A "One-State" Solution


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The problem for the Israeli's is that they face the constant threat from people who hate them and who breed excessively. So a "One-State Solution" becomes a non-started because the said State would have to have some semblance of "democracy," and the Arabs would very quickly overwhelm the jews with numbers.

But what if Israel fortified its "constitution" (or whatever the founding document is) to make it cast in concrete that Israel will always and forever be a "Jewish State," then granted citizenship to everyone living in the whole territory (Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights - maybe not Gaza), who is willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Israel State?

Many big obstacles are apparent, not the least of which is that once such a move were started, it could never be turned back.

But is it something worth exploring?
They are allowed to lie to the infidel...
The problem for the Israeli's is that they face the constant threat from people who hate them and who breed excessively. So a "One-State Solution" becomes a non-started because the said State would have to have some semblance of "democracy," and the Arabs would very quickly overwhelm the jews with numbers.

But what if Israel fortified its "constitution" (or whatever the founding document is) to make it cast in concrete that Israel will always and forever be a "Jewish State," then granted citizenship to everyone living in the whole territory (Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights - maybe not Gaza), who is willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Israel State?

Many big obstacles are apparent, not the least of which is that once such a move were started, it could never be turned back.

But is it something worth exploring?
The problem for the Israeli's is that they face the constant threat from people who hate them and who breed excessively. So a "One-State Solution" becomes a non-started because the said State would have to have some semblance of "democracy," and the Arabs would very quickly overwhelm the jews with numbers.

But what if Israel fortified its "constitution" (or whatever the founding document is) to make it cast in concrete that Israel will always and forever be a "Jewish State," then granted citizenship to everyone living in the whole territory (Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights - maybe not Gaza), who is willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Israel State?

Many big obstacles are apparent, not the least of which is that once such a move were started, it could never be turned back.

But is it something worth exploring?
How is that oath enforced? What happens in the election following that where the rightwing in Israel declares them all in violation of their oaths as a means of getting more votes?
The most difficult thing to understand about the Israel / Palestinian Conflict is why people who aren't Israeli or Palestinian give a fetid dingo's kidney how many states there are?
I say we let them blow each other to smithereens. Last team standing takes it all.
If, and that's a HUGE "if", you got the Arabs living in Israel to agree and if you can overcome the big obstacles, there is still the response of the nations surrounding Israel that would be a problem. I don't see Iran, Iraq, Syria, and even Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt accepting the proposition quietly.
For Coyote-

1 "Hudaibiya" - Islamic practice of lying to Infidels Hudaibiya is a truce Mohammad made with a certain Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah, wherein Mohammad ordered Muslims to lie to the Jews and say they renounced Islam so they could infiltrate as spies, and setup and ambush to break the truce.
Originally posted by DGS49
But what if Israel fortified its "constitution" (or whatever the founding document is) to make it cast in concrete that Israel will always and forever be a "Jewish State," then granted citizenship to everyone living in the whole territory (Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights - maybe not Gaza), who is willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Israel State?

If you really believe a strongly worded text written on a piece of paper together with an "oath of allegiance" will protect and preserve the "jewish character" of the state for decades and centuries to come regardless of Israel's demographics I wish you luck... because you're gonna need it.
The problem for the Israeli's is that they face the constant threat from people who hate them and who breed excessively. So a "One-State Solution" becomes a non-started because the said State would have to have some semblance of "democracy," and the Arabs would very quickly overwhelm the jews with numbers.

But what if Israel fortified its "constitution" (or whatever the founding document is) to make it cast in concrete that Israel will always and forever be a "Jewish State," then granted citizenship to everyone living in the whole territory (Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights - maybe not Gaza), who is willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Israel State?

Many big obstacles are apparent, not the least of which is that once such a move were started, it could never be turned back.

But is it something worth exploring?

Yeah, ask South Africa how well that sort of thing works out.

The problem with that sort of thing is that what defines "Jewish"... Jews have been arguing about that for thousands of years... which is why you have so many different sects.
The problem for the Israeli's is that they face the constant threat from people who hate them and who breed excessively. So a "One-State Solution" becomes a non-started because the said State would have to have some semblance of "democracy," and the Arabs would very quickly overwhelm the jews with numbers.

But what if Israel fortified its "constitution" (or whatever the founding document is) to make it cast in concrete that Israel will always and forever be a "Jewish State," then granted citizenship to everyone living in the whole territory (Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights - maybe not Gaza), who is willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Israel State?

Many big obstacles are apparent, not the least of which is that once such a move were started, it could never be turned back.

But is it something worth exploring?

This was exactly the central discussion of the recent elections.
Arabs used to invest billions in this agenda for years, now that Israelis voted it in, they cry foul.
Allegiance, national service, citizenship is exactly what's on the table.

Sovereignty Movement - Women In Green

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Nadia Matar - Women In Green

Gedaliah Blum speaks with Nadia Matar of the Ribonut.co.il movement (Sovereignty) and how we all can all take part here with the cause.

The real demographic balance between Israelis and Palestinians.

Dr. Guy Bechor discusses the actual demographic balance between Israel and the Palestinians on Israel TV Channel 2's morning show. His data are aligned with those set out in Caroline Glick's book: The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in The Middle East and point to the same policy conclusions.

Anyone who compares SA to Israel is an idiot. JoeB is case in point. Loser.

You might have a point. SA was able to fairly end Apartheid without mass slaughters. I don't think the End of ZIonism will be as pretty.

Your antisemitism is noted. Want to end Zionism? I welcome you to start with me. See how that goes for you.
The problem for the Israeli's is that they face the constant threat from people who hate them and who breed excessively. So a "One-State Solution" becomes a non-started because the said State would have to have some semblance of "democracy," and the Arabs would very quickly overwhelm the jews with numbers.

But what if Israel fortified its "constitution" (or whatever the founding document is) to make it cast in concrete that Israel will always and forever be a "Jewish State," then granted citizenship to everyone living in the whole territory (Israel, West Bank, Golan Heights - maybe not Gaza), who is willing to swear an oath of allegiance to the Israel State?

Many big obstacles are apparent, not the least of which is that once such a move were started, it could never be turned back.

But is it something worth exploring?

No; it’s not. Olmert offered all of Gaza and the Majority of the W. Bank which was rejected. They could have had their “ state” long ago
You might have a point. SA was able to fairly end Apartheid without mass slaughters. I don't think the End of ZIonism will be as pretty.

If your goal is the "end of Zionism", meaning the end of national liberation for the Jewish people, you are UPHOLDING apartheid not ending it.

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