8 little kids shot in Chicago weekend


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
..I've said this over twenty years ago--black kids are being murdered--and they don't care.....but when a jackass CRIMINAL is justifiably killed, they go apeshit = they are idiots
..I've said this over twenty years ago--black kids are being murdered--and they don't care.....but when a jackass CRIMINAL is justifiably killed, they go apeshit = they are idiots
Not all blacks fell for the Demmie Liars of Hate America's deep state shennanigans.
"Black lives matters". I am in awe of the enormity of BULLSHIT that moniker encompasses, it's mind-boggling just how much it harms blacks and society, and it reminds me of just how gullible human beings are. But it appears that people are rejecting BLM. I leave it at that.
Not all...but most.
My sources tell me that most blacks there are decent people. Decent black people in Chicago have seen the light, want police restored to protect them and their kids and loved ones from the scores of idiots who are doubling down on murdering their fellow blacks due to misinformation they have been fed by the press and socialistas.

Blacks have many, many geniuses among them, and America needs them to be smart, strong, and discerning enough to know when the Democrat press is yanking their chains. You will see when they end that in full disdain for the criminal left who is leading them down a path going the wrong way for true security to occur in their currently dangerous streets as they wise up.
My sources tell me that most blacks there are decent people. Decent black people in Chicago have seen the light, want police restored to protect them and their kids and loved ones from the scores of idiots who are doubling down on murdering their fellow blacks due to misinformation they have been fed by the press and socialistas.

Blacks have many, many geniuses among them, and America needs them to be smart, strong, and discerning enough to know when the Democrat press is yanking their chains. You will see when they end that in full disdain for the criminal left who is leading them down a path going the wrong way for true security to occur in their currently dangerous streets as they wise up.
Most blacks are racists who hold generational, and continuing grudges against whites. Most are publicly polite but the placid surface is easily broken. Avoidance, when possible, is the best behavior.
My sources tell me that most blacks there are decent people. Decent black people in Chicago have seen the light, want police restored to protect them and their kids and loved ones from the scores of idiots who are doubling down on murdering their fellow blacks due to misinformation they have been fed by the press and socialistas.

Blacks have many, many geniuses among them, and America needs them to be smart, strong, and discerning enough to know when the Democrat press is yanking their chains. You will see when they end that in full disdain for the criminal left who is leading them down a path going the wrong way for true security to occur in their currently dangerous streets as they wise up.

Many blacks don't follow politics nor do they care. Most vote based on how other blacks tell them to vote, but don't even know what they're voting on.

It doesn't matter what the Democrat party does to them, says about them, they will always have the black vote in the 90% range no matter what. So why should Democrats address their concerns? The Democrats are allowing these illegals to enter the country by the millions, and many of them will take jobs blacks could otherwise do, they fought against school vouchers that have helped many black students and families, they are fighting Voter-ID with the basic statement blacks are too stupid to figure out how to get one. And yet, they keep voting Democrat.

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