A Letter from Mosul

so...regardless of how you felt about the mission that the next democratic president committed troops to - even if you thought it was frighteningly bad foreign policy, you would never voice any dissatisfaction and wave pompoms for a mission you thought was suicidal and foolhardy and totally counterproductive because you wanted to "support the troops"?

can we count on that?

Like Vietnam?
that is your opinion, kind lady, and you are certainly entitled to it. If I write my congressman and tell him I don't want our troops being poured into the hole of hell in Iraq, I damned sure want him to do everything he can - withhold funding, start impeachment proceedings...whatever it takes to stop the insanity and bring our boys home NOW.
You forgot misrepresenting the facts and lying.
as I will thank you...and my liquor cabinet will thank you.
S'plains a lot. A vicious drunk.

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