A Change In Substance At the Guardian? MSM Beware


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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Ok, this isn't exactly US, but Guardian is to Britain what NY Times is to US, so this is more than a bit interesting. They have been carrying more conservative articles of late, now Steyn has been dropped from the Telegraph, the main conservative paper and The Spectator. Opens up The Guardian to new possibilities. Links at site:


Palace revolution at The Guardian?

PJM in Los Angeles

March 14, 2006 6:48 AM
Categories: Media Watch

Purim trickster
April Fools may be coming early this year at Adloyada, but the blog is reporting a virtual earthquake at England’s most religiously leftwing of all its dailies - The Guardian. Today’s paper publishes a column by self-described neocon Oliver Kamm. Adloyada says that’s only the beginning with the likes of Melanie Phillips, Mark Steyn, Norm Geras, David Aronovitch and even David T. of Harry’s Place being mooted as star columnists for the “Grauniad.” We’re skeptical but interested.
Kathianne said:
Ok, this isn't exactly US, but Guardian is to Britain what NY Times is to US, so this is more than a bit interesting. They have been carrying more conservative articles of late, now Steyn has been dropped from the Telegraph, the main conservative paper and The Spectator. Opens up The Guardian to new possibilities. Links at site:


I think that thinking that might happen here to our MSM is wishful thinking...... was that a lot of 'thinkings'? :o
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