A-O-C Proposes 70% Marginal Tax for Green New Deal

Did she ever find the apartment she was looking for? If so, follow her own advice and cut off her salary during the shutdown. When that ends, apply her 70% tax and she’ll immediately be evicted for not being able to pay rent. Then she’ll have to move to anacostia where she’ll have an epiphany about reality and she’ll then register as republican. Unless she’s even stupider than she already appears.
Did you notice the 70% marginal rate applies only to those "earning" $10 million or more every year?
So she conveniently leaves her own bracket out.
A-O-C will be earning $174,000 as a congresswoman:

How Much Do Members of Congress Really Get Paid?

"Rank-and-File Members:

The current salary (2017) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year."

Do you see the difference between applying a 70% marginal tax rate to those earning $10,000,000 a year compared to someone earning 1.74% of that amount?
Do you not see the difference in someone making 174k and someone making 30k? 174k is wealthy by comparison. She should tax herself 70%.
Because they have a Depression era mentality, and don't understand - and may actually dislike - prosperity. Microsoft, Apple, Dell, etc. were financed by wealthy investors who were willing to take big risks in the hope of big rewards after banks
Microsoft, Apple, and Google, etc, etc, are free riders and their heroic private investors piggy-backed on taxpayer supported research projects. Privatize the profits by socializing cost: it's how capitalism "succeeds."
Again, you demonstrate how vast and profound your ignorance is. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak engineered the personal compute in their parents' garage after IMB and other major tech companies gave up on the idea: taxpayers underwrote none of it and no one in the government was engaged in trying to build personal computers. The government was the free rider on the ingenuity and business acumen of people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Michael Dell, and the American people were the beneficiaries of the brilliance of these men and not of the politcians and bureaucrats you seem to love so much.
Your ignorance is infinite.
Not unlike Trump's greed.

Taxpayers Helped Apple, but Apple Won’t Help Them

"Over the years. U.S. taxpayers have been very good to Apple.

"Many of the revolutionary technologies that make the iPhone and other products and services 'smart' were funded by the U.S. government.

"Take, for instance, the Internet, GPS, touchscreen display, as well as the latest voice-activated personal assistant, Siri.

"And Apple did not just benefit from government-funded research activities.

"It also received its early stage finance from the U.S. government’s Small Business Investment Company program.

"Venture capitalists entered only after government funding had gotten the company to the critical proof of concept."

Now, you know how capitalism doesn't exist without taxpayers.
Are you trying to sound stupid? The founders of Apple engineered the personal computer in a garage after everyone else had given up on the project. Your post is tantamount to saying Henry Ford owed his success to the person who invented the wheel. Proof of concept was never in question once Jobs and Wozniak ahd created their first personal computer, but financing was not available from traditional sources, or from the government because no one but a few very rich investors believed there would be a market for these computers until business applications were developed; the early market included only hobbyists. If the politicians and bureaucrats you are so in love with had been the only source of capital, there would never have been a personal computer or the prosperity of the 1990's.
Did she ever find the apartment she was looking for? If so, follow her own advice and cut off her salary during the shutdown. When that ends, apply her 70% tax and she’ll immediately be evicted for not being able to pay rent. Then she’ll have to move to anacostia where she’ll have an epiphany about reality and she’ll then register as republican. Unless she’s even stupider than she already appears.
Did you notice the 70% marginal rate applies only to those "earning" $10 million or more every year?
So she conveniently leaves her own bracket out.
A-O-C will be earning $174,000 as a congresswoman:

How Much Do Members of Congress Really Get Paid?

"Rank-and-File Members:

The current salary (2017) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year."

Do you see the difference between applying a 70% marginal tax rate to those earning $10,000,000 a year compared to someone earning 1.74% of that amount?
Do you not see the difference in someone making 174k and someone making 30k? 174k is wealthy by comparison. She should tax herself 70%.
Hide your wallets...............she's after your money............just like she stole tips as a waitress..............

Free shit everywhere..............after your wallets are gone.

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

These far left wing bigot Democrats regard the middle class taxpayers to be their slaves who work to support them.
They see American Taxpayers as their big opportunity to go on an endless looting spree.
Billionaires bribe politicians to shift the tax burden onto the middle class while turning a blind eye to the eternal corruption that makes capitalism profitable.

MAGA, yet?


"How the Billionaires become Billionaires

"Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes.

"The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.

"According to the US Internal Revenue Service, billionaire tax evasion amounts to $458 billion dollars in lost public revenues every year – almost a trillion dollars every two years by this conservative estimate.

"The largest US corporations sheltered over $2.5 trillion dollars in overseas tax havens where they paid no taxes or single digit tax rates.

"Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.

"The recipient bankers invested their interest-free or low interest US bailout funds and earned billions in profits, most resulting from mortgage foreclosures of working class households.

"Through favorable legal rulings and illegal foreclosures, the bankers evicted 9.3 million families. Over 20 million individuals lost their properties, often due to illegal or fraudulent debts."

How Billionaires Become Billionaires - Global Research
So why should a gold-plated con man with little or no regard for the truth or the quaint notion that wealthy scum bags like him have a civic duty to pay taxes get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?

get away with paying no income taxes in 1978, '79, '92, and 1994?

If someone had no taxable income in those years, why would they owe taxes in those years?
Friends in high places?

The Incredible Tax Benefits of Real Estate Investing | Mad Fientist

If someone had no taxable income in those years, why would they owe taxes in those years?
If someone had no taxable income and that same someone had millions of dollars in income during those years, that same someone and his corrupt cohorts obviously bribed politicians of both major parties for favorable tax laws.
Yeah. See a George Soro’s who owes billions in back taxes. While you are at it. Hit up Obama’s whole administration.

41 Obama White House aides owe the IRS $831,000 in back taxes -- and they're not alone
Why are so many conservatives blind to the fact Soros, Obama, both Clintons, and Trump serve the same 10% of US voters?

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

These far left wing bigot Democrats regard the middle class taxpayers to be their slaves who work to support them.
They see American Taxpayers as their big opportunity to go on an endless looting spree.
Billionaires bribe politicians to shift the tax burden onto the middle class while turning a blind eye to the eternal corruption that makes capitalism profitable.

MAGA, yet?


"How the Billionaires become Billionaires

"Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes.

"The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.

"According to the US Internal Revenue Service, billionaire tax evasion amounts to $458 billion dollars in lost public revenues every year – almost a trillion dollars every two years by this conservative estimate.

"The largest US corporations sheltered over $2.5 trillion dollars in overseas tax havens where they paid no taxes or single digit tax rates.

"Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.

"The recipient bankers invested their interest-free or low interest US bailout funds and earned billions in profits, most resulting from mortgage foreclosures of working class households.

"Through favorable legal rulings and illegal foreclosures, the bankers evicted 9.3 million families. Over 20 million individuals lost their properties, often due to illegal or fraudulent debts."

How Billionaires Become Billionaires - Global Research

Billionaires bribe politicians to shift the tax burden onto the middle class

Define middle class. Show how the middle class has a larger burden than previously.
Are you trying to sound stupid? The founders of Apple engineered the personal computer in a garage after everyone else had given up on the project. Your post is tantamount to saying Henry Ford owed his success to the person who invented the wheel
How would Henry have founded his corporation without government?
Did she ever find the apartment she was looking for? If so, follow her own advice and cut off her salary during the shutdown. When that ends, apply her 70% tax and she’ll immediately be evicted for not being able to pay rent. Then she’ll have to move to anacostia where she’ll have an epiphany about reality and she’ll then register as republican. Unless she’s even stupider than she already appears.
Did you notice the 70% marginal rate applies only to those "earning" $10 million or more every year?
So she conveniently leaves her own bracket out.
A-O-C will be earning $174,000 as a congresswoman:

How Much Do Members of Congress Really Get Paid?

"Rank-and-File Members:

The current salary (2017) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year."

Do you see the difference between applying a 70% marginal tax rate to those earning $10,000,000 a year compared to someone earning 1.74% of that amount?
Do you not see the difference in someone making 174k and someone making 30k? 174k is wealthy by comparison. She should tax herself 70%.
The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue. In other words, make the tax system more progressive."

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

These far left wing bigot Democrats regard the middle class taxpayers to be their slaves who work to support them.
They see American Taxpayers as their big opportunity to go on an endless looting spree.
Billionaires bribe politicians to shift the tax burden onto the middle class while turning a blind eye to the eternal corruption that makes capitalism profitable.

MAGA, yet?


"How the Billionaires become Billionaires

"Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes.

"The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.

"According to the US Internal Revenue Service, billionaire tax evasion amounts to $458 billion dollars in lost public revenues every year – almost a trillion dollars every two years by this conservative estimate.

"The largest US corporations sheltered over $2.5 trillion dollars in overseas tax havens where they paid no taxes or single digit tax rates.

"Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.

"The recipient bankers invested their interest-free or low interest US bailout funds and earned billions in profits, most resulting from mortgage foreclosures of working class households.

"Through favorable legal rulings and illegal foreclosures, the bankers evicted 9.3 million families. Over 20 million individuals lost their properties, often due to illegal or fraudulent debts."

How Billionaires Become Billionaires - Global Research

Billionaires bribe politicians to shift the tax burden onto the middle class

Define middle class. Show how the middle class has a larger burden than previously.
Analysis | Is $100,000 middle class in America?

"So what is the middle class? In America, an income of $59,000 a year (before tax) is smack dab in the middle, according to the U.S. Census. But it's not that simple..."

"When Americans talk about the 'middle class,' they are usually thinking about a range, not just the specific income dead in the middle. Pew Research says the middle class runs from $42,000 to $125,000 (before tax)."

So, you believe politicians favor workers over parasites?

"Workers pay disproportional taxes for education, health, social and public services and subsidies for billionaires.

"Billionaires in the arms industry and security/mercenary conglomerates receive over $700 billion dollars from the federal budget, while over 100 million US workers lack adequate health care and their children are warehoused in deteriorating schools.

"Workers and Bosses: Mortality Rates

"Billionaires and multi-millionaires and their families enjoy longer and healthier lives than their workers. They have no need for health insurance policies or public hospitals. CEO’s live on average ten years longer than a worker and enjoy twenty years more of healthy and pain-free lives."

How Billionaires Become Billionaires - Global Research
Did she ever find the apartment she was looking for? If so, follow her own advice and cut off her salary during the shutdown. When that ends, apply her 70% tax and she’ll immediately be evicted for not being able to pay rent. Then she’ll have to move to anacostia where she’ll have an epiphany about reality and she’ll then register as republican. Unless she’s even stupider than she already appears.
Did you notice the 70% marginal rate applies only to those "earning" $10 million or more every year?
So she conveniently leaves her own bracket out.
A-O-C will be earning $174,000 as a congresswoman:

How Much Do Members of Congress Really Get Paid?

"Rank-and-File Members:

The current salary (2017) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year."

Do you see the difference between applying a 70% marginal tax rate to those earning $10,000,000 a year compared to someone earning 1.74% of that amount?
Do you not see the difference in someone making 174k and someone making 30k? 174k is wealthy by comparison. She should tax herself 70%.
The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue. In other words, make the tax system more progressive."
You’re a socialist anti-American failed debater.
The people who are taxed and who are the producers will either move to a less taxed location or will pass the tax burden onto the consumers.

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?

These far left wing bigot Democrats regard the middle class taxpayers to be their slaves who work to support them.
They see American Taxpayers as their big opportunity to go on an endless looting spree.
Billionaires bribe politicians to shift the tax burden onto the middle class while turning a blind eye to the eternal corruption that makes capitalism profitable.

MAGA, yet?


"How the Billionaires become Billionaires

"Contrary to the propaganda pushed by the business press, between 67% and 72% percent of corporations had zero tax liabilities after credits and exemptions … while their workers and employees paid between 25 – 30% in taxes.

"The rate for the minority of corporations, which paid any tax, was 14%.

"According to the US Internal Revenue Service, billionaire tax evasion amounts to $458 billion dollars in lost public revenues every year – almost a trillion dollars every two years by this conservative estimate.

"The largest US corporations sheltered over $2.5 trillion dollars in overseas tax havens where they paid no taxes or single digit tax rates.

"Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.

"The recipient bankers invested their interest-free or low interest US bailout funds and earned billions in profits, most resulting from mortgage foreclosures of working class households.

"Through favorable legal rulings and illegal foreclosures, the bankers evicted 9.3 million families. Over 20 million individuals lost their properties, often due to illegal or fraudulent debts."

How Billionaires Become Billionaires - Global Research

Billionaires bribe politicians to shift the tax burden onto the middle class

Define middle class. Show how the middle class has a larger burden than previously.
Analysis | Is $100,000 middle class in America?

"So what is the middle class? In America, an income of $59,000 a year (before tax) is smack dab in the middle, according to the U.S. Census. But it's not that simple..."

"When Americans talk about the 'middle class,' they are usually thinking about a range, not just the specific income dead in the middle. Pew Research says the middle class runs from $42,000 to $125,000 (before tax)."

So, you believe politicians favor workers over parasites?

"Workers pay disproportional taxes for education, health, social and public services and subsidies for billionaires.

"Billionaires in the arms industry and security/mercenary conglomerates receive over $700 billion dollars from the federal budget, while over 100 million US workers lack adequate health care and their children are warehoused in deteriorating schools.

"Workers and Bosses: Mortality Rates

"Billionaires and multi-millionaires and their families enjoy longer and healthier lives than their workers. They have no need for health insurance policies or public hospitals. CEO’s live on average ten years longer than a worker and enjoy twenty years more of healthy and pain-free lives."

How Billionaires Become Billionaires - Global Research

Thanks for the link.

Meanwhile US corporations in crisis received over $14.4 trillion dollars (Bloomberg claimed 12.8 trillion) in public bailout money, split between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, mostly from US tax payers, who are overwhelmingly workers, employees and pensioners.

The bailout was paid back, at a huge profit to the US Treasury.
That means it wasn't a cost to those "workers, employees and pensioners"

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Cool...break the laws of physics.
The bailout was paid back, at a huge profit to the US Treasury.
That means it wasn't a cost to those "workers, employees and pensioners"
Got a link, or did Trump provide you with that claim.

How Did the Taxpayer Make Out on the Wall Street Bailout?

“During the financial crisis, Congress bailed out the big banks with hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money; and that’s a lot of money. But the biggest money for the biggest banks was never voted on by Congress. Instead, between 2007 and 2009, the Fed provided over $13 trillion in emergency lending to just a handful of large financial institutions. That’s nearly 20 times the amount authorized in the TARP bailout.

“Now, let’s be clear, those Fed loans were a bailout too. Nearly all the money went to too-big-to-fail institutions. For example, in one emergency lending program, the Fed put out $9 trillion and over two-thirds of the money went to just three institutions: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.

“Those loans were made available at rock bottom interest rates – in many cases under 1 percent. And the loans could be continuously rolled over so they were effectively available for an average of about two years.”

"When you are an insolvent financial institution or spinning toward insolvency, you are not able to borrow, in a free market, at below market rates in a financial crisis. You would be borrowing at double-digit subprime rates, not at less than 1 percent."
Last edited:

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Cool...break the laws of physics.
What makes you think there are any laws left?

"In an effort to fund policies that would reduce fossil fuel and carbon emissions within the next 12 years, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has proposed a tax rate on the super-rich that is more moderate than U.S. tax policy during parts of the 20th century.

"In a video clip released Friday, she tells journalist Anderson Cooper of '60 Minutes' that taxing incomes above $10 million at a 60 percent to 70 percent rate could be a good step..."

"The approximately 16,000 Americans earning more than $10 million are at the very top of the top 1 percent of earners. Such a tax could bring in approximately $720 billion over 10 years, according to the Tax Policy Center’s Mark Mazur."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Perfectly American Tax on Ultra-Rich

Over the past forty years, the richest one percent have seen their share of national income increase dramatically, and fossil fuels have been partially responsible.

Maybe it's time for fossil fuels to pay their fair share of taxes?
Cool...break the laws of physics.
What makes you think there are any laws left?
So much evidence...
The bailout was paid back, at a huge profit to the US Treasury.
That means it wasn't a cost to those "workers, employees and pensioners"
Got a link, or did Trump provide you with that claim.

How Did the Taxpayer Make Out on the Wall Street Bailout?

“During the financial crisis, Congress bailed out the big banks with hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer money; and that’s a lot of money. But the biggest money for the biggest banks was never voted on by Congress. Instead, between 2007 and 2009, the Fed provided over $13 trillion in emergency lending to just a handful of large financial institutions. That’s nearly 20 times the amount authorized in the TARP bailout.

“Now, let’s be clear, those Fed loans were a bailout too. Nearly all the money went to too-big-to-fail institutions. For example, in one emergency lending program, the Fed put out $9 trillion and over two-thirds of the money went to just three institutions: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.

“Those loans were made available at rock bottom interest rates – in many cases under 1 percent. And the loans could be continuously rolled over so they were effectively available for an average of about two years.”

"When you are an insolvent financial institution or spinning toward insolvency, you are not able to borrow, in a free market, at below market rates in a financial crisis. You would be borrowing at double-digit subprime rates, not at less than 1 percent."


Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica

“Now, let’s be clear, those Fed loans were a bailout too. Nearly all the money went to too-big-to-fail institutions. For example, in one emergency lending program, the Fed put out $9 trillion and over two-thirds of the money went to just three institutions: Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch.

Yes, the Fed made money on all those repaid, short-term loans.

“Those loans were made available at rock bottom interest rates – in many cases under 1 percent."

So the Federal Reserve, the lender of last resort, lent.
And kept the banking system from collapsing.


Federal Reserve Board announces Reserve Bank income and expense data and transfers to the Treasury for 2014

And, in addition, turned over a huge amount of profit to the Treasury.
Are you trying to sound stupid? The founders of Apple engineered the personal computer in a garage after everyone else had given up on the project. Your post is tantamount to saying Henry Ford owed his success to the person who invented the wheel
How would Henry have founded his corporation without government?
The way he did. None of the bureaucrats or politicians you have so much faith in taught him to create the production line or to design an automobile. It is absurdly stupid to claim successful corporations wouldn't exist without the guidance and support of government bureaucrats and politicians, but it is a fact the bureaucrats and politicians would have their jobs without all the wealth the private sectors produces. In fact, the government wouldn't exist without all the private sector wealth.
Are you trying to sound stupid? The founders of Apple engineered the personal computer in a garage after everyone else had given up on the project. Your post is tantamount to saying Henry Ford owed his success to the person who invented the wheel
How would Henry have founded his corporation without government?
The way he did. None of the bureaucrats or politicians you have so much faith in taught him to create the production line or to design an automobile. It is absurdly stupid to claim successful corporations wouldn't exist without the guidance and support of government bureaucrats and politicians, but it is a fact the bureaucrats and politicians would have their jobs without all the wealth the private sectors produces. In fact, the government wouldn't exist without all the private sector wealth.
Which came first, the state or the corporation?

"What is a Corporate Charter

A corporate charter — simply referred to as 'charter' or 'articles of incorporation' — is a written document filed with a U.S. state by the founders of a corporation detailing the major components of a company such as its objectives, its structure and its planned operations. If the charter is approved by the state government, the company becomes a legal corporation."

Corporate Charter
Are you trying to sound stupid? The founders of Apple engineered the personal computer in a garage after everyone else had given up on the project. Your post is tantamount to saying Henry Ford owed his success to the person who invented the wheel
How would Henry have founded his corporation without government?
The way he did. None of the bureaucrats or politicians you have so much faith in taught him to create the production line or to design an automobile. It is absurdly stupid to claim successful corporations wouldn't exist without the guidance and support of government bureaucrats and politicians, but it is a fact the bureaucrats and politicians would have their jobs without all the wealth the private sectors produces. In fact, the government wouldn't exist without all the private sector wealth.
Which came first, the state or the corporation?

"What is a Corporate Charter

A corporate charter — simply referred to as 'charter' or 'articles of incorporation' — is a written document filed with a U.S. state by the founders of a corporation detailing the major components of a company such as its objectives, its structure and its planned operations. If the charter is approved by the state government, the company becomes a legal corporation."

Corporate Charter
With this post you have gone from being stupid to being stupid and pathetic.

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