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Jun 29, 2008
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USMB Rules & Regulations


Some revisions exist (3/30/07):
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Also, try reading the articles you link to once in a while.
I generally like the rules of USMB and appreciate their right to impose whatever rules they like. This site is one of the few on the web that actually allows and encourages free speech to the point where people can feel comfortable posting essentially whatever they want, no matter how unpopular or factually unsound or even offensive...

But I still contend that it isn't a copywright violation to post articles in their entirety as long as you reference the source fully. I have no problem with the rule, however, as it prevent yahoos from posting ridiculously long posts which can mistakenly be attributed to the poster, and which take up too much space. But my understanding (and I could be wrong) is that once something is published, it is in no way a copywright violation to circulate that publication in it's entirety ON THE INTERNET, so long as it isn't done for gain and so long as proper due is given.

I could be wrong. But as I said, I like the rule or you have idiots who never post their own crap and just pull stuff from other places and bore the crap out of everyone who reads it, but I don't believe it's an actual infringement.
I generally like the rules of USMB and appreciate their right to impose whatever rules they like. This site is one of the few on the web that actually allows and encourages free speech to the point where people can feel comfortable posting essentially whatever they want, no matter how unpopular or factually unsound or even offensive...

But I still contend that it isn't a copywright violation to post articles in their entirety as long as you reference the source fully. I have no problem with the rule, however, as it prevent yahoos from posting ridiculously long posts which can mistakenly be attributed to the poster, and which take up too much space. But my understanding (and I could be wrong) is that once something is published, it is in no way a copywright violation to circulate that publication in it's entirety ON THE INTERNET, so long as it isn't done for gain and so long as proper due is given.

I could be wrong. But as I said, I like the rule or you have idiots who never post their own crap and just pull stuff from other places and bore the crap out of everyone who reads it, but I don't believe it's an actual infringement.

we've gotten angry emails from the lawyers of the holders of some copyrighted material who disagree with you. i'm not saying they're right, but it's easier to do it the way we do than to have to deal with possible liability, imo.
I generally like the rules of USMB and appreciate their right to impose whatever rules they like. This site is one of the few on the web that actually allows and encourages free speech to the point where people can feel comfortable posting essentially whatever they want, no matter how unpopular or factually unsound or even offensive...

But I still contend that it isn't a copywright violation to post articles in their entirety as long as you reference the source fully. I have no problem with the rule, however, as it prevent yahoos from posting ridiculously long posts which can mistakenly be attributed to the poster, and which take up too much space. But my understanding (and I could be wrong) is that once something is published, it is in no way a copywright violation to circulate that publication in it's entirety ON THE INTERNET, so long as it isn't done for gain and so long as proper due is given.

I could be wrong. But as I said, I like the rule or you have idiots who never post their own crap and just pull stuff from other places and bore the crap out of everyone who reads it, but I don't believe it's an actual infringement.

You could be correct AB. There have been many instances where I've come across the very same article written by the very same person on several different websites, when I'm sure the author didn't publish it to all them him/herself.

But, as Dell pointed out, if the board is taking heat from people about posting full articles, I'd say rule against it. That and your point. Some twits here post ridiculously long articles, and then reply's are made using quote, and pages get absurdly long.
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I did some research. It's ambiguous.

When fuzzy, always best to come down on the side of safety. We have plenty of options at our disposal.
we've gotten angry emails from the lawyers of the holders of some copyrighted material who disagree with you. i'm not saying they're right, but it's easier to do it the way we do than to have to deal with possible liability, imo.

I agree.

USMB cannot afford to be exposed to more Liability.

I did some research. It's ambiguous.

When fuzzy, always best to come down on the side of safety. We have plenty of options at our disposal.


Like so many say, there aren't too many rules on here like other places, so it shouldn't be TOO hard to follow the few rules we do have.
You'd be cute if you weren't so damn, bossy. Make Gunny give us the refresher course next time.
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Reactions: 007
You'd be cute if you weren't so damn, bossy. Make Gunny give us the refresher course next time.
When Gunny retires and appoints Echo as his heir, maybe you will have learned to accept women in positions of authority. :muahaha:
yea yea us poor posters are being redded again...for what.....o long posts...

yet i have flashing mal...upper right hand....why is it flashing and why is it pea green now?
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