Diamond Member
- Nov 22, 2003
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We're not the only ones who think the left is never going to understand:
.....If I sound as though Im hammering small things as if they were nine-part series in the WaPo, I suppose thats because I am doing exactly that. Sometimes I react to the small things with excess zeal because the large things have, over the course of a weekend, driven me daft. Stark raving bezoomy, as Alex would say, my droogs. Sometimes the disconnect between the editorial page and the real world is so vast I wonder whether we can ever agree about anything any more. I mean, Im reading The Connnection by Stephen Hayes, the book that spells out all the information and intel about Saddam and Al-Qaeda. Im old enough to remember when this was conventional wisdom. Why, I even remember back to the end of 2001, when the general mood seemed to favor bold action to forestall future catastrophe. If we hadnt deposed Saddam, and Bush had won a second term, and there had been a terrorist attack in 05, this book would be the Democrats brief for impeachment. BUSH KNEW and did nothing.
And its not going to get better. I dont think the next attack will bring us together like 9/11. Last time a small portion of the nation went straight to blaming us for enflaming poor Mo Atta and his motley crew; the last three years have seen that poison spread and flourish, and blaming America for the ravings of medieval theocrats is now a legitimate argument in polite society. Id almost venture to say that a third of the country would conclude that a radiological device exploded in Manhattan would be Bushs fault, because he made the evil doers (roll eyes) super-extra-fancy-grade-AA mad.
For the last few weeks Ive had this gnawing belief that bin Laden got lucky by attacking during Bushs term. Conventional wisdom says the opposite, because Bush fought back. But hes the enemy now. I ask my Democrat friends what theyd rather see happen Bush reelected and bin Laden caught, or Bush defeated and bin Laden still in the wind. Theyre all honest: theyd rather see Bush defeated. (Theyre quick to insist that theyd want Kerry to get bin Laden ASAP. Although the details are sketchy.) Of course this doesn't mean they're unpatriotic, etc., obligatory disclaimers, et cetera. But let's be honest. People are coming up with websites that demonstrate ingenious technology for spraying anti-Bush slogans on the sidewalks; it would be nice if they sprayed "DEFEAT TERRORISM" or "STOP AL QAEDA" now and then. Wouldn't it?
Is that too much to ask?
Perhaps this is why I havent written much about the subject lately with the usual chest-thumping brio: I think its going to have to get much worse before we get clarity. Most days I just dont know what to say anymore. There are fiends out there chopping off the heads of Americans for their god, and we have cartoonists who think its the height of insight to show the Neocon cabal as port-swilling fat men bothered by baggy pants on insolent teens.
I understand the desire to whistle when passing the graveyard; its human nature. I dont understand climbing down into the hole, crossing your arms on your chest, feeling the first few warm clumps of dirt on your face, and puckering your lips for the first few bars of Happy Days Are Here Again.
Or "Le Marseillaise."
.....If I sound as though Im hammering small things as if they were nine-part series in the WaPo, I suppose thats because I am doing exactly that. Sometimes I react to the small things with excess zeal because the large things have, over the course of a weekend, driven me daft. Stark raving bezoomy, as Alex would say, my droogs. Sometimes the disconnect between the editorial page and the real world is so vast I wonder whether we can ever agree about anything any more. I mean, Im reading The Connnection by Stephen Hayes, the book that spells out all the information and intel about Saddam and Al-Qaeda. Im old enough to remember when this was conventional wisdom. Why, I even remember back to the end of 2001, when the general mood seemed to favor bold action to forestall future catastrophe. If we hadnt deposed Saddam, and Bush had won a second term, and there had been a terrorist attack in 05, this book would be the Democrats brief for impeachment. BUSH KNEW and did nothing.
And its not going to get better. I dont think the next attack will bring us together like 9/11. Last time a small portion of the nation went straight to blaming us for enflaming poor Mo Atta and his motley crew; the last three years have seen that poison spread and flourish, and blaming America for the ravings of medieval theocrats is now a legitimate argument in polite society. Id almost venture to say that a third of the country would conclude that a radiological device exploded in Manhattan would be Bushs fault, because he made the evil doers (roll eyes) super-extra-fancy-grade-AA mad.
For the last few weeks Ive had this gnawing belief that bin Laden got lucky by attacking during Bushs term. Conventional wisdom says the opposite, because Bush fought back. But hes the enemy now. I ask my Democrat friends what theyd rather see happen Bush reelected and bin Laden caught, or Bush defeated and bin Laden still in the wind. Theyre all honest: theyd rather see Bush defeated. (Theyre quick to insist that theyd want Kerry to get bin Laden ASAP. Although the details are sketchy.) Of course this doesn't mean they're unpatriotic, etc., obligatory disclaimers, et cetera. But let's be honest. People are coming up with websites that demonstrate ingenious technology for spraying anti-Bush slogans on the sidewalks; it would be nice if they sprayed "DEFEAT TERRORISM" or "STOP AL QAEDA" now and then. Wouldn't it?
Is that too much to ask?
Perhaps this is why I havent written much about the subject lately with the usual chest-thumping brio: I think its going to have to get much worse before we get clarity. Most days I just dont know what to say anymore. There are fiends out there chopping off the heads of Americans for their god, and we have cartoonists who think its the height of insight to show the Neocon cabal as port-swilling fat men bothered by baggy pants on insolent teens.
I understand the desire to whistle when passing the graveyard; its human nature. I dont understand climbing down into the hole, crossing your arms on your chest, feeling the first few warm clumps of dirt on your face, and puckering your lips for the first few bars of Happy Days Are Here Again.
Or "Le Marseillaise."