a party to NAFTA, which was supposed to bring Mexico out of the Dark Ages, when it's clear that Mexico has been a bad actor toward us. If their economy still blows, if migrants from Honduras and Nicaragua see no opportunity there, if only Carlos Slim and El Chapo are benefiting, fuck it - cancel it.

Why is Mexico is letting migrants from their south travel freely through their country to wind up illegally in the USA? Dafuq. Why are we subsidizing the invasion?

Adios, NAFTA. Cancel it.

Then tell their government, you either put an immediate halt to this flow of immigrants or we'll send in 82nd Airborne to annex you. Take your pick
NAFTA is nothing more than a shell game wherein Canada and Mexico play the U.S. as a chump. Rich Canada claims it should get special treatment because it will also help poor Mexico, while Mexico evades border enforcement because the same requirements are not applied to Canada. Time to end this charade NOW.
It is time to secure our Border and end Illegal Immigration once and for all. The chaos needs to end. And NAFTA should have been dumped a long time ago. US Globalists sold American Workers out.
Is NAFTA Done for?

Methinks Maria Bartiromo is the only media person who has caught on to “the secret“.

Within her wording and presentation today, inside this interview Fox News Maria Bartiromo hints toward her understanding of the Trump trade strategy as it pertains to Mexico, Canada and ::cough:: NAFTA ::cough::

I’ve been reading all sorts of bits and pieces about how trade agreements with Canada aren’t going that well while things seem to be going fine with Mexsico.It seems NAFTA was never that great a deal to start with and our president is playing one side against the other to get the best possible deals for the USA.

How can you not admire the sheer brilliance of how President Trump can guide his economic team through the byzantine labyrinth of DC politics; and end up with an entirely new set of deals that benefits the U.S. and shifts the entire economic sphere in favor of American interests; while no-one has the slightest clue how he’s doing it… yet he’s doing it right in front of their face.

This is infinite levels of winfinity.


More of the story @ Sunday Talks: Maria Bartiromo Talks U.S. Bilateral Trade With Mexico…

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