A Cowboy Drawer for TrumpUSA

Sep 22, 2013
Here's a more cynical take on TrumpUSA.


Erron Black was a cowboy-alien from the planet Hellhole and travelled to Earth and made a deal with the Devil to hunt down outlaws during the Gold Rush in California purely in the name of spite. Black travelled through time again and ended up in modern-day Washington, D.C. where he took up a plush job as a Congressman and disguised as a handsome and distinguished gentleman named Eron Blackman. Secretly, 'Eron Blackman' was still a cutthroat assassin and made another deal, this time with the harlot of Babylon (a gorgeous Starbucks executive named Shelbye Bonny who wanted to capitalize on the Trump Administration's new market-based globalization-politics initiative).

Eron Blackman began lobbying for Trump's 'Starbucks Plan' on the Congress floor so he could complete the deal he made with Shelbye Bonny. Soon, President Trump realized much of his commerce-based political initiatives were being realized, and Eron Blackman realized his work was done. He returned to his planet Hellhole and told his bandit-pals that he travelled to Earth and made a snake-deal to hoist to glory a capitalist-leader named Trump so commerce could shine and perhaps even overshadow other considerations such as pluralism-politics. However, Erron Black's little 'deed' actually did some good, as Trump's 'Starbucks Plan' was adopted by both Syria and Iran, and everyone was cheering the magic of the modern bazaar --- except Erron who was quietly reading his copies of Batman and Punisher comic books which he stole from a D.C. magazine-stand while he was on Earth.




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