A Call to Arms Part Five

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Hand of Help Ministries

The devil isn’t out to bruise you, or skin your knee, or call you nasty names, the devil is out to kill you, and every single individual who does his bidding, every single one roaming about already marked for condemnation, has the selfsame objective in mind.

Men teach heresy for the singular purpose of destroying other men spiritually!

In the end that is the root of every false teaching, false doctrine, and false interpretation. The devil knows the battle he is in, but sadly much of the church does not. The devil knows the stakes of this battle, but sadly the church seems to have forgotten, thinking that somehow if they are trampled underfoot, if they are overcome rather than overcomers, they’ll just end up in a less glitzy part of heaven, but heaven nevertheless.
After outlining a pretty grim picture of the end times, speaking of wars, rumors of wars, and how we would be hated by all nations for His name’s sake, Jesus went on to speak some heavy, heavy words for every believer who thinks they can wing it, or somehow get through what’s coming without being fully equipped, fully trained, and fully sold out for Christ.

Matthew 24:13, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

Jesus didn’t say ‘he who tries, attempts, or thinks they can endure to the end,’ Jesus said, ‘he who endures to the end!’

Valiant efforts won’t cut it, nor will halfhearted attempts at enduring. If we believe the words of Jesus – and we have no reason to doubt Him – then only he who endures to the end shall be saved!
To read the full sermon - click the link above.

This series called A call to Arms is written by Michael Boldea Jr. and he is writing this series to equip the believer to defend the faith, to dare to be holy in front of men and devils and to not be surprised by the resistance they will experience from the wide is the road gospel crowd who will shout Works! Legalism! Earning salvation! Every single time you dare to suggest to them that they must come out of the world and their sin and live a life separated unto the Lord. The very hint of any expectation of living a holy life will cause them to vomit out the bitterness of their own unholiness upon those who preach the crucified life. Nevertheless, ........without holiness no one will see the Lord. - Hebrews 12: 14 It is written. - Jeri note* I believe this part 5 of the series is the very best yet!
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Hand of Help Ministries

The devil isn’t out to bruise you, or skin your knee, or call you nasty names, the devil is out to kill you, and every single individual who does his bidding, every single one roaming about already marked for condemnation, has the selfsame objective in mind.

Men teach heresy for the singular purpose of destroying other men spiritually!

In the end that is the root of every false teaching, false doctrine, and false interpretation. The devil knows the battle he is in, but sadly much of the church does not. The devil knows the stakes of this battle, but sadly the church seems to have forgotten, thinking that somehow if they are trampled underfoot, if they are overcome rather than overcomers, they’ll just end up in a less glitzy part of heaven, but heaven nevertheless.
After outlining a pretty grim picture of the end times, speaking of wars, rumors of wars, and how we would be hated by all nations for His name’s sake, Jesus went on to speak some heavy, heavy words for every believer who thinks they can wing it, or somehow get through what’s coming without being fully equipped, fully trained, and fully sold out for Christ.

Matthew 24:13, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

Jesus didn’t say ‘he who tries, attempts, or thinks they can endure to the end,’ Jesus said, ‘he who endures to the end!’

Valiant efforts won’t cut it, nor will halfhearted attempts at enduring. If we believe the words of Jesus – and we have no reason to doubt Him – then only he who endures to the end shall be saved!
To read the full sermon - click the link above.

This series called A call to Arms is written by Michael Boldea Jr. and he is writing this series to equip the believer to defend the faith, to dare to be holy in front of men and devils and to not be surprised by the resistance they will experience from the wide is the road gospel crowd who will shout Works! Legalism! Earning salvation! Every single time you dare to suggest to them that they must come out of the world and their sin and live a life separated unto the Lord. The very hint of any expectation of living a holy life will cause them to vomit out the bitterness of their own unholiness upon those who preach the crucified life. Nevertheless, ........without holiness no one will see the Lord. - Hebrews 12: 14 It is written. - Jeri note* I believe this part 5 of the series is the very best yet!

You, Michael Boldea Jr. and all other Christians sinners are heretics who use the words written by true saints and prophets for your own selfish purpose. Only us saints and prophets are used by God to write, speak and teach for Him, not sinful heretics like you.
This sermon is compatible with the sermons that were posted today. It all ties together. A call to Arms is an ongoing series by Michael Bodea Jr. If you have not read it yet, you should.

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