CDZ A Possibly Stupid Move on my part

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
I tried to sell my Sept XSP put hedge since it was getting near time to buy my Dec hedge. My trade was rejected because I didn't have a limit price and no one had bids in. Therefore I bought a modest amount more.
I tried to sell my Sept XSP put hedge since it was getting near time to buy my Dec hedge. My trade was rejected because I didn't have a limit price and no one had bids in. Therefore I bought a modest amount more.

You are a very knowledgeable investor, but why post this in the CDZ?
It avoids certain posters who know things that are not so and troll in the Stock forum. Getting told I don't understand how things work when talking about a standard technique is a pain.
It avoids certain posters who "know" things that are not so and troll in the Stock forum. Getting told I don't understand how things work when talking about a standard technique is a pain.

I can understand and empathize with that sentiment for that phenomenon is not limited to remarks offered about financial investing. The forums -- all of them on USMB -- strangely attract folks who seem to think that merely because they have a view on something that their view merits the rest of us knowing of it.
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