9/11 should be a day of service

What exactly gives right-wing nutjobs any claim to 9/11?

You actually have a point.

New York City is an elite liberal leftist socialist mecca...it's a non-American city crawling with filthy liberal Marxist communist non-American pigs.

They have Oklahoma City.
I think that 9-11 should be a day of remembrance, unknown to Obama the people of this country have done and will always do community service, we don't need him to tell us when and what to do. We are the most generous people on earth and as with every disastor, man-made or natural we do this all over the world.


Is this an alternate spelling?
How silly of you. What is truly sad is thode who have no knowledge of how Clinton instructed his lackey, Gore, to head up an unprecedented gutting of the IC of historic proportion over three years prior to 2001. Ignorance is not a good thing, dude.

Bit of revisionist history there, Si...

Clinton's people warned Bush's about Bin Laden. And Bush had a PBD in August saying that Bin Laden wanted to use planes to attack the U.S. They also knew that there were a bunch of guys learning how to steer, but not take off and land, jets.

How old were you on 9/11? :confused:
Look people, I'm not specifically going to blame any American for 9/11.

Republican or Democrat.

However, that being said, it happened on Bush's watch. He is responsible for what happens on his watch, good or bad.

Again, that's not saying I lay blame at his feet, but it sure isn't something for him and the rest of the Neo-Cons to be PROUD of.
How silly of you. What is truly sad is thode who have no knowledge of how Clinton instructed his lackey, Gore, to head up an unprecedented gutting of the IC of historic proportion over three years prior to 2001. Ignorance is not a good thing, dude.

Bit of revisionist history there, Si...

Clinton's people warned Bush's about Bin Laden. And Bush had a PBD in August saying that Bin Laden wanted to use planes to attack the U.S. They also knew that there were a bunch of guys learning how to steer, but not take off and land, jets.

How old were you on 9/11? :confused:
Bit of denial there, Jillian. Had the IC been staffed adequately and had their hands not been tied with idiotic restrictions on human assets, the USA would have known the details needed to stop this.

Bad decisions led to this happening...your preferred team is not innocent. Yay team.
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I think that 9-11 should be a day of remembrance, unknown to Obama the people of this country have done and will always do community service, we don't need him to tell us when and what to do. We are the most generous people on earth and as with every disastor, man-made or natural we do this all over the world.
The OP and the group's agenda has nothing to do with Obama. Leave it to the right to politicize something like this.
How silly of you. What is truly sad is thode who have no knowledge of how Clinton instructed his lackey, Gore, to head up an unprecedented gutting of the IC of historic proportion over three years prior to 2001. Ignorance is not a good thing, dude.

Bit of revisionist history there, Si...

Clinton's people warned Bush's about Bin Laden. And Bush had a PBD in August saying that Bin Laden wanted to use planes to attack the U.S. They also knew that there were a bunch of guys learning how to steer, but not take off and land, jets.

How old were you on 9/11? :confused:
Bit of denial there, Jillian. Had the IC been staffed adequately and had their hands not been tied with idiotic restrictions on human assets, the USA would have known the details needed to stop this.

No denial. I have a very real interest in this one... I don't like fallacious BS though. If you want to talk about damaging intelligence assets, let's talk about the propriety of firing your best Farsi interpreters because they're gay or outing a CIA agent because you don't like what her husband found out...

Stop it... let me know what Bush did in response to the PDB. Did he tell them to beat the bushes? Order closer scrutiny? Ask for info?

I'll wait...

oh heck, I'll make it easy... he did nada....

I have no doubt that more could have been done.... by everyone... leading up to 9/11... but it's stupid to blame the past president and ignore the one who got the PDB's. for NINE MONTHS before the attack.

And FWIW, it may not have made a difference... the Mossad is the best intel force on earth and there are STILL terrorist attacks on Israel.
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Lets see.
Clinton had three prime opportunities to take Bin Laden out. He refused. He himself calls it his biggest regret.
The terrorists entered this country, rented apartments, enrolled in flight school, received wire money transfers, roamed freely, and finalized the mission plans all on Clintons watch.
And lets not forget WTC attack #1, and the USS cole. Also on Clintons watch.
It seems that SOME people, not you vastLWC, want to forget all about these FACTS!
Bottom line: Blame should be spread equally!
Bit of revisionist history there, Si...

Clinton's people warned Bush's about Bin Laden. And Bush had a PBD in August saying that Bin Laden wanted to use planes to attack the U.S. They also knew that there were a bunch of guys learning how to steer, but not take off and land, jets.

How old were you on 9/11? :confused:
Bit of denial there, Jillian. Had the IC been staffed adequately and had their hands not been tied with idiotic restrictions on human assets, the USA would have known the details needed to stop this.

No denial. I have a very real interest in this one... I don't like fallacious BS though. If you want to talk about damaging intelligence assets, let's talk about the propriety of firing your best Farsi interpreters because they're gay or outing a CIA agent because you don't like what her husband found out...

Stop it... let me know what Bush did in response to the PDB. Did he tell them to beat the bushes? Order closer scrutiny? Ask for info?

I'll wait...

oh heck, I'll make it easy... he did nada....

I have no doubt that more could have been done.... by everyone... leading up to 9/11... but it's stupid to blame the past president and ignore the one who got the PDB's. for NINE MONTHS before the attack.

And FWIW, it may not have made a difference... the Mossad is the best intel force on earth and there are STILL terrorist attacks on Israel.
Right. I'm not saying it's all the fault of one team...just gets into a lame pissing contest. Which is the point I'm maiking. I can piss, so can you - and we both can piss pretty far on this. But, if I want urine, I have easy access to it, I don't need it in a thread on 9/11.

So, you're right - It may not have made a difference at all. Yet that doesn't keep idiotic posts (not yours) from saying this was all the opposing 'team's' fault. This does not keep idiotic posters (not you) from saying our foreign policy is at fault.

The only fault I see is some fucked up animals (and that's an insult to the animal kingdom) decided it was a good idea to mass-murder innocent non-combatants on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
Yes, 9/11 should be a day of service, but then again folks shouldn't need just one day a year to do things like this.

Its like Valentine's Day. If that's the only day a year you do something nice for your signifigant other, chances are good you're single most of the rest of the year.
"A day of Service?" "Teachable Moment?" Sounds like something your average Hopey Changey sheep would say. This President is a miserable failure and his handling of this day of 911 remembrance is a perfect example of the poor lost radical Left Wing soul he is. Pretty shameful behavior. :(
Clinton is the president for right-wing nutjobs?

Pretty sad you don't even remember who was President on 9/11/2001.....very sad.
How silly of you. What is truly sad is thode who have no knowledge of how Clinton instructed his lackey, Gore, to head up an unprecedented gutting of the IC of historic proportion over three years prior to 2001. Ignorance is not a good thing, dude.

You should tell that to Dubya and DICK. How long were they in office and RUNNING things prior to the 9/11 attacks?
it should be a day of protest until the truth is told and justice is done

Ahhhhh Christ. the whitecoats left the doors to the asylum unlocked, once again. The :cuckoo: are runnin' wild!

6 out of 10 ....9/11 commission members call their report a cover-up and call for a real investigation ....but their findings are good enough for you....that's mental

Ok, genius. Please tell us all what YOU think REALLY happened on 9/11?
Pretty sad you don't even remember who was President on 9/11/2001.....very sad.
How silly of you. What is truly sad is thode who have no knowledge of how Clinton instructed his lackey, Gore, to head up an unprecedented gutting of the IC of historic proportion over three years prior to 2001. Ignorance is not a good thing, dude.

You should tell that to Dubya and DICK. How long were they in office and RUNNING things prior to the 9/11 attacks?
Your urine is boring. Cheer for your team somewhere else...not in a 9/11 thread. How fucking tacky - using 9/11 like that.
How silly of you. What is truly sad is thode who have no knowledge of how Clinton instructed his lackey, Gore, to head up an unprecedented gutting of the IC of historic proportion over three years prior to 2001. Ignorance is not a good thing, dude.

You should tell that to Dubya and DICK. How long were they in office and RUNNING things prior to the 9/11 attacks?
Your urine is boring. Cheer for your team somewhere else...not in a 9/11 thread. How fucking tacky - using 9/11 like that.

Just so I am clear on the rules....Obama is not allowed to blame Bush for the mess he inherited from him, but it is OK to blame Clinton for the 9/11 attacks that happened on Bush's watch?:cuckoo:

Suck dick, much?
"A day of Service?" "Teachable Moment?" Sounds like something your average Hopey Changey sheep would say. This President is a miserable failure and his handling of this day of 911 remembrance is a perfect example of the poor lost radical Left Wing soul he is. Pretty shameful behavior. :(
right. how dare he call for service to your fellow man! What a commie, radical thing to say! Doesn't he realize that only greed and selfishness are American virtues to be celebrated?:cool:

Shameful! Service! What a sham!

Is this how you really want to be regarded? Is this the message your ideology wants to put front and center? Is this cheap political ham-handed Conservative crap what you expect Americans to embrace?

Conservatism has died and this is the last gasp. Thank the idiots; Beck, Limbaugh and Palin for this twisted frame of mind.
all of the good and innocent Americans lost on that terrible day! I'm sorry i know this might come off as being disrespectful & angry but i think it has to be said anyway. Mr. President,this is not a day for your cheap Leftist slogans like "A Day Of Service" or "Teachable Moments." Mr. President,this is a day to remember the poor innocent Americans who were needlessly slaughtered on that day. That's it pure & simple. So please spare us your cheap Leftist slogans. Talk about using tragedy for your own political gain? That's not what this day is about. I really do think that the President's handling of this solemn day of 911 remembrance has been atrocious and insensitive. Mr. President,it's not about you sir!! Sorry,just not in the mood for his cheap Leftist slogans today. Hope you all understand my outrage. See Ya and God Bless all 911 Victims and their families.
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Ahhhhh Christ. the whitecoats left the doors to the asylum unlocked, once again. The :cuckoo: are runnin' wild!

6 out of 10 ....9/11 commission members call their report a cover-up and call for a real investigation ....but their findings are good enough for you....that's mental

Ok, genius. Please tell us all what YOU think REALLY happened on 9/11?

Don't even go there Vaginayank. I've been through it with this loon on another thread. All he is going to do is throw up a bunch of statements from "former this, former that" people. He even had the audacity to throw up a Youtube video of some "former" military intelligence officer, who had to be 85 years old and was definitely suffering from some elderly mental condition, ranting about a conpiracy. For every 1 "former" this" person, we have 20 "present that" people who thoroughly debunk everyone of their loony theories. If it weren't so sad, it would be laughable. They're beyond :cuckoo:!
"A day of Service?" "Teachable Moment?" Sounds like something your average Hopey Changey sheep would say. This President is a miserable failure and his handling of this day of 911 remembrance is a perfect example of the poor lost radical Left Wing soul he is. Pretty shameful behavior. :(

Coming from an archair warrior like yourself, I'm not surprised that you have no respect for "service" to one's country.