A Real President

wait, you all weren’t calling for lockdowns?

and the numbers don’t lie 3.5 percent, is 3.5 percent.
Those represent NEW JOBS, from NEW BUSINESSES that replaced the 97,000 businesses that went bankrupt under Trumps COVID incompetence.
sorry the trump vaccines did not keep you from getting covid…especially one of the many xiden variants that he allowed to flood our country and kill a record number of people

Trump rushed a vaccine that he failed to endorse and his followers refused to take
Trump rushed a vaccine that he failed to endorse and his followers refused to take
Not to ignore how Trump tried to downplay his own case of COVID.

After doctors had to get emergency authorization for around $140,000 in experimental COVID treatments to keep Trump off a ventilator.

Trump even infected the secret service agents around him. Especially after insisting on a photo-op, where they drove him around Walter Reed in a hermetically sealed vehicle.
Those represent NEW JOBS, from NEW BUSINESSES that replaced the 97,000 businesses that went bankrupt under Trumps COVID incompetence.
haha sorry no…it took two years to get jobs back to trump levels because existence totally screwed the recovery up and created a new pandemic when he floated the nation with his variants…created a record number of deaths from the virus. The only jobs he created were at the morgue
That's because NEW businesses had to create NEW JOBS.

How many times are you going to deny we lost 97,000 businesses, along with those jobs, that were never coming back.
No, it took so long because Xiden screwed up the recovery, and created a new pandemic with all th new variants. Remember he got so discouraged, he finally surrendered and said that his Federal Govt couldn't find the solution......to look some place else....this was after record deaths
Trump levels lost 2 million jobs

Biden has gained 9 million jobs since taking over for “Trump Levels”
no, people went back to work, and now we are back at Trump level of 3.5 percent, prior to the pandemic, and xiden's mishandling. Jan 2020, 3.5 percent....

Imagine, having a real President, the first since President Obama! Let's look at some accomplishments:

Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, with immediate inflation stabilization,
and money to fight climate change and
money to continue Obamacare, and
restrictions on the cost of insulin and drugs for medicare recipients

A new bill to spur semiconductor production.

Passage of the "burn pits" bill to aid our veterans.

The 2021 infrastructure law with direct benefits to all Americans.

And, one of the biggest, with the help of oil companies, reduction in the price of gasoline. (Hard to understand this one since the oil companies usually favor Republicans who fight to protect them. Guess they haven't heard of the 2022 elections coming up; you would think they would want to keep prices up there.

And, what did Trump accomplish? A wall and income tax reduction for wealthy Americans. How about that!
I'd like to know where you guys get your fermented kool aid.
Do you check under your bed at night, just to make sure Trump isn't there? Lol, no because he lives in your head 24/7. If Mueller didn't get him, nobody will.


this is gonna be so fun when he gets indicted. holy crap!
Partly, but the liberal policies kind of pushed them out of the US with some of the highest taxes
in top tier countries.

during the most prosperous years 50's thru the 60s, the tax rate was more than double for bigcorp during eisenhower's time WITH strong unions ;& kennedy dropped it down a few percentage points. & unions were still strong. corporations paid their workers well & re invested in their business to keep their tax rate low.

now, they open up shop overseas where none of that exists, but the CEOs are fat & happy.
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Imagine, having a real President, the first since President Obama! Let's look at some accomplishments:

Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, with immediate inflation stabilization,
and money to fight climate change and
money to continue Obamacare, and
restrictions on the cost of insulin and drugs for medicare recipients

A new bill to spur semiconductor production.

Passage of the "burn pits" bill to aid our veterans.

The 2021 infrastructure law with direct benefits to all Americans.

And, one of the biggest, with the help of oil companies, reduction in the price of gasoline. (Hard to understand this one since the oil companies usually favor Republicans who fight to protect them. Guess they haven't heard of the 2022 elections coming up; you would think they would want to keep prices up there.

And, what did Trump accomplish? A wall and income tax reduction for wealthy Americans. How about that!
You cant possibly be this naive. At this point, Biden would have to bring Christ back from the dead in order to compensate for his endless blunders and awful performance as a president. Thats not even mentioning the Hunter corruption shit.
wait, you all weren’t calling for lockdowns?

and the numbers don’t lie 3.5 percent, is 3.5 percent.

you are saying that 3.5 = 3.5 as if all things are exactly the same now as b4 donny let americans die.

when the TRUTH is 3.5 percent NOW include brand NEW SPANKING JOBS that have been created ... not only people coming back into their old jobs.
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That’s it?
All Trump did in four years is give tax cuts to his rich buddies?


one thing donny did was made people freak when they thought perhaps obamacare would be dismantled into oblivion - so during his regime, record numbers of people have signed up because they realized just how much it WAS a big fucking deal.
you are saying that 3.5 = 3.5 as if all things are exactly the same now as b4 donny let americans die.

when the THRUTH is 3.5 percent NOW include brand NEW SPANKING JOBS that have been created ... not only people coming back into their old jobs.
Actually it was Xiden that let more people die...record numbers

Everything isn't the same I'll give you that, so many more people have died due to Xiden's variant pandemic....so 3.5 percent is not nearly as many as before

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