About the Browser Security Alerts.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
USMB is not HTTPS.

Not that you asked me, but I think many website security protocols are WAY over done. Like said, what is there to secure here besides my password? LOL!
The kind of security we are taking about here is not site security but server security and most sever companies like the one who serves here run two servers. One for content and one for emails and money. This sites server company also uses a 24 hour delay loading content from here to permant storage. That is done to protect against server bots. In the case of a server bot attack only 24 hours of content would be lost.
The kind of security we are taking about here is not site security but server security and most sever companies like the one who serves here run two servers. One for content and one for emails and money. This sites server company also uses a 24 hour delay loading content from here to permant storage. That is done to protect against server bots. In the case of a server bot attack only 24 hours of content would be lost.

Could be.. I sincerely personally don't know. MAYBE the Donations is handled on another higher rated Security platform. Need to have the Admins clarify...
The kind of security we are taking about here is not site security but server security and most sever companies like the one who serves here run two servers. One for content and one for emails and money. This sites server company also uses a 24 hour delay loading content from here to permant storage. That is done to protect against server bots. In the case of a server bot attack only 24 hours of content would be lost.

Could be.. I sincerely personally don't know. MAYBE the Donations is handled on another higher rated Security platform. Need to have the Admins clarify...
I'm still waiting on how to do the FURY award for Sonny Clarke.
The kind of security we are taking about here is not site security but server security and most sever companies like the one who serves here run two servers. One for content and one for emails and money. This sites server company also uses a 24 hour delay loading content from here to permant storage. That is done to protect against server bots. In the case of a server bot attack only 24 hours of content would be lost.

Could be.. I sincerely personally don't know. MAYBE the Donations is handled on another higher rated Security platform. Need to have the Admins clarify...
I'm still waiting on how to do the FURY award for Sonny Clarke.

Working on that. Go back to the PM and I'll update you..
The kind of security we are taking about here is not site security but server security and most sever companies like the one who serves here run two servers. One for content and one for emails and money. This sites server company also uses a 24 hour delay loading content from here to permant storage. That is done to protect against server bots. In the case of a server bot attack only 24 hours of content would be lost.

Could be.. I sincerely personally don't know. MAYBE the Donations is handled on another higher rated Security platform. Need to have the Admins clarify...
I'm still waiting on how to do the FURY award for Sonny Clarke.

Working on that. Go back to the PM and I'll update you..
Okay will later and thanks!
The kind of security we are taking about here is not site security but server security and most sever companies like the one who serves here run two servers. One for content and one for emails and money. This sites server company also uses a 24 hour delay loading content from here to permant storage. That is done to protect against server bots. In the case of a server bot attack only 24 hours of content would be lost.

Could be.. I sincerely personally don't know. MAYBE the Donations is handled on another higher rated Security platform. Need to have the Admins clarify...
I'm still waiting on how to do the FURY award for Sonny Clarke.
CLARK -------------------- NOT CLARKE

Yankees put an "E" at the end, Southerners don't.
I am new here mainly because the forum I was on (for a long time) got hacked and my log in was hijacked. Now that forum won't let me back even after I supported them with donations. Hope that doesn't happen here......This place is much better and I intend to stay and donate.
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I have a PC running Windows 10 and CHrome. When my computer updated yesterday, it blocked my ability to leave an HT
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I'm using a PC with Windows 10 and Chrome. Yesterday, my PC ran the security updates and I can no longer use the Rich Text editor to post a reply. I tried Firefox and get the Browser Security Alerts you mentioned and it blocks me from accessing USMB. I can access the board on IE but the Rich Text is grayed out as well. Any suggestions?
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I have a PC running Windows 10 and CHrome. When my computer updated yesterday, it blocked my ability to leave an HT
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I'm using a PC with Windows 10 and Chrome. Yesterday, my PC ran the security updates and I can no longer use the Rich Text editor to post a reply. I tried Firefox and get the Browser Security Alerts you mentioned and it blocks me from accessing USMB. I can access the board on IE but the Rich Text is grayed out as well. Any suggestions?

I DO know that there's a checkbox under your PREFERENCES that turns Rich Text On/Off. Have no freaking idea how a security update could affect this -- since the settings are private to our Software. You might CHECK under your profile page if this has been unchecked.

Rich text COULD be turned off by a security update at a higher level. Can't guess whether it's browser or Win10. Might need to check both. Let's see if we can an Admin to weigh in here.

smalltowngirl13 4Nines
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I have a PC running Windows 10 and CHrome. When my computer updated yesterday, it blocked my ability to leave an HT
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I'm using a PC with Windows 10 and Chrome. Yesterday, my PC ran the security updates and I can no longer use the Rich Text editor to post a reply. I tried Firefox and get the Browser Security Alerts you mentioned and it blocks me from accessing USMB. I can access the board on IE but the Rich Text is grayed out as well. Any suggestions?
/----/ Thanks for the tip but Rich Text was checked off. I unchecked it, saved then checked it off and saved again but it didn't help.
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I have a PC running Windows 10 and CHrome. When my computer updated yesterday, it blocked my ability to leave an HT
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I'm using a PC with Windows 10 and Chrome. Yesterday, my PC ran the security updates and I can no longer use the Rich Text editor to post a reply. I tried Firefox and get the Browser Security Alerts you mentioned and it blocks me from accessing USMB. I can access the board on IE but the Rich Text is grayed out as well. Any suggestions?
/----/ Thanks for the tip but Rich Text was checked off. I unchecked it, saved then checked it off and saved again but it didn't help.

Just to be clear -- because "checked off" is a little ambiguous. That box NEEDS a check mark in it.
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I have a PC running Windows 10 and CHrome. When my computer updated yesterday, it blocked my ability to leave an HT
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I'm using a PC with Windows 10 and Chrome. Yesterday, my PC ran the security updates and I can no longer use the Rich Text editor to post a reply. I tried Firefox and get the Browser Security Alerts you mentioned and it blocks me from accessing USMB. I can access the board on IE but the Rich Text is grayed out as well. Any suggestions?
/----/ Thanks for the tip but Rich Text was checked off. I unchecked it, saved then checked it off and saved again but it didn't help.

Just to be clear -- because "checked off" is a little ambiguous. That box NEEDS a check mark in it.
/----/ Yes, I understood.
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I have a PC running Windows 10 and CHrome. When my computer updated yesterday, it blocked my ability to leave an HT
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I'm using a PC with Windows 10 and Chrome. Yesterday, my PC ran the security updates and I can no longer use the Rich Text editor to post a reply. I tried Firefox and get the Browser Security Alerts you mentioned and it blocks me from accessing USMB. I can access the board on IE but the Rich Text is grayed out as well. Any suggestions?
/----/ Thanks for the tip but Rich Text was checked off. I unchecked it, saved then checked it off and saved again but it didn't help.

Just to be clear -- because "checked off" is a little ambiguous. That box NEEDS a check mark in it.
/----/ Yes, I understood.
View attachment 149201

Cool.. Let's see if the Admin reply. YOU MIGHT -- try searching ("rich text" enable Chrome) and see if there is a preference there that got reset with the update.
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I have a PC running Windows 10 and CHrome. When my computer updated yesterday, it blocked my ability to leave an HT
We've had a lot of questions about the Security status of the USMB site. Some browsers indicate that this site "May not be secure"..

There is very little SECURE personal info to "steal" on USMB other then your log-in password. So there is not much attention to "security certification" and the various orgs and hoops associated with them. I looked at the Security details of the Home Page using HTML and components inspection. Under Security -- you find THIS explanation..

This page is not secure.

Private User Data Input
This page includes a password or credit card input over HTTP. A warning has been added to the URL bar.

So login passwords -- yeah. Credit Cards? I dunno. There are options for making donations. I BELIEVE this includes PayPal and mailing a check. MIGHT be a credit card option. Otherwise, as I said, there is nothing to steal..

If you're WORRIED -- just don't use a Credit Card for donations to USMB or the cafeteria.. If we got more donations, maybe we could boost the priority of fixing this. :up:

I'll include a couple Forum Foundry Admins in the discussion and see if they want to comment or weigh in here.

4Nines elchorizo smalltowngirl13
/----/ I'm using a PC with Windows 10 and Chrome. Yesterday, my PC ran the security updates and I can no longer use the Rich Text editor to post a reply. I tried Firefox and get the Browser Security Alerts you mentioned and it blocks me from accessing USMB. I can access the board on IE but the Rich Text is grayed out as well. Any suggestions?
/----/ Thanks for the tip but Rich Text was checked off. I unchecked it, saved then checked it off and saved again but it didn't help.

Just to be clear -- because "checked off" is a little ambiguous. That box NEEDS a check mark in it.
/----/ Yes, I understood.
View attachment 149201

Cool.. Let's see if the Admin reply. YOU MIGHT -- try searching ("rich text" enable Chrome) and see if there is a preference there that got reset with the update.
/---/ I just tried Safari on my iPhone and it has the same issue. I don't think it's on my end.

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