A Jew on the Intel Report

But...were they fired on first or not?

Honestly...until there is a peace treaty again I don't think this question is relevant. There are so many skirmishes back and forth that half of Israel and Palestine can claim to have been "fired on first".
Honestly...until there is a peace treaty again I don't think this question is relevant. There are so many skirmishes back and forth that half of Israel and Palestine can claim to have been "fired on first".

Of course you don't.
If it were up to me, we'd be in Darfur and every other place where people are being butchered.

We are the number one superpower in the world. We take the right to establish and maintain peace or something as close to it as possible. It's our responsibility, and for the most part, those countries which you think are "suffering" under us are grateful.

He doesn't and you can, and should, condemn Iran for that. Pointing to Iran and saying "well they do it too" isn't much of a justification for anything.

I'm not looking at it as justification. My point was that they expect Israel to do things they wouldn't expect of any other country.... like participate in its own destruction.

I actually try to be fair on this issue. And by fair, I mean that both should be autonomous and run their own governments. I don't, however, believe that fair means Israel should cease to exist or that Zionism is a dirty word. I'm quite proud of Israel and the way they've made a desert green and the things it has achieved. What I resent is when people take positions that would result in it being yet another Arab country in the middle east.
I'm waiting for the first jew taking charge in any Islamic country, Arab or not. When such is even possible, Wait! When they even allow a jew in the legislature/judiciary, progress will have been made. Not holding my breath.


Jews do serve in the Iranian legislature. Persian jews have existed for millenia in Iran, and there are many synagogues, and jewish schools in Tehran. Once again, you are wildly misinformed.

That is not to say they don't get discriminated against in iran. But, in general, neither are they getting their heads chopped off when they go to synagogues, or serve in the nation's legislature.
Jews do serve in the Iranian legislature. Persian jews have existed for millenia in Iran, and there are many synagogues, and jewish schools in Tehran. Once again, you are wildly misinformed.

That is not to say they don't get discriminated against in iran. But, in general, neither are they getting their heads chopped off when they go to synagogues, or serve in the nation's legislature.

Link please.
He's right about there being a single jewish representative in the Irani legislature. Last I heard, it was a guy named Maurice Motamed.

And there are synagogues, though I'm not sure how much autonomy they have. Most of the Jewish population escaped, though. I don't believe Jews are allowed to immigrate to or emigrate from Iran now. But I wouldn't swear to it.

These are the synagogues.

He's right about there being a single jewish representative in the Irani legislature. Last I heard, it was a guy named Maurice Motamed.

And there are synagogues, though I'm not sure how much autonomy they have. Most of the Jewish population escaped, though. I don't believe Jews are allowed to immigrate to or emigrate from Iran now. But I wouldn't swear to it.

These are the synagogues.


Thanks. Heh ... I like how a single Jew = JewS. Sure his name ain't "Token"? :badgrin:
Link please.

Iran's Jewish community is officially recognized as a religious minority group by the government, and, like the Zoroastrians, they are allocated one seat in the Iranian Parliament. Maurice Motamed has been the Jewish MP since 2000, and was re-elected again in 2004. In 2000, former Jewish MP Manuchehr Eliasi estimated that at that time there were still 30,000–35,000 Jews in Iran, other sources put the figure as low as 20,000–25,000.[33]

Today Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles.[2] Iranian Jews have their own newspaper (called "Ofogh-e-Bina") with Jewish scholars performing Judaic research at Tehran's "Central Library of Jewish Association".[34] The "Dr. Sapir Jewish Hospital" is Iran's largest charity hospital of any religious minority community in the country;[34] however, most of its patients and staff are Muslim.[35]


Persian jews are discriminated against. But, as usual you and kathy were wrong. They do live, exist, and are represented in iran's legislature. And they're not getting blown up or gettimg their heads cut off.

Jews in muslim Turkey are treated quite well. There is a vibrant jewish community in istanbul, and turkish-jewish relations are relatively warm. As I recall, turkey was quite helpful to the jews during the holocaust.

You really should reevaluate your stereotypes that all muslims are evil and bent on killing jews. And the negative jewish stereotypes on this board are equally abhorrant.
I'm not looking at it as justification. My point was that they expect Israel to do things they wouldn't expect of any other country.... like participate in its own destruction.

I actually try to be fair on this issue. And by fair, I mean that both should be autonomous and run their own governments. I don't, however, believe that fair means Israel should cease to exist or that Zionism is a dirty word. I'm quite proud of Israel and the way they've made a desert green and the things it has achieved. What I resent is when people take positions that would result in it being yet another Arab country in the middle east.

yea, it's funny how green grass grows better after having drank the blood of the former tenants. Of COURSE I expect Iran to change. did you NOT see the thread I posted YESTERDAY pointing out the rebellion of Iranian students? You seem to think that the standard of progress is determined by the least amount of national effort as if it rationalizes the zionism that lets you rationalize the treatment of pals as "defense" rather than ethnic persicution. I garenfuckingtee that if a single population of jews in ANY nation were systematically treated like israel treats pals you, onedomino and every other open zionist on this board would scream bloody fucking murder. Meanwhile, you lame asss excuses for the israeli blank check is about as fucking lame as a white south african insisting on white superiority in south africa. THE STANDARD IS NOT IRAN. THE STANDARD IS THE WEST THAT LETS JEWS INTO HIGH POLITICS. WHEN WILL ISRAEL LET US DIRTY FUCKING GOYIM INTO THEIR GOVERNMENT IN A LIKE FASHION?

If you can't answer that without some retarded fucking referance to a muslim nation then you might as well flash me hitlers favorite salute. We've clearly traded yellow stars of david for a concrete wall.

Sorry if the INDEGENOUS POPULATION is a little too non-jewish for your tastes but, hey, at least you can admit that your national requirement hinges on ETHNICITY instead of POPULATION.. Obviously, what was evil for the Aryans is "DEFENSE" for the jews.

I notice you backed WAY off the whole Law of Return issue.. funny how thats another blank check jewish bonus, isn't it?
Honestly...until there is a peace treaty again I don't think this question is relevant. There are so many skirmishes back and forth that half of Israel and Palestine can claim to have been "fired on first".

Well, if the point being made is that Israelis wade into child-infested, peaceful neighborhoods to "allegedly" clean out combatants, I think it's pretty relevant that there are actually well-armed combatants there, who fired on them before the Israeli soldiers kicked their butts.

I also like the article which states four Israelis were "mildly" or "slightly" injured...but everything they accomplished is couched in terms of horror.
Well, if the point being made is that Israelis wade into child-infested, peaceful neighborhoods to "allegedly" clean out combatants, I think it's pretty relevant that there are actually well-armed combatants there, who fired on them before the Israeli soldiers kicked their butts.

I also like the article which states four Israelis were "mildly" or "slightly" injured...but everything they accomplished is couched in terms of horror.

Do you have a source that clarifies who shot at whom first? Everyting I've read today NOW says it was standard operation.

But, praytel, how does demonlishing a gas station with a BULLDOZER fit into the strategy of reducing rockets fired into israel? Sounds like ordering a case of whips for the farm hands in pre-civil war Georgia to me. Certainly, if extracting violent pals is the motive bringing along a fucking pal settlement demonlishing tank sure will come in handy! That Law of Return that Jillian mentioned may be a sin if muslims try to out populate jews but all the brand new emmigrants need somwhere to Canaanize!

and OF COURSE everything in that article only SLIGHTLY hurt israelis... THEY ARE SUPERMEN, you know! Bullets bounce right off of them like anyone else who is chosen and wants an ethnically pure nation for themselves. Indeed, but I"m the one posting propaganda.....

Do you have a source that clarifies who shot at whom first? Everyting I've read today NOW says it was standard operation.

But, praytel, how does demonlishing a gas station with a BULLDOZER fit into the strategy of reducing rockets fired into israel? Sounds like ordering a case of whips for the farm hands in pre-civil war Georgia to me. Certainly, if extracting violent pals is the motive bringing along a fucking pal settlement demonlishing tank sure will come in handy! That Law of Return that Jillian mentioned may be a sin if muslims try to out populate jews but all the brand new emmigrants need somwhere to Canaanize!

and OF COURSE everything in that article only SLIGHTLY hurt israelis... THEY ARE SUPERMEN, you know! Bullets bounce right off of them like anyone else who is chosen and wants an ethnically pure nation for themselves. Indeed, but I"m the one posting propaganda.....


The only souce I'm using is the article I thought you posted. It leads in with the big bad Israelis wiping out innocent men, women and children...then somewhere in about the second or third paragraph states that they had actually been fired on (and to me, it reads that this happened prior) but only mildly wounded.

I've been a journalist. I know how to distort a story and I recognize it when I see it. I'm not making any judgment about the situation, I'm just trying to see if anybody really knows what happened. I don't think you can tell from reading that article.
I was hoping that posting the same story from three different sources might clear up how this event began. When I posted it yesterday from jpost it stated that it was NOT routine, which would lead me to believe that pals struck first. However, since then, the Jpost article has changed and NOW it seems to have been a routine effort. My question is what does a bulldozer have to do with extracting militants when the entire population sees israeli bulldozers as the telltale sign of imported jews looking for land to take. Kinda like giving nooses to the riot squad during the Watts Riots instead of batons. Further, why are jewish holidays grounds for quelling what may or may not have even been a violent occasion?

and, if you don't mind, are you comfortable allowing a government determine second class status and social rank according to ethnicity? If so, what races do you think it's ok to let filter their governments of a non-common ethnicity? Whites? Blacks? Hispanics? Jews? Who should be allowed to use race as the sole midigating factor when applying common laws and opportunity?
Well, if the point being made is that Israelis wade into child-infested, peaceful neighborhoods to "allegedly" clean out combatants, I think it's pretty relevant that there are actually well-armed combatants there, who fired on them before the Israeli soldiers kicked their butts.

And there are well armed combatants there because Israel is sytematically oppressing the Palestinian people.

As I said...both sides have enough blood on their hands to justify attacks on the others. Playing the blame game doesn't serve much purpose imo.
That is another sign of Jewish uniqueness: We are facing the entire world alone. As in the days of the Holocaust, all the Goyim have forsaken us. Face to face with the Iranian monster which threatens to devour us, we now stand here alone.

The JPost should run a traceroute on the IP of the user who posted this message. I'd bet money it originated somewhere in Missouri :thup:

BTW, will we ever be able to place mods on our ignore lists? I think it should be an option when the most shrill motherfucker on a messageboard is made a staff member.
I don't know. I wasn't aware the Israelis did that, and I haven't heard that from anyone but you and a few militant Pakistanis. I know Jews come in a variety of colors and nationalities, and as far as I know, they're all welcome in Israel. As are Arabs and people of any other nationality.

If they are segregating people according to the prejudices of the people they are segregating, to try to maintain a modicom of safety, then I don't see that as them being racist. They are maintaining peace in the only way those people will allow them.
The JPost should run a traceroute on the IP of the user who posted this message. I'd bet money it originated somewhere in Missouri :thup:

BTW, will we ever be able to place mods on our ignore lists? I think it should be an option when the most shrill motherfucker on a messageboard is made a staff member.

It's a matter of bringing him into the fold, I believe. He's toned down quite a bit since becoming a mod and I imagine that was part of the grand scheme of things.

It's like dealing with kids. You have a troublemaker, give him a little rope. He'll either become a leader or hang himself (figuratively speaking, of course.)

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