Something that hasn't been discussed is if the black vote would turn out for Hillary. Obama got a very high turn out and I don't think that will happen for Hildabeast. When called for a poll, they may say they will vote for her, but actually turning out for real voting, I don't see it. Let's face it...she's not black.
And, Bernie voters are not warming up to her. Just look at the crowds, or lack of them. come out to hear her speak. They choose venues with little room and get perhaps 100-150 people if that. Trump is still getting over 10,000 for each rally. Now that passion will speak to who shows up to vote.
And, Bernie voters are not warming up to her. Just look at the crowds, or lack of them. come out to hear her speak. They choose venues with little room and get perhaps 100-150 people if that. Trump is still getting over 10,000 for each rally. Now that passion will speak to who shows up to vote.
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