A college roommate of Donald J Trump Jr tells a disturbing story about Donald Trump Sr


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
A college roommate of Donald J Trump Jr tells a disturbing story about Donald Trump Sr
Joy Reid just tweeted this...


Donald Trump is trash
What kind of degenerate cretin makes his son wear a suit to a baseball game?

Jesus. What an absolute scumbag.

I feel bad for his kids. It must've been terrifying growing up in the Trump house.
I've slapped people before, I have been videotaped having meltdowns
before city councilmembers, and an incident with a state rep where we
both lost it and did the equivalent of cursing each other out.

My Congresswoman had to be physically separated from a colleague
after a confrontation that occurred in a hallway outside a meeting.

Nobody I know who has been involved in politics hasn't blown up at some point.
I can name names, but it's better I just name my own faults and speak for myself.

What determines someone's accountability is how they respond to rebuke and corrections.
Do they run from the laws, or do they own up and accept responsibility.

Sorry but not just with Clintons and Obamas, I have never seen Democrats
in their positions take personal responsibility for the abuses and compromises
that go on so they can get into and keep their offices. They act like the sacrifice is all theirs.

They don't talk about paying back these debts and damages with their own money.
They wheel and deal with other people's.

Trump has his own money and own businesses he deals with himself.
He has to be accountable to all the investigations and tax audits.
He doesn't have the connections to bypass or obstruct due process and justice
as the Obamas and Clintons have amassed through party politics.

His personal demeanor is no worse than the reputations that
Sheila Jackson Lee has or Hillary Clinton who deal with enormous pressures put on them.
I have never seen a human being who could take that much pressure
without having a meltdown, breakdown, temper tantrum, or some other failure in judgment
that makes them look bad.

Even Jimmy Carter the peace activist was caught treating his own wife cruelly,
verbally addressing her in such a way that one of my peace and justice friends lost respect
and any faith in credibility in him from witnessing that one incident.

I was also reprimanded by a friend after I verbally went ballistic on a friend
for taking sides in a conflict over comments made about racism at a poetry reading
where I tried to defend everyone equally instead of people ganging up against one person.

I don't think those emotional outbursts should take away from
my statements made about Constitutional laws that stand on their own merit.

anyone can endorse the right answers and solutions,
even if our personal demeanor fails miserably.

I think we should look at what solutions we put together
and judge those, and quit this business of attacking each other on appearance.

Do we respect the Constitutional process or not?
Do we include and reconcile or do we divide and attack by ganging up?

When Trump works with people of other groups, he lets them lead their own group.
He doesn't try to co opt them and take over control and representation for their group.
He doesn't have the ability to do that, like the Democrats who
corrupted the Black vote, the Green vote, the pro peace anti war vote
and made these only about getting their candidates elected.

Trump doesn't compromise his own freedom to speak for himself.
So when he goes off in nonPC ways, that is his own personal style or tactic.
From everything you'll find on Clinton and others like her,
there is similar or even worse reports!

What he does when he works with others on business plans is
about the effectiveness and feasibility of those plans.

It really depends on all the other people he works with
if the plans are solid enough to work and to unite the public.

If Trump puts his own ego before others, the same has been said of Clinton.
But Clinton's reputation of putting party politics and conflicts before duty to public
has no equivalent on Trump's side who has no such resources or connections to manipulate as Clinton has.
So we're frightened about 'stories' from 50 years ago but think nothing of active investigations by the FBI on Hillary's total corruption and compromising National Security. Alrighty then at least we have our priorities straight.
Hillary is still a criminal
Drumpf has 2 guaranteed trials coming up. Looks like he is more the criminal.
Okay Asclepias let's make a bet shall we.

Let's bet where whoever loses has to ask the winners candidate to help raise 10 million to save Freedmens Town as a campus for training vets and minorities in business legal financial and govt mgmt including a microlending program thru the Fed to turn restitution from racketeering crimes into investment programs to help victims of crime corruption trafficking and legal abuse.

I will bet you that the Clintons and Democrats will be found responsible for abuses through the FBI investigations and Trump will either be found not guilty or will agree to pay fines for any violations through his university case. You believe he will be found guilty of criminal violations instead of Clinton, but are you willing to bet 10 million on it?

So if Trump is found innocent of anything criminal, or only has complaint s about his university that he can resolve by refunding money or paying fines, and Clinton is found guilty, then I win and you have to ask Clinton for help to raise 10 million towards restoring FT campus plans destroyed by Democratic party politics.
And if Clinton is found innocent except for fixable issues that can be resolved such as returning illegal donations, but Trump is found guilty, then I will ask Trump for help to raise 10 million to save FT from Democratic leaders destroying it. We can even ask their lawyers can this be part of their restitution, to invest resources money time labor or mgmt expertise in saving a national historic landmark as a campus district to help minority interests otherwise exploited politically and financially for votes.

Are you willing to bet 10 million that Trump or Clinton will be found guilty or innocent. Either way, FT national historic landmark deserves the publicity and fundraising for the campus Plans developed there and passed as federal legislation where their model should be replicated along the border. Care to make a bet? I don't mind losing this one for a good cause!
A college roommate of Donald J Trump Jr tells a disturbing story about Donald Trump Sr
Joy Reid just tweeted this...


Donald Trump is trash
my cousin's step-sister's uncle's gay-husbawife's best friend's roomate's brother's coworker's secretary's cat's former owner's client's accountant's sister's fiance's mistress says you're lying your ass off.
Hillary is still a criminal

Please give us the legal definition of "criminal".

Just look at a dictionary and place the shrilary's picture in the body of the text.

These lightweights don't understand a criminal is someone that's been indicted, stands trial, and is then convicted of something! Their rumor-mongering makes her a criminal in their minds and it's pathetic! All those steps have to be completed or these trolls are just doing that; TROLLING! Trump has kept up the drumbeat and his "empty-headed" clones can't help but parrot him! :banana: :beer:
Hillary is still a criminal
Drumpf has 2 guaranteed trials coming up. Looks like he is more the criminal.
Okay Asclepias let's make a bet shall we.

Let's bet where whoever loses has to ask the winners candidate to help raise 10 million to save Freedmens Town as a campus for training vets and minorities in business legal financial and govt mgmt including a microlending program thru the Fed to turn restitution from racketeering crimes into investment programs to help victims of crime corruption trafficking and legal abuse.

I will bet you that the Clintons and Democrats will be found responsible for abuses through the FBI investigations and Trump will either be found not guilty or will agree to pay fines for any violations through his university case. You believe he will be found guilty of criminal violations instead of Clinton, but are you willing to bet 10 million on it?

So if Trump is found innocent of anything criminal, or only has complaint s about his university that he can resolve by refunding money or paying fines, and Clinton is found guilty, then I win and you have to ask Clinton for help to raise 10 million towards restoring FT campus plans destroyed by Democratic party politics.
And if Clinton is found innocent except for fixable issues that can be resolved such as returning illegal donations, but Trump is found guilty, then I will ask Trump for help to raise 10 million to save FT from Democratic leaders destroying it. We can even ask their lawyers can this be part of their restitution, to invest resources money time labor or mgmt expertise in saving a national historic landmark as a campus district to help minority interests otherwise exploited politically and financially for votes.

Are you willing to bet 10 million that Trump or Clinton will be found guilty or innocent. Either way, FT national historic landmark deserves the publicity and fundraising for the campus Plans developed there and passed as federal legislation where their model should be replicated along the border. Care to make a bet? I don't mind losing this one for a good cause!
Its not just his fraud. He is also going on trial for raping a 13 yr old in December
Hillary is still a criminal

Please give us the legal definition of "criminal".

Just look at a dictionary and place the shrilary's picture in the body of the text.

These lightweights don't understand a criminal is someone that's been indicted, stands trial, and is then convicted of something! Their rumor-mongering makes her a criminal in their minds and it's pathetic! All those steps have to be completed or these trolls are just doing that; TROLLING! Trump has kept up the drumbeat and his "empty-headed" clones can't help but parrot him! :banana: :beer:
Shut up, shit dick. You don't care how you get what you want. Just admit it.
Hillary is still a criminal
Drumpf has 2 guaranteed trials coming up. Looks like he is more the criminal.
Okay Asclepias let's make a bet shall we.

Let's bet where whoever loses has to ask the winners candidate to help raise 10 million to save Freedmens Town as a campus for training vets and minorities in business legal financial and govt mgmt including a microlending program thru the Fed to turn restitution from racketeering crimes into investment programs to help victims of crime corruption trafficking and legal abuse.

I will bet you that the Clintons and Democrats will be found responsible for abuses through the FBI investigations and Trump will either be found not guilty or will agree to pay fines for any violations through his university case. You believe he will be found guilty of criminal violations instead of Clinton, but are you willing to bet 10 million on it?

So if Trump is found innocent of anything criminal, or only has complaint s about his university that he can resolve by refunding money or paying fines, and Clinton is found guilty, then I win and you have to ask Clinton for help to raise 10 million towards restoring FT campus plans destroyed by Democratic party politics.
And if Clinton is found innocent except for fixable issues that can be resolved such as returning illegal donations, but Trump is found guilty, then I will ask Trump for help to raise 10 million to save FT from Democratic leaders destroying it. We can even ask their lawyers can this be part of their restitution, to invest resources money time labor or mgmt expertise in saving a national historic landmark as a campus district to help minority interests otherwise exploited politically and financially for votes.

Are you willing to bet 10 million that Trump or Clinton will be found guilty or innocent. Either way, FT national historic landmark deserves the publicity and fundraising for the campus Plans developed there and passed as federal legislation where their model should be replicated along the border. Care to make a bet? I don't mind losing this one for a good cause!
Its not just his fraud. He is also going on trial for raping a 13 yr old in December
No Ass-Clap. It's not a criminal trial, it is a civil case. You're a retard and won't understand the difference. But I thought it'd be fun to pretend chimps understand English.
Hillary is still a criminal
Drumpf has 2 guaranteed trials coming up. Looks like he is more the criminal.
Okay Asclepias let's make a bet shall we.

Let's bet where whoever loses has to ask the winners candidate to help raise 10 million to save Freedmens Town as a campus for training vets and minorities in business legal financial and govt mgmt including a microlending program thru the Fed to turn restitution from racketeering crimes into investment programs to help victims of crime corruption trafficking and legal abuse.

I will bet you that the Clintons and Democrats will be found responsible for abuses through the FBI investigations and Trump will either be found not guilty or will agree to pay fines for any violations through his university case. You believe he will be found guilty of criminal violations instead of Clinton, but are you willing to bet 10 million on it?

So if Trump is found innocent of anything criminal, or only has complaint s about his university that he can resolve by refunding money or paying fines, and Clinton is found guilty, then I win and you have to ask Clinton for help to raise 10 million towards restoring FT campus plans destroyed by Democratic party politics.
And if Clinton is found innocent except for fixable issues that can be resolved such as returning illegal donations, but Trump is found guilty, then I will ask Trump for help to raise 10 million to save FT from Democratic leaders destroying it. We can even ask their lawyers can this be part of their restitution, to invest resources money time labor or mgmt expertise in saving a national historic landmark as a campus district to help minority interests otherwise exploited politically and financially for votes.

Are you willing to bet 10 million that Trump or Clinton will be found guilty or innocent. Either way, FT national historic landmark deserves the publicity and fundraising for the campus Plans developed there and passed as federal legislation where their model should be replicated along the border. Care to make a bet? I don't mind losing this one for a good cause!
Its not just his fraud. He is also going on trial for raping a 13 yr old in December
No Ass-Clap. It's not a criminal trial, it is a civil case. You're a retard and won't understand the difference. But I thought it'd be fun to pretend chimps understand English.
Rapists are criminals Try again cave monkey and stop pretending to understand english.
Hillary is still a criminal
Drumpf has 2 guaranteed trials coming up. Looks like he is more the criminal.
Okay Asclepias let's make a bet shall we.

Let's bet where whoever loses has to ask the winners candidate to help raise 10 million to save Freedmens Town as a campus for training vets and minorities in business legal financial and govt mgmt including a microlending program thru the Fed to turn restitution from racketeering crimes into investment programs to help victims of crime corruption trafficking and legal abuse.

I will bet you that the Clintons and Democrats will be found responsible for abuses through the FBI investigations and Trump will either be found not guilty or will agree to pay fines for any violations through his university case. You believe he will be found guilty of criminal violations instead of Clinton, but are you willing to bet 10 million on it?

So if Trump is found innocent of anything criminal, or only has complaint s about his university that he can resolve by refunding money or paying fines, and Clinton is found guilty, then I win and you have to ask Clinton for help to raise 10 million towards restoring FT campus plans destroyed by Democratic party politics.
And if Clinton is found innocent except for fixable issues that can be resolved such as returning illegal donations, but Trump is found guilty, then I will ask Trump for help to raise 10 million to save FT from Democratic leaders destroying it. We can even ask their lawyers can this be part of their restitution, to invest resources money time labor or mgmt expertise in saving a national historic landmark as a campus district to help minority interests otherwise exploited politically and financially for votes.

Are you willing to bet 10 million that Trump or Clinton will be found guilty or innocent. Either way, FT national historic landmark deserves the publicity and fundraising for the campus Plans developed there and passed as federal legislation where their model should be replicated along the border. Care to make a bet? I don't mind losing this one for a good cause!
Its not just his fraud. He is also going on trial for raping a 13 yr old in December
No Ass-Clap. It's not a criminal trial, it is a civil case. You're a retard and won't understand the difference. But I thought it'd be fun to pretend chimps understand English.
Rapists are criminals Try again cave monkey and stop pretending to understand english.
It ain't going anywhere, home skillet. The case has been thrown out more than once.

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