8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Trump is a racist. A bunch of white deniers who have never faced racism and call opposition to the racism of whites racism, have no words to offer on our conclusion about trump that are worthy of merit.
Feel free to post whatever you like, but remember that you, nor any other lefty, will EVER post a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. The most you will EVER do is post allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.
You've been shown multiple examples of his racism.
This quote is real food for thought. I've never looked at it that way, but I have thought about why the people who do this want to enforce a caste system in order to survive in Society. Those who need a "nigXXX" or a "submissive woman" or a brown skinned person to mow their lawns and clean their houses seem unable to survive independently and justify their own existence without demanding that others sacrifice themselves in order to satisfy their "needs."
******* are only suited for menial tasks. They are far too stupid and violent to be trusted with more complex high trust duties.

Then explain the base scum that is a trump or pigpence or mcconnell or gaetz or graham or jeffress. They have not shown that they are qualified to do anything but go to the bathroom. Very stupid, very ignorant people who most of the time can't even read.
Donald Trump...though a Cheetoh dusted prick...is not a stupid person. As for the rest of those people...I assume they a politicians...
Trump is the dumbest one in the crowd. But you're a white supremacist pretending to be of the Nordic race with a fake Norwegian name, so you aren't too bright. So trump is Einstein to you.
Tijn Von Ingersleben is not a Nordic name, you dim, pavement ape. Nor am I a white supremacist. If you would take the time you would notice that I favor NO GROUP over another.
Now...do I hold some groups in higher regard? Sure. Jews, East Asians, and White Europeans have contributed greatly to this world...disproportionately so in fact. Yet no one is faultless.
Thanks Tain. Jews indeed are the best of the best. I still recommend staying away from those sheep.
This quote is real food for thought. I've never looked at it that way, but I have thought about why the people who do this want to enforce a caste system in order to survive in Society. Those who need a "nigXXX" or a "submissive woman" or a brown skinned person to mow their lawns and clean their houses seem unable to survive independently and justify their own existence without demanding that others sacrifice themselves in order to satisfy their "needs."
******* are only suited for menial tasks. They are far too stupid and violent to be trusted with more complex high trust duties.

Then explain the base scum that is a trump or pigpence or mcconnell or gaetz or graham or jeffress. They have not shown that they are qualified to do anything but go to the bathroom. Very stupid, very ignorant people who most of the time can't even read.
Donald Trump...though a Cheetoh dusted prick...is not a stupid person. As for the rest of those people...I assume they a politicians...
Trump is the dumbest one in the crowd. But you're a white supremacist pretending to be of the Nordic race with a fake Norwegian name, so you aren't too bright. So trump is Einstein to you.
Tijn Von Ingersleben is not a Nordic name, you dim, pavement ape. Nor am I a white supremacist. If you would take the time you would notice that I favor NO GROUP over another.
Now...do I hold some groups in higher regard? Sure. Jews, East Asians, and White Europeans have contributed greatly to this world...disproportionately so in fact. Yet no one is faultless.

You really need better self esteem than to call yourself a snow ape boy. You're a racist piece of shit.
Trump is a racist. A bunch of white deniers who have never faced racism and call opposition to the racism of whites racism, have no words to offer on our conclusion about trump that are worthy of merit.
Feel free to post whatever you like, but remember that you, nor any other lefty, will EVER post a shred of evidence that proves Trump is a racist. The most you will EVER do is post allegations, dismissed cases, gish gallop, secondhand quotes, or propaganda.
You've been shown multiple examples of his racism.
Negative. But you, definitely have. Don’t hide behind your skin color. You’re still an asshole.
******* are only suited for menial tasks. They are far too stupid and violent to be trusted with more complex high trust duties.

Then explain the base scum that is a trump or pigpence or mcconnell or gaetz or graham or jeffress. They have not shown that they are qualified to do anything but go to the bathroom. Very stupid, very ignorant people who most of the time can't even read.
Donald Trump...though a Cheetoh dusted prick...is not a stupid person. As for the rest of those people...I assume they a politicians...
Trump is the dumbest one in the crowd. But you're a white supremacist pretending to be of the Nordic race with a fake Norwegian name, so you aren't too bright. So trump is Einstein to you.
Tijn Von Ingersleben is not a Nordic name, you dim, pavement ape. Nor am I a white supremacist. If you would take the time you would notice that I favor NO GROUP over another.
Now...do I hold some groups in higher regard? Sure. Jews, East Asians, and White Europeans have contributed greatly to this world...disproportionately so in fact. Yet no one is faultless.

You really need better self esteem than to call yourself a snow ape boy. You're a racist piece of shit.
I'm a glacier ******...get it correct.

When the daily stormer openly supports you, you are a racist.
Panel erupts over conversation of race, Trump

The lady in the middle is a black conservative republican. There are black republicans who are not blind, stupid white butt kissing sellouts. Many of them recognize trumps racism and do not go to the lengths people like Ben Carson does to deny and excuse it.
You think the so called "walk away" bunch is a real thing, and not just an orchestrated PR stunt by Trump HaHaHahahahaHaHa

View attachment 300965 View attachment 300967
Danielle, a 'black female conservative', laments Michelle Obama admiring liberals threatening VIOLENCE toward American Citizens peacefully sharing their concerns Re: Social Issues affecting American citizens of African Descent:


What a crock of shit.

Hi, BD. When a person like yourself trolls me, and is apparently incapable of offering more than a five word reply to my posts, I tend to smile and giggle.


More and more American citizens are REJECTING Democratic Party values...or its lack of values >>>

Ignoring illogical bullies and HATERS, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing HATEFUL PROBLACK influence during his childhood upbringing.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou - 420,611 views

Peace ♥

Yes, BULLDOG will have you laughing for hours.
Panel erupts over conversation of race, Trump

The lady in the middle is a black conservative republican. There are black republicans who are not blind, stupid white butt kissing sellouts. Many of them recognize trumps racism and do not go to the lengths people like Ben Carson does to deny and excuse it.

It' great we have people like you to help us remember that blacks can be racist too.

.....ignorant racists.
If 80% of blacks think president Trump is a raysis...why are 65% voting for him?

Are these the same polls that told us hillary would win in a landslide? :lol:
An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

Ninety-eight percent of black voters who identify as Democrat, and 72 percent of those who identify as independent said they would back whoever ultimately becomes the Democratic nominee over Trump. Just 12 percent of black voters who identify as Republican said the same.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump
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Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Becky becky becky ...
Before trump was wacist and the destroyer of worlds
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View attachment 300939

I can call You becky and Becky when you call me call me Al

View attachment 300938
View attachment 300940

If 80% of blacks think president Trump is a raysis...why are 65% voting for him?

Are these the same polls that told us hillary would win in a landslide? :lol:
An overwhelming majority of black voters — 85 percent — said in a new Hill-HarrisX poll that they would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump

Ninety-eight percent of black voters who identify as Democrat, and 72 percent of those who identify as independent said they would back whoever ultimately becomes the Democratic nominee over Trump. Just 12 percent of black voters who identify as Republican said the same.

Poll: Overwhelming majority of black voters back any 2020 Democrat over Trump
And that's directly from the "Trump has no path to the White House" polling company too!!
white paternalism

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.


  • White man’s burden – the duty of whites to help the lesser races. Used in the early 1900s to excuse imperialism.
  • White saviour films – where a white hero saves people of colour. “The Blind Side” (2009), “Dangerous Minds” (1995), etc
  • Western imperialism – which seeks not just control of land, trade and taxes like most empires, but goes beyond that to remaking subjects in its own image – Westernization.
  • American and Australian policy on natives – separating children from their parents to make them white; controlling what little land they have left.
  • Whites adopting African children – like Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
  • White allies – when they go beyond merely helping anti-racist causes to telling people of colour what to do, trying to take over.
White paternalists love to:

  1. Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks – Mugabe, Detroit, white inventions.
  2. See blacks screw up or act like fools.
  3. Talk down to blacks.
  4. Tell blacks that they treat them better than anyone else would.
  5. Tell blacks, in so many words, that they “saved” them from Africa.
White paternalists hate it when:

  1. Blacks are not grateful to them.
  2. Blacks get angry or say anything bad about whites.
You see that not just from white commenters on this blog, you see it in how they show blacks on American television. Black crime. Black buffoons. Black pathologies. Screwed-up or helpless black countries.

White paternalists do not see:

  1. Their failed record at handling the affairs of people of colour: genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, taking their land, taking their children, screwing up their countries – Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Gaza, Congo and on and on. They do not see that the most successful non-white country was one of the few countries they were not able to screw up: Japan, which shut out the West for hundreds of years.
  2. That much of their “success” was based on screwing up the very people they are now supposedly trying to “help”. America was built on Indian land and black slave labour. The West was built on robbing the world through the Spanish, Portuguese, French and British empires. They do not see that they got to where they are through the barrel of a gun. They think it was through “values” or “institutions” or culture or genes.
  3. That just as whites know what is in their own best interest, so do blacks and Indians and Vietnamese and everyone else. There is nothing special about white people. They point to Mugabe but not to Hitler or Stalin. They point to the black illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%, but not to the white illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%. They point to black street crime but not to Wall Street crime. Etc.
Whites say, “Where would you be without us?” Wrong: where would they be without us!

white paternalism
Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
Malcome X calls you a traitor to your own race
white paternalism

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.


  • White man’s burden – the duty of whites to help the lesser races. Used in the early 1900s to excuse imperialism.
  • White saviour films – where a white hero saves people of colour. “The Blind Side” (2009), “Dangerous Minds” (1995), etc
  • Western imperialism – which seeks not just control of land, trade and taxes like most empires, but goes beyond that to remaking subjects in its own image – Westernization.
  • American and Australian policy on natives – separating children from their parents to make them white; controlling what little land they have left.
  • Whites adopting African children – like Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
  • White allies – when they go beyond merely helping anti-racist causes to telling people of colour what to do, trying to take over.
White paternalists love to:

  1. Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks – Mugabe, Detroit, white inventions.
  2. See blacks screw up or act like fools.
  3. Talk down to blacks.
  4. Tell blacks that they treat them better than anyone else would.
  5. Tell blacks, in so many words, that they “saved” them from Africa.
White paternalists hate it when:

  1. Blacks are not grateful to them.
  2. Blacks get angry or say anything bad about whites.
You see that not just from white commenters on this blog, you see it in how they show blacks on American television. Black crime. Black buffoons. Black pathologies. Screwed-up or helpless black countries.

White paternalists do not see:

  1. Their failed record at handling the affairs of people of colour: genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, taking their land, taking their children, screwing up their countries – Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Gaza, Congo and on and on. They do not see that the most successful non-white country was one of the few countries they were not able to screw up: Japan, which shut out the West for hundreds of years.
  2. That much of their “success” was based on screwing up the very people they are now supposedly trying to “help”. America was built on Indian land and black slave labour. The West was built on robbing the world through the Spanish, Portuguese, French and British empires. They do not see that they got to where they are through the barrel of a gun. They think it was through “values” or “institutions” or culture or genes.
  3. That just as whites know what is in their own best interest, so do blacks and Indians and Vietnamese and everyone else. There is nothing special about white people. They point to Mugabe but not to Hitler or Stalin. They point to the black illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%, but not to the white illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%. They point to black street crime but not to Wall Street crime. Etc.
Whites say, “Where would you be without us?” Wrong: where would they be without us!

white paternalism
Remember him?


Obama's have raked in $100 million dollars since leaving office

Africans under Obama lost half their wealth
and lost the majority of homes due to foreclosure
having only spent $10 billion of the promised $75 billion
to help those most at risk, low income minorities, from losing their homes

Now, they support Biden

Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Yes, but most Blacks are hoodwinked into not realizing that Obama was racist toward darkskinned Blacks. And he actually helped white HISP white Arabs white Indians & lgbt far, far more than he helped Black America.

Coupled with how most Blacks don't realize that Trump has scooped up those darkskinned Blacks who Obama/the Dems abandoned in 2010.


This is extremely false, and slanderous, of you to falsely correlate that white paternalism definition onto Rachel Dolezal. Rachel represented something very different than what she was falsely painted as.

don't forget....She was the director of an NAACP chapter/office in fact and one can only gain that position, by way of, protecting and representing the negro people regarding their demands within the local cimmunity. Which is the exact opposite of paternalism.

It is heartbreaking to see truly, evil, demonic White people, and negros too --when they start making Rachel Dolezal appear as a racist or paternal. Thats when considering how she idolized Black people, and her service to Black interests in it's truest form.
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Folks, when we blacks tell you how blacks see things, learn to listen.

8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds

Lisette Voytko

Topline: A Washington Post/Ipsos poll found that more than eight in ten black Americans view President Trump as “a racist,” with nine in ten respondents disapproving of his job performance⁠—and with the election still ten months away, former vice president Joe Biden is (so far) black Democrats’ candidate of choice.

  • The poll was conducted January 2 to January 8, and painted a largely pessimistic outlook by black Americans, 65% of whom said it was a bad time to be black in America.
  • Despite Trump touting his presidency as being good for black Americans, 77% of respondents said the president should get “only some” or “hardly any” credit for the 5.5% unemployment rate among their community..
  • While the black unemployment rate is at its lowest point in years, it stood at 16.8% in 2010, during Barack Obama’s first term as president, and was at 7.5% when he left office.
  • In terms of their personal financial situations, 54% report no change during Trump’s presidency, even though the stock market has reached record highs.
  • Black Americans who believe Trump to be racist also tend to believe he’s made racism worse in the country and that white Americans do not understand the discrimination they experience.
  • The poll did find, however, that 65% of respondents feel optimistic about their own lives, a belief that crosses political divides and age groups.
8 In 10 Black Americans View Trump As ‘A Racist,’ Poll Finds
8 In 10 Black Americans would be correct.

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