80% of Americans are Sick to Death With the Fraudulent Duopoly That Controls Our Politics

You can't get two groups to agree with one another, you think three or more groups would help?

Yes, I do think it would work because it *does* work, Tex, all over the globe. More choice is better for the people, and that is a fact.

We need more Political DIVERSITY


that isn't what that graph says at all.

that said, more parties is probably a good thing. I think the teaparty should start their own party and stop holding the GOP hostage
It's the economy, stupid.
That first lobster-looking graph coincides with economic prosperity.
The most consistent satisfied period coincides with the Reagan era, free flowing oil and the residual of that. The most dramatic change for the worse coincides with left wing oil suppression and the impact that has had on the economy.
Note the first chart that showed satisfaction with the two party system starting to slide in 2004 when the economy was pretty strong.

This 'one answer fits all questions' thing really doesn't work for discovering Truthful cause and effect, dude.

We need more Political DIVERSITY


that isn't what that graph says at all.

Lol, could you possibly get more ambiguous? I said several things, which one are you referring to?

that said, more parties is probably a good thing. I think the teaparty should start their own party and stop holding the GOP hostage

my comment was in reference to the thread title.

We need more Political DIVERSITY


my comment was in reference to the thread title.

The thread title is a summary of the individual components in the OP. Why do you suppose that any one element has to completely support the thread title?

The people are not satisfied with how our current government is being governed and a large part of that is the duopoly that our current Professional Political Class sustains with biased slanted coverage against third party candidates, ignoring them when they are right, and never giving more than the briefest coverage of the way the political duopoly enforces its duopoly, things like ridiculous ballot access rules, absurd petition signature requirements and locking up al the journalists in the media for one party or the other but mercilessly attacking independent journalists like Phillis Schlaffly, Paul Craig Roberts, and Joseph Sobran and many many more.

The corporate crony system that is built entirely on our two party system with the Democrats the dominant party is a sham and morally bankrupt.

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