A mass shooting inside a Cedar Rapids, Iowa, nightclub early Sunday morning left at least two people dead and 10 injured

So it isnt America then ?

The District Attorney for Linn County?

A democrat....

The state legislature writes the laws, not the Attorney General.

Linn County District Attorney.....

Actually, yes.

Linn County is a far left Democrat Shithold that voted for Sleepy Joe overwhelmingly.

The Linn County attorney is a democrat....

The District Attorney for Linn County?

A democrat....

The DA of NYC said he won't prosecute any criminals.
Yeah....lots of wiggle room.........

This is wiggle room from democrat party controlled Chicago...

Kim Foxx...democrat party State's attorney....

Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is dropping felony cases involving charges of murder and other serious offenses at a higher rate than her predecessor, according to a Tribune analysis that comes amid a growing debate over criminal justice reform.
During Foxx’s first three years as the county’s top prosecutor, her office dropped all charges against 29.9% of felony defendants, a dramatic increase over her predecessor, the Tribune found. For the last three years of Anita Alvarez’s tenure, the rate was 19.4%.
In all, a total of 25,183 people had their felony cases dismissed under Foxx through November 2019, up from 18,694 for a similar period under Alvarez.

However, the Tribune found that Foxx’s higher rates of dropped cases included people accused of murder, shooting another person, sex crimes, and attacks on police officers — as well as serious drug offenses that for decades have driven much of Chicago’s street violence.
Foxx’s office also increased the rate of dropped cases for aggravated battery and for aggravated battery with a firearm. And under Foxx, the percentage of cases dropped for defendants accused of aggravated battery of a police officer more than doubled, from 3.9% to 8.1%.

Linn County District Attorney.....

Just noticed your sig, for the first time. I love it!
Had no idea there was blacks in Cedar Rapids.
When I left Sioux Falls -- a city not unlike Cedar Rapids, but larger -- fifty years ago, I had met one black SF resident. Now, the neighborhood where I lived when I vacated the state is almost entirely black. Given, North African and sub-Saharan Africans, but black nonetheless. Also tons of Hispanics where there were none in my childhood.
The Linn County attorney is a democrat....

Until better laws are enacted neither party can be effective at reducing gang violence.
Until better laws are enacted neither party can be effective at reducing gang violence.


When the democrat party actively attacks the police to the point they can't do their jobs....and then when the democrat party actively seeks to release the most violent offenders over and over again.....it isn't a "both parties do it" situation....

The democrat party and their policies are creating the current crime wave in democrat party controlled cities.