A Consumer's Dream


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
It is interesting to note that Americans are fascinated by thrill-themed films such as True Lies and G.I. Joe: Retaliation, since we Americans valuate 'capitalism pride' in terms of risk-courage, which makes for good 'terrorism storytelling,' no?

That's why I've been thinking about what the world was like BEFORE 9/11!


The American movie star Tom Cruise had just purchased a nice Topps rookie card of the legendary MLB player Barry Bonds who, despite being under the spotlight for steroids-accusations, was acquitted of all charges/allegations and is still considered a Hall of Fame worthy athlete. Cruise's girlfriend Jennifer Connelly (another American movie star) suggested to him subtly that Bonds' media controversy regarding steroids-use might devaluate his rookie card, and Cruise considered the possibility that it may not be shrewd to store it long term (for his grandchildren) for memorabilia-value. However, he was a fan of Bonds and decided to keep the darn card.

Connelly was blogging on the Internet (using the identity-masking alias 'Firestar') and wrote about how her 'unnamed beau' purchased a Barry Bonds baseball rookie card and was determined to keep it for value, even though Bonds was implicated in a steroids-controversy. Connelly received interesting responses to her Internet post, and one person asked her why she wanted to use the Marvel Comics alias/avatar 'Firestar,' an ally of the webbed urban vigilante Spider-Man, and Connelly replied, "Firestar is a great American female character!" The person who asked her was secretly a rogue agent of ISIS (the Middle Eastern terrorist organization) named Ajay Satan. Ajay suspected that 'Firestar' was actually some kind of American 'celebrity' who was using the Internet to get 'pedestrian feedback' about the value of the potentially-controversial Bonds rookie card.

Cruise was surfing the Internet too and noticed some posts on World Discussion Forum by an Armenian man named Ajay Satan who was using the Internet alias/avatar Hobgoblin (Marvel Comics), a nemesis of Spider-Man. Cruise himself was using an Internet alias/avatar --- Spider-Man! Cruise (aka 'Spider-Man') asked Ajay (aka 'Hobgoblin') what he thought about pseudo pagan 'villains' in American pop culture art (e.g., comic books) and also what he thought about commerce and free enterprise. Hobgoblin replied, "I'm sure you're asking me, Spider-Man, because you're secretly an American celebrity using the Internet to snoop around to see what you can find out about pedestrian opinions about, oh I dunno, random consumerism 'items' such as the potentially-controversial Barry Bonds rookie card!"

Cruise was horrified. How did Hobgoblin know he was curious about the social attitudes towards the Bonds rookie card? Who was Ajay Satan? Meanwhile, Ajay/Hobgoblin had started scheming, assuming correctly that 'Spider-Man' was Tom Cruise (given his fingerprint-attitude towards American culture) and that 'Firestar' must therefore be Jennifer Connelly. Hobgoblin (Ajay) had followed the career of Cruise and read his media interviews, since he was such a symbolic and pronounced 'cultural figure' in Western culture. Hobgoblin decided he would somehow terrorize Spider-Man and Firestar to generate bad Internet 'chatter' about the Barry Bonds rookie card.

"I, Hobgoblin, intend to reveal to Americans surfing on the Internet that the civilization valuation of 'consumerism treasures' such as the highly-liked Barry Bonds rookie card (MLB) reflects a laissez-faire morality towards the random condoning of controversies in the name of 'media thrills,' which is why perhaps Woody Allen made the fame-sardonic film Celebrity for American audiences! I believe two random Internet bloggers using the Marvel Comics aliases 'Spider-Man' and 'Firestar' may actually be two American celebrities (I've hypothesized them to be Tom Cruise and Jennifer Connelly) using media-space (the World Wide Web) to scour for 'pedestrian perspectives' on consumerism traffic! I intend to prove that the Internet is seen by the West as nothing more than a 'tool' for laziness!"


GI Joe

Barry Bonds



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