A side issue of the polls...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Something that hasn't been discussed is if the black vote would turn out for Hillary. Obama got a very high turn out and I don't think that will happen for Hildabeast. When called for a poll, they may say they will vote for her, but actually turning out for real voting, I don't see it. Let's face it...she's not black.

And, Bernie voters are not warming up to her. Just look at the crowds, or lack of them. come out to hear her speak. They choose venues with little room and get perhaps 100-150 people if that. Trump is still getting over 10,000 for each rally. Now that passion will speak to who shows up to vote.
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How in the mutherfuggin'world could any non1%er american be happy with "either" of the "choices" the system vomitted up?
We are all voting against Trump for the most part. The disgust at his hateful rhetoric and fear of his retarded foriegn policy will more than make up for any apathy you imagine. When the Trump supporters finally realize that most people respond negatively to meanness and ridicule maybe, just maybe, they may see why this all went terribly wrong for them. I doubt it though. They would rather think Hillary cheated than examine the character flaws that compel them to follow such a horrible man.
We are all voting against Trump for the most part. The disgust at his hateful rhetoric and fear of his retarded foriegn policy will more than make up for any apathy you imagine. When the Trump supporters finally realize that most people respond negatively to meanness and ridicule maybe, just maybe, they may see why this all went terribly wrong for them. I doubt it though. They would rather think Hillary cheated than examine the character flaws that compel them to follow such a horrible man.

Character flaws??? Compared to Hillary??? LOL!!
We are all voting against Trump for the most part. The disgust at his hateful rhetoric and fear of his retarded foriegn policy will more than make up for any apathy you imagine. When the Trump supporters finally realize that most people respond negatively to meanness and ridicule maybe, just maybe, they may see why this all went terribly wrong for them. I doubt it though. They would rather think Hillary cheated than examine the character flaws that compel them to follow such a horrible man.

Character flaws??? Compared to Hillary??? LOL!!
Certainly but I know exactly what to expect from her. Your man is such a random unknown quantity that you cannot say with certainty
what he would do once the mantle of executive power is put on him. Be honest here, do you really think he could be trusted with nukes?
We are all voting against Trump for the most part. The disgust at his hateful rhetoric and fear of his retarded foriegn policy will more than make up for any apathy you imagine. When the Trump supporters finally realize that most people respond negatively to meanness and ridicule maybe, just maybe, they may see why this all went terribly wrong for them. I doubt it though. They would rather think Hillary cheated than examine the character flaws that compel them to follow such a horrible man.

Character flaws??? Compared to Hillary??? LOL!!
Certainly but I know exactly what to expect from her. Your man is such a random unknown quantity that you cannot say with certainty
what he would do once the mantle of executive power is put on him. Be honest here, do you really think he could be trusted with nukes?

Absolutely. Even the Russians trust him more than they do Hillary. You're the one supporting the war hawk.

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