A Refresher Course On Russia-Gate

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Chris Wallace was trying to out-chuck Chuck this morning as his hatred of Ivanka for stealing his parking places escalates. Wallace even went to a zoning board meeting to limit the President's daughter's entourage from parking near his house down the street. What Wallace and the rest of his slimy ilk won't mention is that they have no scandal so they've invented one. To wit:

Not a single piece of evidence has come forward that the Russians or anybody else hacked Podesta.

Given that there was no "hack", who gave Wikileaks Podesta's emails? Answer: DNC staffer Seth Rich who didn't like what was being done to Bernie and was then murdered in a fake mugging.

All the King's horses and all the King's men have been interviewed by various Congressional committees, finding nothing...nada....zip even resembling "collusion".

Disgraced FBI Director James "slightly nauseous" Comey told the President on 3 occasions he wasn't being investigated but refused to say that in public. He was then fired, leaked confidential memos to a friend who then gave them to the NYTimes. He is now writing a book in which he'll continue to divulge privileged information and be paid handsomely for it.


Don Jr. took a meeting with a woman a music producer claimed was "connected to the Kremlin". No evidence that is true has come forward that she was and she says she isn't. The meeting was a scam intended to trap the Trumps into an adoption scheme. They ended the meeting when it became apparent they'd been hoaxed. Then in a SHOCKING development it turns out there was also a translator at the meeting.

The translator is being portrayed as a former "Soviet officer". The truth is he was a conscript who served two years in a counter-intel unit in some god-forsaken Russian outpost. He had no spycraft training and appeared at the meeting in jeans and a t-shirt. Unfortunately for the "scandal" his name isn't Boris or Ivan.

Meanwhile, the scandal-mongers have ZERO interest in the real and actual collusion, money-laundering, obstruction of justice, and treason committed by Hillary Clinton and her skag satellites with the Russians.
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Trump's behavior over Russia was so over-the-top, it made one wonder why he was so vociferous about it if he had nothing to hide. The best thing for him to do would have been to ignore it, let the Special Prosecutor do his thing, and then the whole thing would go away.

But now we know. His son was involved. It makes sense for a father to react that way.

Whether or not there was anything illegal, the Trump administration and campaign has been denying all along that they had any contact with the Russians during the election. That clearly wasn't the case.
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Trump's behavior over Russia was so over-the-top, it made one wonder why he was so vociferous about it if he had nothing to hide. The best thing for him to do would have been to ignore it, let the Special Prosecutor do his thing, and then the whole thing would go away.

But now we know. His son was involved. It makes sense for a father to react that way.

Whether or not there was anything illegal, the Trump administration and campaign has been denying all along that they had any contact with the Russians during the election. That clearly wasn't the case.

Being accused of treason has that kind of effect on a president. You don't believe a word of this horseshit...you're just happy to stop Trump from fixing the mess your side got us in. Admitting that to yourself might help you stop denying other truths in your life.
Being accused of treason has that kind of effect on a president. You don't believe a word of this horseshit...you're just happy to stop Trump from fixing the mess your side got us in. Admitting that to yourself might help you stop denying other truths in your life.

He isn't being accused of treason by responsible people. Crazy people are.

Just like crazy people accused Obama of treason. But you didn't see Obama go Full Retard when the nutters did it to him.

Or when the batshit retards accused Obama of being Kenyan. He just laughed it off.
Trump's behavior over Russia was so over-the-top, it made one wonder why he was so vociferous about it if he had nothing to hide. The best thing for him to do would have been to ignore it, let the Special Prosecutor do his thing, and then the whole thing would go away.

But now we know. His son was involved. It makes sense for a father to react that way.

Whether or not there was anything illegal, the Trump administration and campaign has been denying all along that they had any contact with the Russians during the election. That clearly wasn't the case.

As a troll, you should recognize another troll, bub.
Hmmmm...not a single prog disputes the facts as I laid them out yet still claim they got enough to not only impeach the President, but jail his entire family on Shark Island.
Liberals lie, lets remember this in 2018 and 2020 they lie through their filthy big fat lying mouths. So do their fake news pals in the liberal media.

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