A God being questioned- and sued


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019

The title is my opinion- these control freaks better start realizing where their paychecks come from.

The title is my opinion- these control freaks better start realizing where their paychecks come from.

Pitchforks and torches . . . coming to a governor's mansion near you. Government control is essentially (and always has been) a very fragile illusion. While our American social contract and rule of law are vital to the survival of our civilization, once the people have been pushed too far, that illusion could vanish between breaths.
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While our American social contract and rule of law are vital to the survival of our civilization,
The social contract doesn't grant the privilege of an "official" determining one is essential and another isn't.
I expect when all is said and done (hopefully) these control freaks are going to get their asses (collectively, or individually) handed to them-
There is a lot of abusing of the social contract going on- what we seem to have here is a lack of communication skills- beginning with reading comprehension by "officials"
I don't see how they can sue on the basis of the 2nd Amendment. Nothing in the 2nd Amendment guarantees you the right to have access to a gun store or a gun range. I suppose you can argue that you can't get a gun unless you can go to a gun store, but nothing in the 2nd Amendment addresses you being able to buy a gun.

I do believe an argument could be made on the basis of the 14th Amendment, though...
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I don't see how they can sue on the basis of the 2nd Amendment. Nothing in the 2nd Amendment guarantees you the right to have access to a gun store or a gun range. I suppose you can argue that you can't get a gun unless you can go to a gun store, but nothing in the 2nd Amendment addresses you being able to buy a gun.
Funny you should mention that-
In Attempt To Avoid Lawsuit, DC Says Police Now Acting As FFL

That aside- where is the permission granted to any "official" to determine who is or who isn't "essential"?

Essential to whom has to be questioned- I'd say people paying tithes to the godvernment is "essential" to those *elders* of the church to get their pay check- which means the congragants must work to acquire the tithes-
They also have to eat, clothe and provide shelter for those who depend on them for those "essentials"- my question is based partly on the constitution, in that I want to see the words granting that particular privilege- determining essential-

As I said- the social contract has been abused for decades- it's about time the conversation to take place to put the servants in their proper place- to serve in the role of securing Liberty from nefarious operators, foreign and domestic- for that conversation to take place there needs to be a clear understanding- words mean things- interpretation cannot exist without definition- if reading comprehension lessons are in order, I'd suggest they do it on their own time and dime- their mandated Public Education has failed them miserably.
What do these assholes need gun stores for in the middle of a pandemic? It's the same fucking imbeciles all the time.
I don't see how they can sue on the basis of the 2nd Amendment. Nothing in the 2nd Amendment guarantees you the right to have access to a gun store or a gun range. I suppose you can argue that you can't get a gun unless you can go to a gun store, but nothing in the 2nd Amendment addresses you being able to buy a gun.
Funny you should mention that-
In Attempt To Avoid Lawsuit, DC Says Police Now Acting As FFL

I believe a lawsuit on those grounds would fail. There's not a single thing in the 2nd Amendment which dictates that a person should be able to procure a gun from a conveniently located dealer. You might think that's a silly thing to rely on, but I would challenge you to prove me wrong...
I believe a lawsuit on those grounds would fail. There's not a single thing in the 2nd Amendment which dictates that a person should be able to procure a gun from a conveniently located dealer. You might think that's a silly thing to rely on, but I would challenge you to prove me wrong...
Dictates? Really? How about, shall not be infringed. Conveniently is a subjective- based on your perception.
The 2nd amendment, are the rules for the rule writers- that they either can't comprehend simple English, or they're just plain stupid, or have nefarious purposes in mind speaks to the lack of proper education in this Country- which, BTW, dictates and enFORCEs, through coercion, school bullshit which leads right back to this conversation. Show me where, in ANY constitution in this Country that grants an official the authority to make one more essential than another- after you look up the definition of essential- which is what this is about, not, the 2nd amendment which clearly states the rules- any half ass lawyer would rip a prosecutor to legal shreds-
A gun store is not "essential."
Your opinion is noted - however, you nor anyone else has that authority, never mind the right to make that determination- in fact- is is "essential" (words mean things) to the exerciser- the only needs in life are air, water, food, shelter and clothing with the last two being optional- it is essential, to Liberty, (and those dependent on providers) that wants, needs and desires are not determined by some pin headed idiot educated beyond their intellect- however, it is "essential" (of extreme importance) to those dependent on the vendor of services or goods that he provide those to them- it's not the place of gov't to do that. It is NOwhere in the constitution and I've yet to see it from a State constitution.
Another educated beyond their intellect idiot making noise.

The Houston Police Officers Union called the order "draconian" and said they've reached out to the Texas attorney general to ask if it's legal.

Criticism was also swift from Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick.

“Her abuse of the use of executive orders is the ultimate government overreach. These kind of confused government policies fuel public anger – and rightfully so," Patrick said in a statement.

At least two other county judges in the Houston area say they won't issue similar orders.

Galveston County Judge Mark Henry said he thinks it would be unconstitutional to require face coverings.

And Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough announced masks will not be mandatory there and he doesn't think he has the legal right to require them.

The title is my opinion- these control freaks better start realizing where their paychecks come from.
I agree; a total close down when facilities allow for social distancing is absurd.
I believe a lawsuit on those grounds would fail. There's not a single thing in the 2nd Amendment which dictates that a person should be able to procure a gun from a conveniently located dealer. You might think that's a silly thing to rely on, but I would challenge you to prove me wrong...
Dictates? Really? How about, shall not be infringed. Conveniently is a subjective- based on your perception.
The 2nd amendment, are the rules for the rule writers- that they either can't comprehend simple English, or they're just plain stupid, or have nefarious purposes in mind speaks to the lack of proper education in this Country- which, BTW, dictates and enFORCEs, through coercion, school bullshit which leads right back to this conversation. Show me where, in ANY constitution in this Country that grants an official the authority to make one more essential than another- after you look up the definition of essential- which is what this is about, not, the 2nd amendment which clearly states the rules- any half ass lawyer would rip a prosecutor to legal shreds-
A gun store is not "essential."
Your opinion is noted - however, you nor anyone else has that authority, never mind the right to make that determination- in fact- is is "essential" (words mean things) to the exerciser- the only needs in life are air, water, food, shelter and clothing with the last two being optional- it is essential, to Liberty, (and those dependent on providers) that wants, needs and desires are not determined by some pin headed idiot educated beyond their intellect- however, it is "essential" (of extreme importance) to those dependent on the vendor of services or goods that he provide those to them- it's not the place of gov't to do that. It is NOwhere in the constitution and I've yet to see it from a State constitution.
Buying a gun is not "essential" to anything. Liberty is important, but it has been the "conservative" right-wing trash that has been trying for years to take it away from their fellow Americans.
Buying a gun is not "essential" to anything. Liberty is important, but it has been the "conservative" right-wing trash that has been trying for years to take it away from their fellow Americans.

Buying a gun is not essential, but having the right to ownership is.

What do you believe conservatives have been trying to take from you?

The title is my opinion- these control freaks better start realizing where their paychecks come from.

Gun shops and shooting ranges are not essential services. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say anything about it. End of story.
I believe a lawsuit on those grounds would fail. There's not a single thing in the 2nd Amendment which dictates that a person should be able to procure a gun from a conveniently located dealer. You might think that's a silly thing to rely on, but I would challenge you to prove me wrong...
Dictates? Really? How about, shall not be infringed. Conveniently is a subjective- based on your perception.
The 2nd amendment, are the rules for the rule writers- that they either can't comprehend simple English, or they're just plain stupid, or have nefarious purposes in mind speaks to the lack of proper education in this Country- which, BTW, dictates and enFORCEs, through coercion, school bullshit which leads right back to this conversation. Show me where, in ANY constitution in this Country that grants an official the authority to make one more essential than another- after you look up the definition of essential- which is what this is about, not, the 2nd amendment which clearly states the rules- any half ass lawyer would rip a prosecutor to legal shreds-
A gun store is not "essential."
Your opinion is noted - however, you nor anyone else has that authority, never mind the right to make that determination- in fact- is is "essential" (words mean things) to the exerciser- the only needs in life are air, water, food, shelter and clothing with the last two being optional- it is essential, to Liberty, (and those dependent on providers) that wants, needs and desires are not determined by some pin headed idiot educated beyond their intellect- however, it is "essential" (of extreme importance) to those dependent on the vendor of services or goods that he provide those to them- it's not the place of gov't to do that. It is NOwhere in the constitution and I've yet to see it from a State constitution.

Tell me where the 2nd Amendment mentions gun shops or shooting ranges. The NRA does not have a leg to stand on. Governors do have emergency powers in the case of emergency situations such as natural disasters. The US Constitution recognizes it as well as it gives the President the power to suspend habeas corpus in certain cases.

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