Tungsten/Glass Member
Since Biden took over the subject matter here has gone awful. The Never-Trumpers are in their throws desperate to pick something to blame him for and while there are tons of wrong things going on in the world, the Bidenista are scurrying trying to cover the fact that Joe has caused them all! So the topic content here has SUCKED for weeks. With that in mind, I thought I'd offer something a bit more ethereal:
Here are some recent outer space shots taken by a student of mine. For the most part, I think all have been taken either with a 5" refractor or an 8" folded lens-mirror catadioptric on an equatorial tracking platform whose guidance is computer controlled. The imager is an advanced scientist researcher on the east coast who admits to me that shooting deep sky has now surpassed his own work in R&D for the military in personal satisfaction. He's invested more than a year painstakingly refining the mechanical precision of his mount to minimize guiding errors.
Some of these pictures are his raw work, others have been retouched / post-processed by me for further development to correct and show him how much better his shot would look if processed better. He is still learning. I'll note the state with each image.
This is one of his own reworks of the Whirlpool Galaxy near the Big Dipper. He was trying to get the color right. I think all I did here was rotate the image to reorient the galaxy as is commonly seen, with the secondary galaxy below being cannibalized beneath the primary galaxy. This was taken with the 5-inch.
Here are some recent outer space shots taken by a student of mine. For the most part, I think all have been taken either with a 5" refractor or an 8" folded lens-mirror catadioptric on an equatorial tracking platform whose guidance is computer controlled. The imager is an advanced scientist researcher on the east coast who admits to me that shooting deep sky has now surpassed his own work in R&D for the military in personal satisfaction. He's invested more than a year painstakingly refining the mechanical precision of his mount to minimize guiding errors.
Some of these pictures are his raw work, others have been retouched / post-processed by me for further development to correct and show him how much better his shot would look if processed better. He is still learning. I'll note the state with each image.
This is one of his own reworks of the Whirlpool Galaxy near the Big Dipper. He was trying to get the color right. I think all I did here was rotate the image to reorient the galaxy as is commonly seen, with the secondary galaxy below being cannibalized beneath the primary galaxy. This was taken with the 5-inch.