A country without rule of traffic LAW - Pakistan


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Mar 4, 2011
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Karachi, Pakistan
A country without rule of traffic LAW - Karachi Pakistan
I want to drawn the attention of higher authority regarding this issue, it is amazing and strange in our country look majority of Pakistani not interested to obey the traffic law in which traffic police and citizen both equally responsible.

The head of traffic police never notice or question from their staff what reasons or secret of frequent traffic jam specially in evening hours area like I. I. Chundrigar Road, Boultan Market, Saddar, Burns Road and Shahrah-e-Fasal Karachi.

The reason of traffic jammed which I understand highlight

1. Traffic police always skipping or not controlling traffic flow when jammed, which means they are helpless or careless
2. Our Traffic single often out of order / dormant
3. Majority of Pakistani have problem to flow the traffic rules and feel proud to violate
4. Double / wrong side parking block the road, which affect the traffic flow
5. Entered in one way / wrong side road which creates traffic jammed and problem for others
6. Careless driving by MINI Bus & Bus but police ignored and never punished all drivers for such driving which is dangerous
7. Traffic police most favorite job how to do more & more challan no matter seeing traffic jammed but they are performing duty their ideal place at the signal point to catch the maximum no of vehicle.
8. Use of cell phone & send SMS while driving car or riding bike

Yesterday Friday dated Sep 9, 2016 I saw in evening hours from I.I.Chundrigar Road to Saddar every place police active and busy not to control the traffic flow but how to do more challan no matter wrong or right ( totally mis using their power ) but higher authority never question what reason you doing wrong challan only to earn money for dept or ownself who justify.

I honest tell if every one wait in red light and can’t wait for traffic single maximum 1 or 2 minutes easily waste their precious time 15 to 30 minutes for not obey or following traffic rules and bear additional fuel cost.

Let think positive, train traffic police do not miss use their power for doing wrong challan and also educate the citizen with the help of print media to obey traffic rules, if any foreign look our traffic system then he realized we are still un civilized people on earth after 65 years of independence which is too shameful for those who ignore the traffic rules and creates problem for others.

I request to head of TRAFFIC police do not satisfy with your staff with the number of challan but when they fail to control the traffic flow such type of traffic staff not capable for the job than why still working in this dept.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )
someone up there (in Jannah) hates pakistan
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