60% Hispanics Favor Trump Over 25% for Identity Politics Biden


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is not surprizing. Critical Racial Theory is anti-white racism, and about half of Hispanics in the USA identify as white.

Only about 25 percent of Latinos identify with Joe Biden’s progressive identity politics, while more than 60 percent of Latinos favor Donald Trump’s populist, pro-American pitch, according to a September 18 report in the New York Times.
The study asked voters and focus group for their views on “a dog-whistle message lifted from Republican talking points … [about] ‘illegal immigration from places overrun with drugs and criminal gangs’ and called for ‘fully funding the police, so our communities are not threatened by people who refuse to follow our laws,’” the authors wrote in their September 18 op-ed.
The shocked authors reported, “Almost three out of five white respondents judged the message convincing. More surprising, exactly the same percentage of African-Americans agreed, as did an even higher percentage of Latinos.”
The political problem for Biden’s progressive allies is that only about 25 percent of Latinos identify themselves as a progressive-style “people of color” identity group, the authors said. The majority of Latinos “rejected this designation [because] they preferred to see Hispanics as a group integrating into the American mainstream, one not overly bound by racial constraints but instead able to get ahead through hard work.”

Well, well, wellllllllllll.....................................
Hispanics come to this country to make a BETTER life for themselves. The Democratic platform (currently) looks like what they are trying to get away from.
Blm and democrat connections has Latinos looking at democrats like wtf, am I next?
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This is not surprizing. Critical Racial Theory is anti-white racism, and about half of Hispanics in the USA identify as white.

Only about 25 percent of Latinos identify with Joe Biden’s progressive identity politics, while more than 60 percent of Latinos favor Donald Trump’s populist, pro-American pitch, according to a September 18 report in the New York Times.
The study asked voters and focus group for their views on “a dog-whistle message lifted from Republican talking points … [about] ‘illegal immigration from places overrun with drugs and criminal gangs’ and called for ‘fully funding the police, so our communities are not threatened by people who refuse to follow our laws,’” the authors wrote in their September 18 op-ed.
The shocked authors reported, “Almost three out of five white respondents judged the message convincing. More surprising, exactly the same percentage of African-Americans agreed, as did an even higher percentage of Latinos.”
The political problem for Biden’s progressive allies is that only about 25 percent of Latinos identify themselves as a progressive-style “people of color” identity group, the authors said. The majority of Latinos “rejected this designation [because] they preferred to see Hispanics as a group integrating into the American mainstream, one not overly bound by racial constraints but instead able to get ahead through hard work.”

Well, well, wellllllllllll.....................................
Its much worse than that for democrats... Blacks and other ethnic groups saw what Trump was doing before COVID and they liked it.. And were rebounding very quickly. Democrats are in for a big surprise in about 45 days and it wont be one they thought possible.
Every Hispanic I know is a die hard supporter of President Trump.
My daughter is the only person I know personally that is not supporting Trump.

My wife wont even discuss it as she is convinced that the Democrats are going to steal the election.
Every Hispanic I know is a die hard supporter of President Trump.
My daughter is the only person I know personally that is not supporting Trump.

My wife wont even discuss it as she is convinced that the Democrats are going to steal the election.

Don't worry. Just remember it is Joe Biden on the ticket. Then you will sleep very well.
Perhaps the fact that the Democrat virus lockdowns eliminated 32% of all Latino small-businesses / small-business owners has something to do with it.

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