A Happy Ending IS Possible


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Today's circumstances show impeachment is NOT a viable solution to the corruption rampant in the current administration. Even if Democrats retake the House in November, by the time the required committees could finish doing fair, responsible investigations and generate articles of impeachment to vote on, we will already be in the run up to the 2020 elections. Neither party would want that distraction during campaign season. With the Democrats in control of the House in 2019, they will effectively rein in the madness caused by trump’s idiocy.

Passage of progressive House bills for the Republican held Senate to shoot down would basically emasculate the idiot trump for the rest of his term. Also, when you come right down to it, impeachment would be no more effective as punishment for the tiny thumbed dictator than it was for Clinton after he lied about his Oval Office sexual shenanigans.

The only “punishment” that results from impeaching a president is, at best, removal from office, and perhaps feelings of personal and professional shame. This was all Nixon received after his resignation and pardon. After his death years later, he was eulogized as a “great statesman”, in the conservatives’ rewrite of historical fact and through lies of omission.

But everyone knows from the many obscene and obnoxious boasts by Der Gropinfuror, he has no shame in his entire, portly carcass. So impeachment would mean nothing to him.

The idiot trump spent his entire life forgiving himself for and justifying his excesses, and he has already established the mind-set in his mindless minions that he is actually a martyr, politically crucified for the “purity” of his cause.

Even as the number of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions grow as a result of the Mueller probe, the idiot trump will refuse to acknowledge his crimes. And, with the equally corrupt Republican congressional majority in his corner, the idiot trump will never face impeachment.

Happily, there is a much more suitable punishment, one the idiot trump can't avoid, or wriggle his way out of. The most common axiom applied to the execution of the Mueller investigation is three simple words, "Follow. The. Money." In terms of the Trump-Russia investigation, it is meant to follow Trump's tangled finances to look for illicit connections to Russian or other foreign sources that could be used as a point of leverage over him as President. But confirmation of those crimes would NOT sway the Republican crooks in the House.

However, investigating possible illicit ties to Russia that could affect the idiot trump's presidency are not the only times you can follow the money. Mueller's probe into the idiot trump's Russia connections has given him almost unprecedented access to financial records of the idiot trump’s criminal organization.

A bank in Cyprus turned records over to the FBI in its investigation into Paul Manafort. Which, leads to the fact, just because a financial crime may not directly involve the Russia investigation doesn't mean that a crime wasn't committed. And as we have already seen with Michael Cohen, Mueller is not shy about taking incriminating evidence he finds that he can't use, and turning it over to prosecutorial agencies that can use it.

Rumors and speculation have swirled around the idiot trump’s shady organization for years. Possible bank fraud. Possible money laundering of Russian rubles through his crappy, overpriced condos in New York, and his luxury golf properties. Suspicious circumstances around a property he bought in Florida, and sold soon afterwards for double what he paid for it, to a Russian oligarch no less. Allegations of Russian money laundering through an exclusive property in Panama City emblazoned with the idiot trump’s brand, to the point that the actual owner of the property used armed security guards to try to keep the idiot trump’s employees off the grounds. And lest we forget, the idiot trump’s aborted attempt to build one of his “towers” in Baku, Azerbaijan, where you can't even plow a driveway without the proper payoff to the ruling oligarch family. If ever there was a mechanism in place to uncover and connect the dots on this kind of complicated financial tomfoolery, it's the Mueller investigation. And all of it can be routed to the proper jurisdictions for criminal prosecution.

The devoted defenders of the idiot trump will exclaim, “So what, if our corrupt hero even gets a whiff of an upcoming prosecution for unrelated financial crimes, he'll just preemptively pardon himself, and his family. He’s untouchable!”

But those sharp legal minds of the idiot trump’s conservative fans forget, the constitution permits the idiot trump to pardon an individual for his crimes, but nothing, NOTHING authorizes him to pardon a company or corporation. So, don't prosecute Trump, prosecute his COMPANY!

If any of these crimes were committed, obviously, the idiot trump would NOT use his personal bank and checking accounts. He would naturally, funnel all illegal monies through his company books.

The Enron trial alone proved how effectively the government can dismantle a criminally liable company when they choose to. So, the Mueller team need only, Follow. The. Money. And then take it, all of it. For Hair Furor, this would literally be a fate worse than death.

Rational Americans are well aware the idiot trump can talk his way out of the shame and humiliation of an impeachment with his millions of mindless minions, they already have been brainwashed to believe any inquiry into the idiot trump’s business, personal life, and presidency is a political "witch hunt."

The idiot trump's ego couldn't survive being exposed to the world as nothing more than a common criminal, and not a very good one, since he got caught. He would finally feel disgrace.

Criminal fines and restitution would cripple the company, and if the feds played their hand right, it is possible that the prosecution could fall under the RICO statutes, allowing them to confiscate even more. And what survives? Investors and builders would come out of the woodwork to file civil suits against the the idiot trump’s organization for lost contracts and properties, to pick his sorry carcass clean. No form of bankruptcy could save him.

Best of all, whether the idiot trump survives the stress or not, a successful prosecution would strip his evil spawn of any hope of an inheritance.

The idiot trump's record of greed and his willingness to break the rules to get the money practically assure total success by special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and the inevitable prosecutions of the idiot trump’s crooked companies.

The mounting scandals exposed since his inauguration prove the idiot trump isn't very good at covering his tracks. In the coming weeks the Mueller team and the FBI should have no problem connecting the dots. And, if Kushner’s corrupt enterprises don’t fall as well, seeing the idiot trump relegated to spending the rest of his miserable existence shacked up in one of Jared's rent controlled slums and binge watching reruns of “The Apprentice”, is far better than to listening to him (and his mindless minions) snivel and whine about his "witch hunt" impeachment.

From Mueller to Stormy to ‘emoluments,’ Trump’s business is under siege

FBI investigates Russian-linked Cyprus bank accused of money laundering

Was Michael Cohen selling companies access to Trump administration?

Timeline: All the foreign payments to Donald Trump's moneymen, Elliott Broidy and Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen Got $500,000 After Trump Tower Meeting with Russian Oligarch


Today's circumstances show impeachment is NOT a viable solution to the corruption rampant in the current administration. Even if Democrats retake the House in November, by the time the required committees could finish doing fair, responsible investigations and generate articles of impeachment to vote on, we will already be in the run up to the 2020 elections. Neither party would want that distraction during campaign season. With the Democrats in control of the House in 2019, they will effectively rein in the madness caused by trump’s idiocy.

Passage of progressive House bills for the Republican held Senate to shoot down would basically emasculate the idiot trump for the rest of his term. Also, when you come right down to it, impeachment would be no more effective as punishment for the tiny thumbed dictator than it was for Clinton after he lied about his Oval Office sexual shenanigans.

The only “punishment” that results from impeaching a president is, at best, removal from office, and perhaps feelings of personal and professional shame. This was all Nixon received after his resignation and pardon. After his death years later, he was eulogized as a “great statesman”, in the conservatives’ rewrite of historical fact and through lies of omission.

But everyone knows from the many obscene and obnoxious boasts by Der Gropinfuror, he has no shame in his entire, portly carcass. So impeachment would mean nothing to him.

The idiot trump spent his entire life forgiving himself for and justifying his excesses, and he has already established the mind-set in his mindless minions that he is actually a martyr, politically crucified for the “purity” of his cause.

Even as the number of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions grow as a result of the Mueller probe, the idiot trump will refuse to acknowledge his crimes. And, with the equally corrupt Republican congressional majority in his corner, the idiot trump will never face impeachment.

Happily, there is a much more suitable punishment, one the idiot trump can't avoid, or wriggle his way out of. The most common axiom applied to the execution of the Mueller investigation is three simple words, "Follow. The. Money." In terms of the Trump-Russia investigation, it is meant to follow Trump's tangled finances to look for illicit connections to Russian or other foreign sources that could be used as a point of leverage over him as President. But confirmation of those crimes would NOT sway the Republican crooks in the House.

However, investigating possible illicit ties to Russia that could affect the idiot trump's presidency are not the only times you can follow the money. Mueller's probe into the idiot trump's Russia connections has given him almost unprecedented access to financial records of the idiot trump’s criminal organization.

A bank in Cyprus turned records over to the FBI in its investigation into Paul Manafort. Which, leads to the fact, just because a financial crime may not directly involve the Russia investigation doesn't mean that a crime wasn't committed. And as we have already seen with Michael Cohen, Mueller is not shy about taking incriminating evidence he finds that he can't use, and turning it over to prosecutorial agencies that can use it.

Rumors and speculation have swirled around the idiot trump’s shady organization for years. Possible bank fraud. Possible money laundering of Russian rubles through his crappy, overpriced condos in New York, and his luxury golf properties. Suspicious circumstances around a property he bought in Florida, and sold soon afterwards for double what he paid for it, to a Russian oligarch no less. Allegations of Russian money laundering through an exclusive property in Panama City emblazoned with the idiot trump’s brand, to the point that the actual owner of the property used armed security guards to try to keep the idiot trump’s employees off the grounds. And lest we forget, the idiot trump’s aborted attempt to build one of his “towers” in Baku, Azerbaijan, where you can't even plow a driveway without the proper payoff to the ruling oligarch family. If ever there was a mechanism in place to uncover and connect the dots on this kind of complicated financial tomfoolery, it's the Mueller investigation. And all of it can be routed to the proper jurisdictions for criminal prosecution.

The devoted defenders of the idiot trump will exclaim, “So what, if our corrupt hero even gets a whiff of an upcoming prosecution for unrelated financial crimes, he'll just preemptively pardon himself, and his family. He’s untouchable!”

But those sharp legal minds of the idiot trump’s conservative fans forget, the constitution permits the idiot trump to pardon an individual for his crimes, but nothing, NOTHING authorizes him to pardon a company or corporation. So, don't prosecute Trump, prosecute his COMPANY!

If any of these crimes were committed, obviously, the idiot trump would NOT use his personal bank and checking accounts. He would naturally, funnel all illegal monies through his company books.

The Enron trial alone proved how effectively the government can dismantle a criminally liable company when they choose to. So, the Mueller team need only, Follow. The. Money. And then take it, all of it. For Hair Furor, this would literally be a fate worse than death.

Rational Americans are well aware the idiot trump can talk his way out of the shame and humiliation of an impeachment with his millions of mindless minions, they already have been brainwashed to believe any inquiry into the idiot trump’s business, personal life, and presidency is a political "witch hunt."

The idiot trump's ego couldn't survive being exposed to the world as nothing more than a common criminal, and not a very good one, since he got caught. He would finally feel disgrace.

Criminal fines and restitution would cripple the company, and if the feds played their hand right, it is possible that the prosecution could fall under the RICO statutes, allowing them to confiscate even more. And what survives? Investors and builders would come out of the woodwork to file civil suits against the the idiot trump’s organization for lost contracts and properties, to pick his sorry carcass clean. No form of bankruptcy could save him.

Best of all, whether the idiot trump survives the stress or not, a successful prosecution would strip his evil spawn of any hope of an inheritance.

The idiot trump's record of greed and his willingness to break the rules to get the money practically assure total success by special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and the inevitable prosecutions of the idiot trump’s crooked companies.

The mounting scandals exposed since his inauguration prove the idiot trump isn't very good at covering his tracks. In the coming weeks the Mueller team and the FBI should have no problem connecting the dots. And, if Kushner’s corrupt enterprises don’t fall as well, seeing the idiot trump relegated to spending the rest of his miserable existence shacked up in one of Jared's rent controlled slums and binge watching reruns of “The Apprentice”, is far better than to listening to him (and his mindless minions) snivel and whine about his "witch hunt" impeachment.

From Mueller to Stormy to ‘emoluments,’ Trump’s business is under siege

FBI investigates Russian-linked Cyprus bank accused of money laundering

Was Michael Cohen selling companies access to Trump administration?

Timeline: All the foreign payments to Donald Trump's moneymen, Elliott Broidy and Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen Got $500,000 After Trump Tower Meeting with Russian Oligarch


I agree, the arrest, trial and conviction of the cabal trying to bring down the duly elected President should be a very happy ending for the country.

Today's circumstances show impeachment is NOT a viable solution to the corruption rampant in the current administration. Even if Democrats retake the House in November, by the time the required committees could finish doing fair, responsible investigations and generate articles of impeachment to vote on, we will already be in the run up to the 2020 elections. Neither party would want that distraction during campaign season. With the Democrats in control of the House in 2019, they will effectively rein in the madness caused by trump’s idiocy.

Passage of progressive House bills for the Republican held Senate to shoot down would basically emasculate the idiot trump for the rest of his term. Also, when you come right down to it, impeachment would be no more effective as punishment for the tiny thumbed dictator than it was for Clinton after he lied about his Oval Office sexual shenanigans.

The only “punishment” that results from impeaching a president is, at best, removal from office, and perhaps feelings of personal and professional shame. This was all Nixon received after his resignation and pardon. After his death years later, he was eulogized as a “great statesman”, in the conservatives’ rewrite of historical fact and through lies of omission.

But everyone knows from the many obscene and obnoxious boasts by Der Gropinfuror, he has no shame in his entire, portly carcass. So impeachment would mean nothing to him.

The idiot trump spent his entire life forgiving himself for and justifying his excesses, and he has already established the mind-set in his mindless minions that he is actually a martyr, politically crucified for the “purity” of his cause.

Even as the number of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions grow as a result of the Mueller probe, the idiot trump will refuse to acknowledge his crimes. And, with the equally corrupt Republican congressional majority in his corner, the idiot trump will never face impeachment.

Happily, there is a much more suitable punishment, one the idiot trump can't avoid, or wriggle his way out of. The most common axiom applied to the execution of the Mueller investigation is three simple words, "Follow. The. Money." In terms of the Trump-Russia investigation, it is meant to follow Trump's tangled finances to look for illicit connections to Russian or other foreign sources that could be used as a point of leverage over him as President. But confirmation of those crimes would NOT sway the Republican crooks in the House.

However, investigating possible illicit ties to Russia that could affect the idiot trump's presidency are not the only times you can follow the money. Mueller's probe into the idiot trump's Russia connections has given him almost unprecedented access to financial records of the idiot trump’s criminal organization.

A bank in Cyprus turned records over to the FBI in its investigation into Paul Manafort. Which, leads to the fact, just because a financial crime may not directly involve the Russia investigation doesn't mean that a crime wasn't committed. And as we have already seen with Michael Cohen, Mueller is not shy about taking incriminating evidence he finds that he can't use, and turning it over to prosecutorial agencies that can use it.

Rumors and speculation have swirled around the idiot trump’s shady organization for years. Possible bank fraud. Possible money laundering of Russian rubles through his crappy, overpriced condos in New York, and his luxury golf properties. Suspicious circumstances around a property he bought in Florida, and sold soon afterwards for double what he paid for it, to a Russian oligarch no less. Allegations of Russian money laundering through an exclusive property in Panama City emblazoned with the idiot trump’s brand, to the point that the actual owner of the property used armed security guards to try to keep the idiot trump’s employees off the grounds. And lest we forget, the idiot trump’s aborted attempt to build one of his “towers” in Baku, Azerbaijan, where you can't even plow a driveway without the proper payoff to the ruling oligarch family. If ever there was a mechanism in place to uncover and connect the dots on this kind of complicated financial tomfoolery, it's the Mueller investigation. And all of it can be routed to the proper jurisdictions for criminal prosecution.

The devoted defenders of the idiot trump will exclaim, “So what, if our corrupt hero even gets a whiff of an upcoming prosecution for unrelated financial crimes, he'll just preemptively pardon himself, and his family. He’s untouchable!”

But those sharp legal minds of the idiot trump’s conservative fans forget, the constitution permits the idiot trump to pardon an individual for his crimes, but nothing, NOTHING authorizes him to pardon a company or corporation. So, don't prosecute Trump, prosecute his COMPANY!

If any of these crimes were committed, obviously, the idiot trump would NOT use his personal bank and checking accounts. He would naturally, funnel all illegal monies through his company books.

The Enron trial alone proved how effectively the government can dismantle a criminally liable company when they choose to. So, the Mueller team need only, Follow. The. Money. And then take it, all of it. For Hair Furor, this would literally be a fate worse than death.

Rational Americans are well aware the idiot trump can talk his way out of the shame and humiliation of an impeachment with his millions of mindless minions, they already have been brainwashed to believe any inquiry into the idiot trump’s business, personal life, and presidency is a political "witch hunt."

The idiot trump's ego couldn't survive being exposed to the world as nothing more than a common criminal, and not a very good one, since he got caught. He would finally feel disgrace.

Criminal fines and restitution would cripple the company, and if the feds played their hand right, it is possible that the prosecution could fall under the RICO statutes, allowing them to confiscate even more. And what survives? Investors and builders would come out of the woodwork to file civil suits against the the idiot trump’s organization for lost contracts and properties, to pick his sorry carcass clean. No form of bankruptcy could save him.

Best of all, whether the idiot trump survives the stress or not, a successful prosecution would strip his evil spawn of any hope of an inheritance.

The idiot trump's record of greed and his willingness to break the rules to get the money practically assure total success by special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and the inevitable prosecutions of the idiot trump’s crooked companies.

The mounting scandals exposed since his inauguration prove the idiot trump isn't very good at covering his tracks. In the coming weeks the Mueller team and the FBI should have no problem connecting the dots. And, if Kushner’s corrupt enterprises don’t fall as well, seeing the idiot trump relegated to spending the rest of his miserable existence shacked up in one of Jared's rent controlled slums and binge watching reruns of “The Apprentice”, is far better than to listening to him (and his mindless minions) snivel and whine about his "witch hunt" impeachment.

From Mueller to Stormy to ‘emoluments,’ Trump’s business is under siege

FBI investigates Russian-linked Cyprus bank accused of money laundering

Was Michael Cohen selling companies access to Trump administration?

Timeline: All the foreign payments to Donald Trump's moneymen, Elliott Broidy and Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen Got $500,000 After Trump Tower Meeting with Russian Oligarch


I agree, the arrest, trial and conviction of the cabal trying to bring down the duly elected President should be a very happy ending for the country.
You betcha.
If the dum dums constantly attacking Trump, and trying to derail his presidency, cared the slightest bit about this country, they would sit down in a quiet room, no distractions, and objectively contemplate the long list of achievements that Trump has already (in 16 months) accumulated.

They would be happy to see the healthy condition of the country now being made great again, after the weakness, incited riots, ISIS collusion fiasco, immigration faults, and other sickness of the Obama years.
Most of Trump's accomplishments are a festering disasterous time bomb for the American public

But like any CEO, he's already got some fall guy to blame ,and like any CEO he's surrounded himself with enough yes men to bolster his outrageous ego to carry on

As to Muelers investigation of him, Trump's cost taxpayers more in golfing ventures

I;ll wager it will conclude in solid evidence of collusion , if only in every billionaire globalist on this rock is and has been colluding with any other biz possibility as normal operations

Congress will be fed the news, idiot partisanship will abound, the fake news canard will be foisted again and again, and even if Trump does endure the impeachment process , he'll prevail like Clinton did

Niether had the class Nixon had.....

The REAL loss is in accountability. The American public has very little in the way of insisting on this. If we've the chance to keep a leash on aany of our elected officials it should be used, because all i see is them running amock w/o one.....I.E.---in a roundabout way, we're handing Trump his 2nd term

The mass hysteria is to stop Trump policies and cover up the crimes of the past administration......The establishment paid a shit load of money to pay for their pick........Hillary and they are very upset that the money didn't give a return.........

In Dark Money alone in the 2016 elections.........over a billion dollars............They expected to be paying for favors.........

Poor things.

Today's circumstances show impeachment is NOT a viable solution to the corruption rampant in the current administration. Even if Democrats retake the House in November, by the time the required committees could finish doing fair, responsible investigations and generate articles of impeachment to vote on, we will already be in the run up to the 2020 elections. Neither party would want that distraction during campaign season. With the Democrats in control of the House in 2019, they will effectively rein in the madness caused by trump’s idiocy.

Passage of progressive House bills for the Republican held Senate to shoot down would basically emasculate the idiot trump for the rest of his term. Also, when you come right down to it, impeachment would be no more effective as punishment for the tiny thumbed dictator than it was for Clinton after he lied about his Oval Office sexual shenanigans.

The only “punishment” that results from impeaching a president is, at best, removal from office, and perhaps feelings of personal and professional shame. This was all Nixon received after his resignation and pardon. After his death years later, he was eulogized as a “great statesman”, in the conservatives’ rewrite of historical fact and through lies of omission.

But everyone knows from the many obscene and obnoxious boasts by Der Gropinfuror, he has no shame in his entire, portly carcass. So impeachment would mean nothing to him.

The idiot trump spent his entire life forgiving himself for and justifying his excesses, and he has already established the mind-set in his mindless minions that he is actually a martyr, politically crucified for the “purity” of his cause.

Even as the number of indictments, guilty pleas, and convictions grow as a result of the Mueller probe, the idiot trump will refuse to acknowledge his crimes. And, with the equally corrupt Republican congressional majority in his corner, the idiot trump will never face impeachment.

Happily, there is a much more suitable punishment, one the idiot trump can't avoid, or wriggle his way out of. The most common axiom applied to the execution of the Mueller investigation is three simple words, "Follow. The. Money." In terms of the Trump-Russia investigation, it is meant to follow Trump's tangled finances to look for illicit connections to Russian or other foreign sources that could be used as a point of leverage over him as President. But confirmation of those crimes would NOT sway the Republican crooks in the House.

However, investigating possible illicit ties to Russia that could affect the idiot trump's presidency are not the only times you can follow the money. Mueller's probe into the idiot trump's Russia connections has given him almost unprecedented access to financial records of the idiot trump’s criminal organization.

A bank in Cyprus turned records over to the FBI in its investigation into Paul Manafort. Which, leads to the fact, just because a financial crime may not directly involve the Russia investigation doesn't mean that a crime wasn't committed. And as we have already seen with Michael Cohen, Mueller is not shy about taking incriminating evidence he finds that he can't use, and turning it over to prosecutorial agencies that can use it.

Rumors and speculation have swirled around the idiot trump’s shady organization for years. Possible bank fraud. Possible money laundering of Russian rubles through his crappy, overpriced condos in New York, and his luxury golf properties. Suspicious circumstances around a property he bought in Florida, and sold soon afterwards for double what he paid for it, to a Russian oligarch no less. Allegations of Russian money laundering through an exclusive property in Panama City emblazoned with the idiot trump’s brand, to the point that the actual owner of the property used armed security guards to try to keep the idiot trump’s employees off the grounds. And lest we forget, the idiot trump’s aborted attempt to build one of his “towers” in Baku, Azerbaijan, where you can't even plow a driveway without the proper payoff to the ruling oligarch family. If ever there was a mechanism in place to uncover and connect the dots on this kind of complicated financial tomfoolery, it's the Mueller investigation. And all of it can be routed to the proper jurisdictions for criminal prosecution.

The devoted defenders of the idiot trump will exclaim, “So what, if our corrupt hero even gets a whiff of an upcoming prosecution for unrelated financial crimes, he'll just preemptively pardon himself, and his family. He’s untouchable!”

But those sharp legal minds of the idiot trump’s conservative fans forget, the constitution permits the idiot trump to pardon an individual for his crimes, but nothing, NOTHING authorizes him to pardon a company or corporation. So, don't prosecute Trump, prosecute his COMPANY!

If any of these crimes were committed, obviously, the idiot trump would NOT use his personal bank and checking accounts. He would naturally, funnel all illegal monies through his company books.

The Enron trial alone proved how effectively the government can dismantle a criminally liable company when they choose to. So, the Mueller team need only, Follow. The. Money. And then take it, all of it. For Hair Furor, this would literally be a fate worse than death.

Rational Americans are well aware the idiot trump can talk his way out of the shame and humiliation of an impeachment with his millions of mindless minions, they already have been brainwashed to believe any inquiry into the idiot trump’s business, personal life, and presidency is a political "witch hunt."

The idiot trump's ego couldn't survive being exposed to the world as nothing more than a common criminal, and not a very good one, since he got caught. He would finally feel disgrace.

Criminal fines and restitution would cripple the company, and if the feds played their hand right, it is possible that the prosecution could fall under the RICO statutes, allowing them to confiscate even more. And what survives? Investors and builders would come out of the woodwork to file civil suits against the the idiot trump’s organization for lost contracts and properties, to pick his sorry carcass clean. No form of bankruptcy could save him.

Best of all, whether the idiot trump survives the stress or not, a successful prosecution would strip his evil spawn of any hope of an inheritance.

The idiot trump's record of greed and his willingness to break the rules to get the money practically assure total success by special counsel Robert Mueller’s team and the inevitable prosecutions of the idiot trump’s crooked companies.

The mounting scandals exposed since his inauguration prove the idiot trump isn't very good at covering his tracks. In the coming weeks the Mueller team and the FBI should have no problem connecting the dots. And, if Kushner’s corrupt enterprises don’t fall as well, seeing the idiot trump relegated to spending the rest of his miserable existence shacked up in one of Jared's rent controlled slums and binge watching reruns of “The Apprentice”, is far better than to listening to him (and his mindless minions) snivel and whine about his "witch hunt" impeachment.

From Mueller to Stormy to ‘emoluments,’ Trump’s business is under siege

FBI investigates Russian-linked Cyprus bank accused of money laundering

Was Michael Cohen selling companies access to Trump administration?

Timeline: All the foreign payments to Donald Trump's moneymen, Elliott Broidy and Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen Got $500,000 After Trump Tower Meeting with Russian Oligarch


What is the impeachable corruption?
I read more of the O.P. than I would ever have planned to read...coming as it does from one of the most adolescent posters on the board.

Couldn't get all the way through it, but recommend it nevertheless...not for any contribution to Truth or Enlightenment...there is none of that...but as one of the best examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome I have seen in a while.

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