A Year Since MH-17 Tragedy

Another one of the facts on which I would like to pay attention - objective information.

And here the situation is the same as with black and white guy.

I gave proof ... the elected deputies do not give a talk. In Parliament !!!
What right do they have?

They killed a lot of journalists and some MPs, who did not agree.

In your country there are parties that can threaten to kill the president !!!

How in such a country feel themselves ordinary citizens? If around the country ride pickups with machine guns?


Away from the front lines. They can kill a person and throw the body in the trunk.
Hey, “patriots”, where are you? We were told a sad story about two guys, and what conclusions we should make about MH17 after that?

I gave proof ... the elected deputies do not give a talk. In Parliament !!!
What right do they have?

BTW, you should gather your objective information more thoroughly. The fourth video in the post 150 was released in the times of Yanukovych.
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BTW, you should gather your objective information more thoroughly. The fourth video in the post 150 was released in the times of Yanukovych.
Who signed as "LOL"? =))))

Thank you. This is a very important point.
Sorry, I'm not an expert in the "rada"-mixfight. I thought it was other season =)))

But since then much has changed, right?
A new format - 1 v 1.
Fighter clearly improved technique of blows by hands.
And what the name of this format?
It was a judge?))

Or this format. - "Mr President... Go on dick"=)))
Thank you. This is a very important point.
Sorry, I'm not an expert in the "rada"-mixfight. I thought it was other season =)))

You are welcome.

We are talking about the freedom of speech? Okay, I found one video. The video was shot in Crimea in the March of 2014 when the “liberation of the peninsula began”. Briefly, the old woman is saying that she doesn’t want to see “the liberators” on her land and that Crimea is Ukraine.

But since then much has changed, right?
A new format - 1 v 1.
Fighter clearly improved technique of blows by hands.
And what the name of this format?
It was a judge?))

Yeah, I understand that a judge in a trash can also has something to do with MH17.

So, thanks to you, we have seen here the atrocities committed by the fascist junta. Do I understand correctly that you are trying to say that the Russian rulers seeing all of that have decided to protect innocent people of Donbass, but something has gone in a wrong direction and as a result of it the tragedy with MH17 has taken place?
Hey, “patriots”, where are you? We were told a sad story about two guys, and what conclusions we should make about MH17 after that?
Unfortunately, the story is a long one. Because the news say many lies ...
Boeing is not a separate event. He is part of the puzzle.
By this I think you need to try to see the whole picture.

I will say to you the secret - Crimea was never annexed.
Annexation (Latin ad, to, and nexus, joining) is the forcible acquisition of a state's territory by another state

In Crimea, there were no deaths. There was a referendum.

Ukraine said that the Crimean parliament had no right.
And who has the right to encroach on the lives of the legitimate president?

Law is that works for everyone and always.

When 18-year-old morons overthrow President ... it's not the law.

This is an indication that the government authorized Ukraine - political impotents.
Who for 20 years has not been able to solve those issues, coordinate standing in the country.

In the US, was a civil war between north and south. Russia is to blame?
No. Just off the north and south had different views. And the problem is not solved peacefully.

As a result, many Americans gave their lives for what would be the state, a model that allows all to live peacefully in the United States.

Lugansk, Donetsk and Crimea would federalization. What they could make their laws. How and when to celebrate the holiday. The language they speak.
In the US, each state may adopt their own laws. Why is it in the United States but can not be in Donetsk?

People want
1) Security
2) that the law protects their interests

It is a crime?

Ukraine for 20 years could not give it to people.
Who is to blame?
Russia, which allows your workers get to work in Russia? What people could feed the family in the Ukraine. Because the government of Ukraine did not solve the problem of unemployment.
Or give a discount on gas?
Thank you. This is a very important point.
Sorry, I'm not an expert in the "rada"-mixfight. I thought it was other season =)))

You are welcome.

We are talking about the freedom of speech? Okay, I found one video. The video was shot in Crimea in the March of 2014 when the “liberation of the peninsula began”. Briefly, the old woman is saying that she doesn’t want to see “the liberators” on her land and that Crimea is Ukraine.

SONC thinks a video of an old woman being knocked down by a thug is funny. All those uniformed men standing around watching and not one man enough to protect her. Separatist are horrible human beings.
Unfortunately, the story is a long one. Because the news say many lies ...

I think that in this case you should significantly shorten your story, because I want to see the story’s end before I die.

I will say to you the secret - Crimea was never annexed.
Annexation (Latin ad, to, and nexus, joining) is the forcible acquisition of a state's territory by another state

What did you do a year and a half ago? You should have provided this explanation to the UN General Assembly when it condemned Russia for the annexation. I know, they are losers and know nothing about international law.

BTW, what about Crimean Tatars?

People want
1) Security
2) that the law protects their interests

So, Russia provides security and protection for the people of Donbass?

Ukraine for 20 years could not give it to people.
Who is to blame?
Russia, which allows your workers get to work in Russia? What people could feed the family in the Ukraine. Because the government of Ukraine did not solve the problem of unemployment.
Or give a discount on gas?

What conclusions should we make? Of course, you will claim that Russia worries about common people in Ukraine. But I have one trouble with this reasoning. Let’s imagine that Russia cuts all “benefits” for Ukraine, and this provokes even more significant decrease in the standard of living in Ukraine, there will be unrests and after that there will be the overthrowing of the junta. Of course, the possible unrests are not a pleasant thing, but it is better that living under the fascist junta. Take a look at your and your friends’ posts above. Do you understand how terrible the situation is in Ukraine now? What can be worse than it? And despite that, the discounts on gas and other “benefits” are in place. And now I have come to a conclusion and this conclusion ... Russia is virtually supporting the fascist junta. o_O
Of course, the possible unrests are not a pleasant thing, but it is better that living under the fascist junta. Take a look at your and your friends’ posts above. Do you understand how terrible the situation is in Ukraine now? What can be worse than it?

Separatist are horrible human beings.

Has anybody had any doubts about it, except of Russian "patriots"? :dunno:
Do you contradict yourself ESay? Is your hatred of Russia so great that you let it cloud your judgment? If you don't like the fascist junta why would you not take a stand against it and those that have empowered it instead of those that resist it? Don't you understand that the West is using the facist elements in your country to further their own agenda? Do you not learn anything from watching what the West has done to the Middle East? Wake up man.
Separatist are horrible human beings.
Has anybody had any doubts about it, except of Russian "patriots"? :dunno:
This is an excellent example of propaganda, thank you for it.
But first I'm going to ask you a favor.
Translate please that says this nationalist 0: 15+

Translate please get that highlighted in red in this image (facebook Ukrainian officials).

This is an excellent example of propaganda, thank you for it.

Oh, as I can see this my statement caught your and your friends’ fancy. You are welcome.
Suddenly, the idea came to mind “Why not to use the tactic of Russian “patriots”. It should be interesting.” I am glad that you liked it. I will be repeating that from time to time.

But first I'm going to ask you a favor.

Man, it is interesting to mix up with you, but not to such an extent. Ask your friends, I am sure they will help you.

And I am not sure what you are trying to prove by posting this picture again. If I remember correctly, we have already come to the conclusion that the junta is absolute evil. What is unclear for me is why the Russian rulers are supporting the junta economically and whether Russia is protecting the people of Donbass or not.

Tatars also voted. Or what do you want to ask? Please specify your question.

If they decide to demand national autonomy or proclaim their own state.
Do you contradict yourself ESay? Is your hatred of Russia so great that you let it cloud your judgment? If you don't like the fascist junta why would you not take a stand against it and those that have empowered it instead of those that resist it?

I recommend you to reread my post with a certain amount of scepticism.
Do you not learn anything from watching what the West has done to the Middle East? Wake up man.

If I understand correctly, you live in the US. And you strongly disagree with some things which exist in the US and which the US provoke around the world. Right? Can you say briefly what you want to change and what you have done in order to change something?
Do you not learn anything from watching what the West has done to the Middle East? Wake up man.

If I understand correctly, you live in the US. And you strongly disagree with some things which exist in the US and which the US provoke around the world. Right? Can you say briefly what you want to change and what you have done in order to change something?

Before you ask Tehon about what he has done to change something, may be we could hear from you what you, proud Ukrainian, have done to change something in your wonderland of Uk-Ruin. I can't wait to know...
Oh, as I can see this my statement caught your and your friends’ fancy. You are welcome.
Suddenly, the idea came to mind “Why not to use the tactic of Russian “patriots”. It should be interesting.” I am glad that you liked it. I will be repeating that from time to time.
You always used the tactics the Ukrainian government and the promotion of the United States - show 1 frame.
Do not write context. Do not write the story.
And yes I really funny to read your clown posts.

Who are you writing from powerlessness, every time when you realize that the evidence of the crimes of power in Kiev show too much.

In Kiev, killed 100 people, burned police.
And all you have to say in response - look, they pushed grandmother!

I asked you to transfer important information.
Not including a reverse gear ... translate it.
What did you do a year and a half ago? You should have provided this explanation to the UN General Assembly when it condemned Russia for the annexation. I know, they are losers and know nothing about international law.
BTW, what about Crimean Tatars?

Below you'll find enough information about Crimea as a part of Russia as well as lots of links for you, links-lover, and stories from European witnesses.

A delegation of French lawmakers has come to Russia recently to pay a visit to the Crimea – the first such visit since the region’s accession to the Russian Federation in March 2014.

"We saw happy people here who live in Crimea and have returned to Russia. We talked to young people. It’s a very different picture from what is shown in our countries. I saw such a warm welcome here. We had a completely different idea about Crimea [before the visit]," one of the 10 lawmakers told journalists after talking to residents of the Crimean city of Yalta.
French Lawmakers Surprised by Happy Citizens in Crimea s Yalta Sputnik International

“I am very happy that I came here, because listening to you [residents of Crimea], I understand the position, which is not expressed anywhere – in any of the media in Europe, in none of the Parliaments of Europe, nor in the European Parliament or the Council of Europe, nor the OSCE,”di Borgo said.

"I think public opinion is making a gradual evolution,"he concluded. "I hope our trip to Russia will speed up this evolution, as the French government will have to give a bigger measure of attention to this opinion at a certain point."
No grounds to keep Russia sanctions in place French MPs visiting Crimea RT News
TASS Russia - French lawmakers say Crimea s return to Russia legitimate

A visit to a French military cemetery [the biggest cemetery of French soldiers abroad] was included into their agenda too. Official Kiev kept misinforming the world about bad condition of the cemetery and possible plans of destroying it. The lawmakers could see with their own eyes: the Memorial was in an ideal condition. They told the press later, what a huge difference was between the way Western Media reported about the situation in Crimea and reality.

Official Kiev was pretty mad, because French lawmakers could see the truth about Crimea (which Ukraine was trying to hide so badly) with their own eyes and tell the Western world about it.
Ukrainian MP threatens French lawmakers with jail after their visit to Crimea Veterans Today
Kiev to Ban French Lawmakers from Entering Ukraine for Visiting Crimea Sputnik International

French lawmaker Jacques Myard asked her to refrain from the use of the term ‘annexation’ in respect of the recent development in Crimea. "It is a kind of return to a natural course of history, since Crimea has always belonged to Russia," he said. "I think we must face up to reality. There is no bigger mistake in foreign politics that denial of the reality, and our Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius keeps on saying we are going to plunge into no wars over Crimea. So, time is coming when we must emerge from the state of deception and begin reckon with reality."
TASS World - Crimea has always belonged to Russia French lawmaker

And the info below is just for you, Camp. It’s about Crimean Tatars, whom you worry so much about.

The French lawmakers became convinced that Crimea had avoided war and anarchy unlike many trouble spots in Ukraine, the magazine went on to say. "The military and police presence was moderate. The people of Crimea did not look like they were leaving under occupation. On the contrary, they were happy that they had made their choice in favor of Russia and could now live in peace," the report’s author who accompanied the French lawmakers on their Crimean voyage said.

"It is necessary to visit a place yourself in order to understand how things are," the French lawmaker stressed.
Commenting on the position of Crimean Tatars during his stay in Sevastopol, Mariani said they did not look unhappy at all.
"Lots of distorted information is roaming around Europe. I met Crimean Tatars in Yalta. They did not look unhappy at all. On the contrary, they invited me to attend their forum and said that after Crimea’s reunification with Russia their language was granted official status," Mariani said.
TASS World - French lawmakers convinced that Crimea avoided war and anarchy Valleurs Actuelles

German and Italian lawmakers may visit the Crimean Peninsula following the French delegation.
German Parliamentarians to Discuss Visit to Crimea Sputnik International
Italian Lawmakers Trip to Crimea Unlikely to Interest Media - Politician Sputnik International

Also Joe Lynn Turner, the legendary ex-singer for Deep Purple and Rainbow, professed his love for Crimea and claimed that he was not afraid of getting slapped with Western sanctions for having visited the Russian peninsula. He will present his shows in Crimea this weekend.The singer elaborated that the Western vision of what is going on in Crimea bears no relation to reality, and nailed the West for its blatant propaganda campaign aimed against the Russian peninsula.

"The truth is on your side," the legendary singer told Crimeans, adding that he believes everything will be fine.
Deep Purple s Ex-Vocalist Turner Professes His Love for Russian Crimea Sputnik International

So, let’s see where we are now: Ukrainian/Western anti-Russian propaganda has been based on 3 alleged accusations:

1. Annexation of Crimea;
2. Presence of Russian regular troops in SE Ukraine (no adequate proof has been presented);
3. Downing of Malaysian Boeing more than a year ago (no adequate proof has been resented).

As soon as the Western world figures out all above has been lies, all anti-Russian propaganda will collapse as a house of cards and it will be “Game over” for Kiev Junta. As we can see, 'Accusation N 1' is about to fade away, that’s why official Kiev was so scared to death and so mad about French lawmakers’ visit to Crimea.
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You always used the tactics the Ukrainian government and the promotion of the United States - show 1 frame.
Do not write context. Do not write the story.
And yes I really funny to read your clown posts.

Yeah, unfortunately it is impossible to speak with Russian “patriots” seriously. So, my special clown posts are intended to special clowns. Enjoy!

Who are you writing from powerlessness, every time when you realize that the evidence of the crimes of power in Kiev show too much.

In Kiev, killed 100 people, burned police.
And all you have to say in response - look, they pushed grandmother!

Frankly, I haven’t understood much from this passage, but if you are again talking about the junta, then I will again repeat you – you have convinced me that the junta is absolute evil. They are terrible people. But after that I have two questions, just for clarification (I answered them above but you must have overlooked them): 1. Why is the Russian government supporting the junta economically (if I remember correctly, it is you mentioned about the discounts on gas); 2. Is the Russian government protecting the people of Donbass from the nasty fascist junta?

I asked you to transfer important information.
Not including a reverse gear ... translate it.

Wake up, dude. It is a forum. Nobody owes you anything here. If you can’t translate something and your friends have refused to help you, then hire a translator.
Do you contradict yourself ESay? Is your hatred of Russia so great that you let it cloud your judgment? If you don't like the fascist junta why would you not take a stand against it and those that have empowered it instead of those that resist it?

I recommend you to reread my post with a certain amount of scepticism.
No worries, I am skeptical of you in general. Why avoid the questions, are they difficult?

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