A radio DJ says Mike Myers had him fired from 'The Love Guru' because he 'made eye contact with him'

Aug 6, 2012
Wow. Canadians get a little money and fame and then...

In "The Love Guru," Myers plays Maurice Pitka, a man raised by a guru who aims to become a "love guru" so that women will love him. Myers wore a long wig and a fake beard for the role, which, Brody said, made him unrecognizable on set.

"So I'm sitting on the set, first day, first hour I'm there. We don't know what he looks like. I don't know what he looks like yet and I just see a man approaching in a long wig, fake beard, and I'm like, 'I think that's Mike Myers,'" Brody said.

He added: "And I look down to not look at him because I don't want to get fired, but I realize I can't let just anyone into the trailer. So I look up, I catch his eye for a second, I give him a nod to let him know I'm cool and then I look away. And within an hour I get a phone call letting me know that I'm fired and I have to get off the set."
Crooked Hillary was an asshole like that. She didn't want any of the SS agents looking at her or any of the lower staff.
Now you're just looking for something to be upset about. Nobody cares about something so silly. You crazy rightwingers gotta have something to rant about, or your head will explode, won't it?

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