A question for Obama's noninee to the SCotUS

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Like the 1st and 4th amendments, the 2nd amendment provides specific constitutional protection for a fundamental right, held by each person, individually.

Do you believe restrictions on the rights protected by the 2nd should be subject to strict scrutiny or should they be scrutinized at some lower level?

If the latter, what level of scrutiny is appropriate, and why?
It's a dumb question. If there was a defined range of scrutiny where strict, or any other form of scrutiney could be quantified, you might have a valid question. As it is, your question means nothing.
It's a dumb question. If there was a defined range of scrutiny where strict, or any other form of scrutiney could be quantified, you might have a valid question. As it is, your question means nothing.
Thank you for, again, proving beyond any doubt, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Keep up the good work.
It's a dumb question. If there was a defined range of scrutiny where strict, or any other form of scrutiney could be quantified, you might have a valid question. As it is, your question means nothing.
Thank you for, again, proving beyond any doubt, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Keep up the good work.

OK. Show me where anybody has defined what "strict scrutiney" is in relation to the constitution. or any other level of scruteny, for that matter.
It's a dumb question. If there was a defined range of scrutiny where strict, or any other form of scrutiney could be quantified, you might have a valid question. As it is, your question means nothing.
Derp along

The question is valid
Define the dividing line between strict scruteny, or any other kind of scruteny.
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