a little EU support message :D the secret entries from the WW4..


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
WW3 = Cold Warriors. very brave men and women.
WW4 = the war that brings structure to the world, aka the war-on-terrorism.

well eh, as World Wars, they tend to "escalate".. ehm....
yeah, well, that tends to happen in the real world, where the ring around the boxing/MMA ring, just vanishes,
and the populations around you turn into zombies, well-dressed, and *pretending* to be on tourism.

check this out :

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Danger for world peace: Germans see the USA as a threat [Followed by NK and Turkey]
TaiShang said: ↑
Turkey ranks third among countries threatening world - German survey
Feb 13 2019
Turkey follows the United States and the North Korea as countries that are likely to pose a threat to world peace, according to a recent poll in Germany, Deutsche Welle reported on Wednesday.
Some 42 percent of Germans think Turkey poses a threat for world peace according to the poll, followed by Russia with 41 percent.
The results show that 62 percent of Germans think that leaders of certain countries are threatening peace on the planet, DW said.
Ahval | Spotlight on Turkey: Facts and Views
Click to expand...
that's our local muslims talking..... total crap, btw.
a sort of united freedom of speech group that i simply 'alQuada .de' or .nl, or .eu (EU), whatever.
faggot muslim fake-***-"warriors".
do you know ISIS? hahahaha... same thing.
i hope the Iranians are going to get their worth-less asses beaten to a rotting pulp of meat, ready for the crows.
and by the way, China and Russia.
you're put on notice, as of RIGHT THE **** NOW.
all options are on the stylish desk while i'm forced to do this keyboard-warrior shit against my personal interests... so ... me = a kung-fu teacher level + real-man + hetro (straight even, did you need to ask, fools?) + historian + poet + computer programmer (software engineer) + bla bla bla
come get me. i challenge you.
most happy to deliver your "agents" a self-defense style punishment they deserve once they are in my visual range.
good luck, you shit heads.
i'll be most happy to take more than a few of you out.
and eh, don't try poison.
i hate painful death, and i will resist with my last breath.
not try to talk, just deliver more punishment during death, if i can.
best take headshots, and not from windows or with sniper rifles, eh...
cowards... all of them... muslim "warriors" / whatever they call themselves, Russian warriors, Asian warriors...
is that enough? or shall i diss your keyboard monkeys a bit more when they post stuff like this?
we'll see.

China builds clean coal power plants in Egypt and UAE and Pakistan as part of Belt And Road

so ehm, China & butt-buddy Russia... still trying to play marxist / communist / whatever you wanna label yourselves as these days,
but this time via the economic and so-called cyber-spying, cyber-warfaring, "belt and road initiative".

you just got yourselves exposed big-time, so-called evil and pretending-to-be-good and/or decent "politicians", or "bureaucrats"....

while you get iran and the palestinians and the saudis in a war over the fools running iran to now send out that militant so-called "force" (army) showing up in regular headlines in the NATO mainstream press,

you play nice, decent and willing to sell stuff?

now to Egypt as well?

not gonna happen.

bring your best assassins, world, the very best you got in terms of kungfu and/or weapons,
and don't forget this post by yours truly.. it does contain some vital info to the troops (your troops, your consequences)...

while you still can, you faggots behind desks.
bring it.

Danger for world peace: Germans see the USA as a threat [Followed by NK and Turkey]

{ couldn't find this content again easily, so go on click on the nice URL yourselves, citizens, agents / double agents, living for the moment, briefest of moments on the timeline of humanity while still restricted to the airspace of Earth, and do take "care" of the traitors and double-agents among your own ranks first. }

China builds clean coal power plants in Egypt and UAE and Pakistan as part of Belt And Road
oprih said: ↑
Good job China! The desperate muricans and their lapdogs are losing it, despite their fake news and anti-China propaganda, countries left and right still want to work with China.
yet another faggot nation.
look up how the 1 child in a mostly multiple-children "family" gets treated by the rest of their family members.
i can know. i used to fb chat with one, a girl, expected to bring in the retirement income for the entire family.
why do you think they never get married?
because we hate the rest of the family, let alone the general culture found on that so-called island "nation".
bring your best.
we'll be ready and waiting to get them what they deserve.
China builds clean coal power plants in Egypt and UAE and Pakistan as part of Belt And Road

Good job China! The desperate muricans and their lapdogs are losing it, despite their fake news and anti-China propaganda, countries left and right still want to work with China.
yet another faggot nation, the phillipines.

look up how the 1 child in a mostly multiple-children "family" gets treated by the rest of their family members.

i can know. i used to fb chat with one, a girl, expected to bring in the retirement income for the entire family.

why do you think they never get married?

because we hate the rest of the family, let alone the general culture found on that so-called island "nation".

bring your best.
we'll be ready and waiting to get them what they deserve.

China builds clean coal power plants in Egypt and UAE and Pakistan as part of Belt And Road

yet another faggot nation.

look up how the 1 child in a mostly multiple-children "family" gets treated by the rest of their family members.

i can know. i used to fb chat with one, a girl, expected to bring in the retirement income for the entire family.

why do you think they never get married?

because we hate the rest of the family, let alone the general culture found on that so-called island "nation".

bring your best.
we'll be ready and waiting to get them what they deserve.


Click to expand...
Are you snorting opioid? Or are you just plain idiot talking nonsense like trump?

China builds clean coal power plants in Egypt and UAE and Pakistan as part of Belt And Road

Are you snorting opioid? Or are you just plain idiot talking nonsense like trump?
liar, liar, i do hope someone sets you and the rest of the so-called men that run your pathetic island and the government and bigger companies on it, and all hit-men/women families on it,
on fire,
together with the rest of ur remains.

hey, you got a big ocean around you...
why not take a heavy iron weight, and tie it properly to the legs of your traitors / double-agents, in every company / government-agency / "important" family / etc, etc, etc,
and then shove that person in the deep end of the sea,
where there's a quick death and plenty of sharks and other sea animals awaiting a fresh,
properly dead by sea water pressure that is bound to get deadly quickly quite enough, right? :)

you'd best take your own rotten apples in your own service / etc, to their graves or burrial ceremonies as soon as possible.

those who do not will not be given any rights like prison of war camps, or the right to remain silent, or any other human right,
you rotten apples, and those who refuse to eliminate them in their own ranks and services,

once again...

bring your best... we're not just ready, we're waiting for the first of your fools to arrived armed at airports they think they can bring weapons in to, or countries where weapons-at-hand will make any difference in accomplishing their murderous "missions".

you've been warned in advance.

the lack of movement, the very thought to move or get someone else to move, of limbs or whatever organ you discover has some kinda voodoo power,
you will be held responsible for.

if you do not understand this,
or rather stay out of the war,
during world wars, there is usually little chance of fleeing.

as Europeans, we know this better than most.
China builds clean coal power plants in Egypt and UAE and Pakistan as part of Belt And Road

^So the opioid epidemic has spread to europe too.
opiod epidemic?

that's all you got, you sorry excuse for men around there in the phillipines?

i hope you get the sea-animal you-being-the-fresh-meat-still-alive-until-arrived-by-boat-at-the-proper-depth-of-your-own-seas treatment, that i just described. :D

i really do.

corruption is a disease much like the plague.

look it up.
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hm... the big island group to the left of the EU (Welsh, English, Scottish, Northern-Irish, Irish, Icelandians, and all them smaller islands that have pretty houses and even prettier trees between their houses (slightly more expensive than your average rich-family's housing) )
.gpg = Gay Pride (t-)Group, consisting of anything including Humans, Angels and/or Demons :)
bi.gpg = Bi-sexuals (men/women) (honest/liars) (good/evil).
straight.gpg = never to attempt to setup date with page, for-dummies and young "girls". :p
lesbians.gpg = bi-sexual women (honest/liars) (good/evil).
transexuals.gpg = for instance some pages per country (in the simplest PHP->HTML, will do) about where what treatment for the LGBT's T, transexuals, is located.
transgenders.gpg = point to that transexuals.pgp web-address.
'LGBT pride' in my siteMedia/backgrounds/etc/etc/bla..
i just find the acronym GPG (Gay Pride Group) a better activism label. :)
.ei = .eu, that big island group to the left of it.
.ei = European Island (group(s)).
.ei = Dutch for egg. = however, we ain't talking about just any other egg. There's this dutch definition for baby chickens hatching into full-sized chickens ( which again, is not to be taken by it's English interpretation "chicken", as is "yellow"->"coward" an English interpretation-link that is (A) outdated i say, and (B) just another one of those links between two words that is kinda strange to keep around in post-2019 ;) )
who doesn't like chicken with herbs? i mean... just saying... i like KFC and any other chicken-with-herbs and veggies rapped with wraps or bread, just a lot better than say mcDonnalds hamburgers, which does tend to be the grammer school (basis-school in Dutch) food of choice :)
.na = btw, North-America.. :D
.nato = well, eh, might as well add a TLD while you're at it :)
.some-official-alliance-abbreviation = i don't even know their acronyms, but if it's a valid large alliance of countries, i guess they each need a TLD asap (as soon as possible, please....) :)
.earth = new TLD please there too.
(TLD = like .nl goes for Netherlands and .us goes for The USA)
.sol = Sol, name of our Sun that powers most of our solarsystem :)
.moon = where mr Musk is planning his first hotels. and no, he needs more hotels than just the ones Trump had planned to run there.
.mars = gonna take a while (maybe more than a 100 years) to set up hotels over there. people like Musk and Trump like to make some money from their investment by having it serve actual customers for money. not surprising, really. :)
whatta you got?
for instance :
just in case we do end up with stuff to recycle first as coal and wood burned and oil (refined into something else or not) burned, as CO2 entering the atmosphere of .earth,
and then taking out that CO2 with chemical industry means, just about as easily as we put stuff in the atmosphere.
look people,
i was, note : was, scared of the effects of climate change just like the rest of us citizens.
not any more though.
i had via minor-mass-media outlets from around the world recent headlines 'float by on my screen', as i say about forums having different headlines to discuss nearly every couple of hours becoming either relevant or taken from such minor-mass-media-outlets...
i'm convinced it's been fixed at the economy + selling-stuff + taking that CO2 from our atmosphere as well using such new technology.
making the whole coal-digging party news that does pop up on mass-media sites like CNN.com, a bit of a good-news section 'World Headlines' over at CNN.com...
i'll leave it at that :)
have a nice voting season over in the .us, and eh... i'll make a bookmark in my browser for this TLD fb idea-post. :)
and, eh, disclaimer : i provide ideas like others provide technology as entire industries to entire countries. that is indeed true. however, when it contains missing pieces like i always hand out post-metaphorical which sum up to something like,
{ Aren't you better off building that industry when you actually need it? i mean you got stuff making ABC over there already, fully finished... shouldn't you make some money selling stuff they already got? } (like windmill parks made by the Dutch both for on water and near the shoreline of a country) :)
have a nice weekend, folks :)
China builds clean coal power plants in Egypt and UAE and Pakistan as part of Belt And Road

http s://defence.pk/pdf/threads/china-builds-clean-coal-power-plants-in-egypt-and-uae-and-pakistan-as-part-of-belt-and-road.601931/#post-11171332

Speak english please, I cant understand you.

wasn't that like the simplest form of international english that i used back there?

it must be the lack of a huge set of actual man-skills and man-professionalism, that you miss.

guess what?

you will face the consequences of your own actions....
while i, over here in Spring season in Europe, will have a great time.

and no, that does not mean i'll not be facing difficulties.
no good times in some region are without their hard times to some, like myself.

but all in all, it's been a lot better ever since the sunny part of Spring showed up yet again over North-Western Europe.

good luck facing the debt-collectors collecting the huge debt made by you and your kind since you "evolved" your entire phillipines bunch of islands into such corrupt, greedy, pig-like behavior, that nobody like me would date any of your young women who are well worth dating, however... upon finding out what your so-called culture would look like to me as someone who is even barely able to get her the money she'd need for herself, especially what her life and family looks like in terms of morality, income, etc, etc, etc,

i unfortunately had to stop fb chatting with her.

and by the way, some of the people i was chatting with over here in Europe and elsewhere,

have found come to the same conclusion about what "civilized" means to the average phillipinian boss / family / everything-in-between,

that they too had to decide to let the few daughters / sons who are capable of even starting a lasting and real relationship, you know, the honest hard-working types,
try to make it with what is now left of your so-called economy and

audiences around the world : did you know for instance, that once a foreigner or local on the phillipines marries a phillipine native girl/woman/man who is one of the many single child arrangements for a family to have any income to speak of at all,
is stepping into a marriage that he or she is totally unable to divorce from?

well, check that before you head over to that so-called country called phillipines, that larger island next to China...

it's all true.

probably hard to change their laws about too.

you are responsible for your own actions.

especially those of your own limbs (arms, legs).
openAI from NL are a bunch of corrupt assholes making generate-ur-own-fake-bullshit-lies in seemingly human-written form, because they publicly admitted they are more interested in selling to wealthy companies, than publishing their sources at public places, like i do with mine for my platform seductiveapps.com, with the full text of an entire news-article "generated" (not actual AI, probably some "smart" dictionary database with some computer code (aka expert-machine software, instead of actual sentience like in the Terminator 1 & 2 & 3 or so movies...)

in about less than one second.

i write JSON database stuff, made it efficient and then cut down on what to store when, see the sources for my seductiveapps.com at gitlab, under /seductiveapps/apps/news/appContent (approx) (look it up yourselves at gitlab.com/seductiveapps/seductiveapps)...

please note the following :

SeductiveApps : Copyright (c) and All Rights Reserved (r) 2002 - 2018 by Rene AJM Veerman.
See also the LICENSE for SeductiveApps.
Current version that is the legally used version is due to technical difficulties sometimes beyond my ability to upload to gitlab.com, at :

Because of personal reasons, i'm taking the summer off to do sports and photography.
That means in practical terms my development machine is turned fully off by the powerplug powering it, being disconnected from the PC used for my 2 4K PC ubuntu.com software development rig.

Work on my platform seductiveapps.com will continue next fall over in .nl (around October-2019 i guess, depending on weather).
I always choose what to work on around that time.
No choices will be stored as notes, or even as data as stored in the wetware aka brain of my body.

Other interesting seductiveapps web-addresses (URLs) are :
Source-codes available at

On that page (at least as it is there this day when i post this), you see a 'Auto DevOps' in bold text as a paragraph in HTML, with underneath it a menu that to new viewers of that site (gitlab.com), appears as text starting with :
master [menu-icon] seductiveapps / [ menu-icon ]

At the right side of that previously mentioned menu, you find a menu without any text but with just the [menu-icon], from which you can download a full zip of the latest published version (now labeled as (the latest) version 1.0.0), which i consider ready for public review / app building, etc.

The menu at seductiveapps listed as 'New Background', points to the pretty pictures in .../siteMedia/backgrounds, which is also viewable starting at https://gitlab.com/…/ma…/seductiveapps/siteMedia/backgrounds

Things i want you to consider before you end up wasting your time, are :
- know the difference between just being able in legal terms to claim a (c) Copyrighted by [your name] status in https://gitlab.com/…/seducti…/tree/master/seductiveapps/apps
and the vital difference (making everything under the previouslisted web-address/URL, owned in full, (c) and (r), by seductiveapps.com).
I have everything set to be the next TinyMCE in the software industry, which is used in fact as the semi-transparant adaptation of TinyMCE rich-text editor by seductiveapps.com.
I take my job very seriously.
Some of my hobbies, like photography, are no different to me, whenever i have spare time and a full night worth of sleep, aka feeling bored enough for that hobby at that time.
Then there are the political-grade hobbies, which i do consider a responsibility of mine.
But something a hobby does link back in a half-heart shape back from being a responsibility handled well enough (for now, i always say), that the rest of the world is fit enough to worry about their own problems again.
Some of my hobbies turn into secrets worth keeping very well to myself. Some of notes are on paper in my home (like software designs), and i am also quite proficient at keeping secrets stored as photographs or audio-data in my wetware aka my own body's human brain.

For instance, everything listed under https://gitlab.com/…/master/seductiveapps/apps/seductiveapps is already (c) Copyrighted and (r) All Rights Reserved by the company seductiveapps.com, of which the CEO+CTO+CFO jobs/positions, except personal finances of me, Rene aka the CEO+CTO of seductiveapps.com, which are handled by my parents making it a very useful family-business style of handling finances by those with the expertise to get it done to my liking.
Do you believe that US has stopped monitoring the world?

yeah well.

i'm no stranger to being monitored, nor getting exploit-powers applied to me from guys who barely know how to use a GUI (graphical user interface)... at intel.us mostly, while intel.nl sometimes also don't quite know what to do with me. ;)

and that is not just about smartphones, electrical-level stuff (like power-buttons of internet equipment at my place in amsterdam.nl), nor about exploits leading banking computers to mistake your own atm code for the wrong one - which triggers the sending of an entirely new atm card by the bank per snailmail (postal mail) with new atm code for the card - which tends to suck big time, i can tell you that much.. but is not a real problem if you're on nato-intel friends' list (which is my choice btw, not something i felt in to)... i've got a nifty fallback atm card from a different bank, and that is usually never messed with by the 20-somethings hired by intel.us nor elsewhere in intel.nato.

but ehm...

it's one thing to be doing this kinda exploit-powers applied by exploit-warriors (who have as primary duty, for which they get paid money by the way, probably no more i used to make at my first programming job (programming GUIs, back in the 1990s)),

when you are doing this to only a few individuals in your own alliance, like intel.us does via the NATO contract they got, not to mention the friendship between intel.nl, intel.us, and from intel.nl via YMCA, etc, police.amsterdam.nl, ambulances.amsterdam.nl (more than firedept.amsterdam.nl coz we just dont need them that often over here, which is always good of course),

well, to me, as peacefan-at-defence.pk and some other accounts on forums for political / geo-political discussions,

over in amsterdam.nl with my home at walking distance (well, not that far, for someone who has as hobby long walks combined with photography) to dam.square.amsterdam.nl

not that i call myself a volunteer for this bullshit happening right now...

i'd rather be not in an actual world war, and i hate having to spend summer tied down to my home, still not rich.


it's 4 years of presidential term limit over in the US,
and i don't mind spending the summer yet again not rich again,
to get Trump his re-election assured, for as much as i can of course.

note : they (intel.nl, intel.us) pushed me through much more training than i liked.

back in like the days after mr fat-pig Theo van Gogh got killed by a muslim in a sub-urb of amsterdam.nl,

some-one 'asked' me, yet another young one with the skills required just for surviving the training course that i was about to enter,
{ we might have a problem with stormfront.nl invading a maroccan forum, does anyone have any tips for us or know how we can prevent this? }
me, replying after about 3 to 5 seconds :
{ no problem. should have that situation fixed in no time }
however, here we are,
me with much more kung fu skills than i need,
and eh....

i'm not having actual fun in my own home.
but at least i can sleep and have the occasional date with real sex even...

wow, like i wouldn't be able to get that in real life, had it not been the US letting two planes fly into the 9/11 towers 1 and 2.

i reserve the right to cash in a paycheck made of tax money, intel.nl and intel.us
"your" peacefan.
Do you believe that US has stopped monitoring the world?

ok eh well. i'll help out until voting time has passed by over at .us (the USA, which i need to win this WW4 started by us.gov but not actually started by them either, given how two muslims were eager to fly them into towers 1 and 2. i smell the good old layer of hidden secrets beneath a lot that happened perhaps even decades before 9/11).

but the time after the election, i'll focus on my new fb hobby : producing nice albums full of tourism photography, made while walking longer distances in my home region of amsterdam.nl, and eh... my primary focus to do so is still just 'pretend i can be lazy' (while not actually lazy at all mind you, sometimes this shit is like 24/7/forever and lotsa work every 10 seconds of it, making sleep sometimes hard to get even for 3 days and 3 nights, sometimes even more than that, before exhaustion of the human body kicks in, and you get a "good" 10 to 40 minutes of what i call "deep rest", a "near-sleep state" of the human body on it's own bed,
which is in reality barely enough to survive this WW4 on.

so i have every right as specified in my previous post.

but ehm, i'm ok with surviving and winning.
it's better than fighting physically to win (aka survive),

and we'll see about the actual tax money owed to me by us.gov and theHague.nl (home of the politicians of the intel.nl budgetting),

and these last few posts made on these forums and onto my new fb account facebook.com/rene.veerman.18 (i'm 41 in reality, born 1977-05-2X)

might make it clear to all of NATO, EU and the big island group to the left, the Irish government, and the UK government,
which are like 50 minutes or so to get aboard a bla-bla-airplane-company ride away from the airport next to amsterdam.nl, schiphol.nl (AMS),

that i actually deserve a decent (measured in how many millions of Euros, is still to be determined, but the suffering and cruelty i had to endure while in "training" (on the job and making good progress to end this bullshit called war-on-terror),

is accurately (by not losing more lives and military hardware than is needed to win this WW4) and justly justified to get paid not just from NATO budgets, but even from the general tax income each NATO country (plus Canada, mind you!), received from it's citizens (like myself, a citizen businessman atheist, right from early youth all the way to today, believe it or not..), in plentiful quantity,

for that paycheck of mine to seem "huge" for the average paycheck that says when it's finally transferred (which i will try to ensure happens after the voting season for Trump's re-election has passed, sometime before Christmas this year (2019)),

into those two ATM card savings contracts at two dutch banks,
with a wire transfer happening from one of those secret bank accounts used for such transfers of money,
to my two ATM card bank accounts at two Dutch banks,
with the wire transfer using as 'comment' : payment for services rendered.

which is the bank-legal way according to what i've read and could trust at the time i read it,
(do check yourselves, keyboard warriors who feel they are also owed tax money by their own intel.country-code or some intel.regional-alliance.earth),
means : this work has already been done, and is finally paid for.

of course, it's not that smart to include anything after the wire-transfer comment, so nothing like 'payment for services rendered by peacefan', will be requested by me, because that prevents the money from reaching my two atm cards for sure.

have a nice day / night, and you're in the same situation as i have always been :
innocent, and not always happy in your job.

except.... i did actually not lie in this post or any previous post that i ever made since my account [email protected], leading via many many accounts and about 500K posts/replies (or more, i'm being modest here ok) all the way to what has become the famous summarizing skills found in my peacefan and other current geopolitical-related accounts on the internet.

case closed for now.
ok eh well. i'll help out until voting time has passed by over at .us (the USA, which i need to win this WW4 started by us.gov but not actually started by them either, given how two muslims were eager to fly them into towers 1 and 2. i smell the good old layer of hidden secrets beneath a lot that happened perhaps even decades before 9/11).

but the time after the election, i'll focus on my new fb hobby : producing nice albums full of tourism photography, made while walking longer distances in my home region of amsterdam.nl, and eh... my primary focus to do so is still just 'pretend i can be lazy' (while not actually lazy at all mind you, sometimes this shit is like 24/7/forever and lotsa work every 10 seconds of it, making sleep sometimes hard to get even for 3 days and 3 nights, sometimes even more than that, before exhaustion of the human body kicks in, and you get a "good" 10 to 40 minutes of what i call "deep rest", a "near-sleep state" of the human body on it's own bed,
which is in reality barely enough to survive this WW4 on.

so i have every right as specified in my previous post.

but ehm, i'm ok with surviving and winning.
it's better than fighting physically to win (aka survive),

and we'll see about the actual tax money owed to me by us.gov and theHague.nl (home of the politicians of the intel.nl budgetting),

and these last few posts made on these forums and onto my new fb account facebook.com/rene.veerman.18 (i'm 41 in reality, born 1977-05-2X)

might make it clear to all of NATO, EU and the big island group to the left, the Irish government, and the UK government,
which are like 50 minutes or so to get aboard a bla-bla-airplane-company ride away from the airport next to amsterdam.nl, schiphol.nl (AMS),

that i actually deserve a decent (measured in how many millions of Euros, is still to be determined, but the suffering and cruelty i had to endure while in "training" (on the job and making good progress to end this bullshit called war-on-terror),

is accurately (by not losing more lives and military hardware than is needed to win this WW4) and justly justified to get paid not just from NATO budgets, but even from the general tax income each NATO country (plus Canada, mind you!), received from it's citizens (like myself, a citizen businessman atheist, right from early youth all the way to today, believe it or not..), in plentiful quantity,

for that paycheck of mine to seem "huge" for the average paycheck that says when it's finally transferred (which i will try to ensure happens after the voting season for Trump's re-election has passed, sometime before Christmas this year (2019)),

into those two ATM card savings contracts at two dutch banks,
with a wire transfer happening from one of those secret bank accounts used for such transfers of money,
to my two ATM card bank accounts at two Dutch banks,
with the wire transfer using as 'comment' : payment for services rendered.

which is the bank-legal way according to what i've read and could trust at the time i read it,
(do check yourselves, keyboard warriors who feel they are also owed tax money by their own intel.country-code or some intel.regional-alliance.earth),
means : this work has already been done, and is finally paid for.

of course, it's not that smart to include anything after the wire-transfer comment, so nothing like 'payment for services rendered by peacefan', will be requested by me, because that prevents the money from reaching my two atm cards for sure.

have a nice day / night, and you're in the same situation as i have always been :
innocent, and not always happy in your job.

except.... i did actually not lie in this post or any previous post that i ever made since my account [email protected], leading via many many accounts and about 500K posts/replies (or more, i'm being modest here ok) all the way to what has become the famous summarizing skills found in my peacefan and other current geopolitical-related accounts on the internet.

case closed for now.
you are responsible not only for the actions of your own limbs (legs, arms, hands),
you are also in this shitty WW4 called WW3 initially when it was just capable of being labeled 'the war on terror',
responsible for the consequences you put others through.

why? well, because it's not quite as miserable as WW1 and WW2 ended up being quite yet.

so what i type here, is not an invitation to any army, large or small, or tiny even,
it's an honest record of what i can reveal about my own past, my present situation, and my future plans for *my* personal life.

so you have a choice.
choose wisely what you want to do for who, and when, and if paid to do it, ask yourself the question : 'is this worth the risks i'm facing during and post job/mission, and what about the risks post-job/mission?'.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=703aZ2xYm7k&list=PLN9FZ3ijwb1GESe-ESS6uydZuoQ0FtKU_&index=9
Do you believe that US has stopped monitoring the world?

I heard of such a thing.

Saudi Airlines has purchased Airbus. But Boeing used the US intelligence system to find evidence of Airbus bribery. They monitored all communications between Airbus and the Saudis. then a US court ruled that Saudi and Airbus were trading illegally. Finally, Saudi can only buy Boeing aircraft... It's true??

eh ok..

you, a known China-supporter on this forum,
have at the moment of this reply and in your last few posts,
a sudden change to a nato-like color thumbnail picture on your account.

ehm, i'm gonna assume, based on that, that you're into the chinese style of deception as a keyboard warrior from china.

i have other clues too. see my posts of last night. i felt like sending out a proper invitation, rather than wait for a sudden lethal headshot (one that actually hits me, when i'm just walking the streets tired or semi-distracted).

but ehm, assuming you're asking me to check all that you or any other asian or russian or african or eastern-european, or muslim from basically anywhere on the planet,
is also a waste of my time and (emotional/physical) energy (which come in various labels like emotions are often known under),

so ehm...

thanks but no thanks.

i'm treating this not just as fake-info, but as the quality deception (slowly building up with semi-veriable facts into a total ambush that awaits one's physical body somewhere in the world or even their hometown/region).

congratulations. you just explained to everyone how psyops is the worse kinda reverse psychology, how to watch out for false flagging combined with psyops, but also how various other words found in the official spy lingo, seem to now apply.

your men, stored all over asia and ready and eager to head over to my amsterdam.nl to find their so-called easy job, which in reality is quite impossible, even lethal to try at all, deserve accurate and honest fair warnings not to even try to head over here via any means of transportation (airports, trains, busses, cars, on foot, etc/etc/etc)...

so i offer you this for free in return.

never reveal more than the enemy needs to know?
well, again, not here in this post or the link (also by me) below and all that it explains.

good luck, though keyboard-warriors from other nations.

Do you believe that US has stopped monitoring the world?

?????? Do you need treatment? Yes. I admit that the world welcomes Chinese tourists.200 million Chinese tourists are enough to drive the world crazy. But... You certainly have the right to refuse. But... I guess you may need treatment. This thread does not have your medicine.:disagree:

in short,let your logic looks belongs to the human range.


eh no, i'm past being obligated even to show up for outpatient-care bullshit meetings like them begging to use their anti-happiness dope... so ehm, you just nearly but only _nearly_ did a partially-successful insulting of yours truly (me).

you clearly have as a cultural value some kinda ptsd relationship with your invasion of western nations,
sometime already one-hundred years ago,
making it now completely and utterly useless to be used in the "modern" / "civilized" age of 2010AD, Christian Calendar, and beyond...
do ask why, if you don't understand why :p

and ehm, our hotels are about 50k beds in amsterdam.nl...
so ehm.. best your tourists keep their supposed sanity and stay, well, somewhere in Asia, where they might actually be welcome...

bet that's not Taiwan, nor Hong Kong, let alone Tibet, maybe ehm.....
i dunno....
you do have a recent map of all of China, on paper, right?

i've noticed google maps on my EU end, AMS.nl = amsterdam.nl after all,
that not only does your internet map stuff get logged (at home and via your smartphone),
but also can change suddenly, meaning it's useless.

back to paper, then, using like the standard best quality pens...
(for me over in the EU that's the BIC brand, they got the very best pens)
(also useful for the occasional self-defense scaring off, but ehm... mostly when you're camping outside somewhere say near the nearest supermarket, but outside the city it's found in, yet about 10 to 20km away from the city itself, and do realize one thing :
in some places it's just way way to cold to be sleeping outside even in mid-summer.
so.. ehm... maybe south-china with the mid-sized cities, coz ehm, you're gonna need a local map on paper (from a store, brick-and-mortar shop), not just one on paper that shows all of china (for overview purposes).... and don't forget you're gonna find those shops that sells map on paper mostly in the larger cities that have metro/bus, sometimes even subways, which makes getting into town a lot easier.).

do continue your "hating" in the direction of a camping trip where a real man can get some quality photography time.

and to get back to the outpatient-care.downtown.amsterdam.nl work-relationship left between me and dear mentrum.nl :
ehm, i'm there for chats, which are mostly like
them :
- what are you up to these days?
- me : you must have read that one email from me about it to [email protected], with a bunch of fb posts by me on my own fb account that explain far more than you are (A) allowed to ask me about, and (B) why hasn't that real.dude of yours make a nice memo by sending that email to you before you even met me... oh wait, his toxic procedures prevent that for reasons which can be easily classified as far-beyond-evil.
- me : next question please.
- her : ok... eh... { thinks.... : where do i wanna work instead of now? which study do i do to get into that? and how much will it cost my parents? }
- me, seeing, particular look on girl's face {not surprising by the way, she wouldn't be the first 20-something cute-enough girl to think like that at this point}.
- me : best options? eh... ambulance you're too short and thin for, so that leaves the big office space found in any real hospital.. the ones that deal with broken bones...
- me : other option.. home physician, like the one who treats normal people with normal medical problems.
- me : dentist? maybe only the one for children... still not the best option for a girl like you, but that's just my opinion.
- me : you're free to think now :)

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