56 Shot and 13 Killed in Deadly Rampages

Are you kidding? My Republican buddy at work was so happy for trump after Orlando. He said it was a game changer. As if the shooting would benefit trump.

You are praying for another attack.

You couldn't be more wrong. I do like attacks and find it scary that they seem to be on the rise. You are so lame if you think it's fair to judge someone you don't know based on what some coworker supposedly said. Are you serious about that comment?
Well...there you go.
He wants to act like collectively they don't salivate when bad shit happens.

I didn't want another 9-11 on Bush's watch but I wonder about fox rush and their followers.

This guy may be above it but the GOP not so much
Obama got us out of the recession your side put us in. Now you want to complain how well he did? Fuck you! Fucking idiots and partisan hack losers

Oh, and exactly HOW did "his side" put us into a recession?

MBS? (Carter) CRA? (Carter - vastly enhanced by Clinton) GLBA? (Clinton) CDO? (Clinton)

I don't expect an intelligent answer from you, Silly Bonobo. You don't know what the acronyms stand for, you sure the fuck don't know the details behind them. You are but a money, flinging shit in hopes of distracting from the faults of your party.
If you really want to know go to marketplace.org and listen to "The costs of profits". I have a root canal scheduled.

If you listen you might learn. What do you learn by talking?
If you really want to know go to marketplace.org and listen to "The costs of profits". I have a root canal scheduled.

If you listen you might learn. What do you learn by talking?

So, you have no fucking idea, but you do know of a website that you think will make the case you have no clue about? :rofl:

What a ridiculous little hack you are.
If you really want to know go to marketplace.org and listen to "The costs of profits". I have a root canal scheduled.

If you listen you might learn. What do you learn by talking?

So, you have no fucking idea, but you do know of a website that you think will make the case you have no clue about? :rofl:

What a ridiculous little hack you are.
You won't believe the truth even if I told you and if you don't already know you don't want to
Obama has gotten us out of nothing. The economy is worse off now than when he was crowned. His false numbers on unemployment are nothing both liberal talking points.

Obama is the worst president we have EVER had!

Fuck Obama and all of his administrators.

When Obama took office, Nominal GDP was right at $15 trillion. Today it is about $17 trillion. This is about 11% over his 8 years. This is a paltry 1.4% average annual growth. (rounded to the nearest trillion)

Okay, so Obama is a disaster at growing the GDP, but he IS good at growing something.

When Obama took office, the national debt was $10.6 trillion.

Now this was during a recession. We had a GDP of $15 trillion. This gives us a debt to GDP ratio of 70.6%. Which at the time was the worst since the depression.

Today we have a debt of $19.2 trillion with a nominal GDP of $16.6 trillion. This gives us a debt to GDP ratio of 115.7%. This means we have more debt than we have in all produced assets.

Anyone, no matter how partisan, who cannot grasp what a problem this is, is a fool.
Are you kidding? My Republican buddy at work was so happy for trump after Orlando. He said it was a game changer. As if the shooting would benefit trump.

You are praying for another attack.

So what you're saying is that Republicans were happy about the Orlando shooting?
Some are happy politically. Like how Republicans didn't want the economy to do well under Obama. To think they don't hope for bad news that would hurt hillary is not being honest.

And a lot of Republicans care less because they were gays shot

When the hell did the economy get better? You can't be serious.....
Sorry to hear that you are not doing well during this growth time....I'm doing amazingly well as is the economy all around me in CA.
Of course blue States got hurt most by NAFTA and all those jobs that left but Republicans try to say it's our fault. That tells me they don't understand what happened to America under bushanomics. Why didnt they complain when jobs went overseas instead of out of the country? If us liberals and unions sucked they should have left for red states. But remember Republicans were defending NAFTA in 2007. They have much different position today.

Then they cry those good paying factory jobs came back $10 hr. But isn't that what they wanted? Republicans are so obviously just cherry picking facts.

Fact is to the GOP the only goal of a corporation is to maximize shareholder profits. If that is all they care about then they've broken the social contract they had with Americans and we need to understand that before voting.

If you don't care about labor/workers vote gop

Um, excuse me, but didn't Bill Clinton sign NAFTA? Oh, that's right, he DID!

Remember Ross Perot telling the American people that all we would hear from NAFTA would be a "giant sucking sound" as our jobs went to Mexico??

I remember it quite well. Not only was Perot correct, but you stupid fucking liberals voted for that asshole Clinton AGAIN!!mnow, you want to put the bitch that he is "married" to in office, so she can finish this country off.

You liberals amaze me. You keep doing the same shit over and over and expect different results....
If you think I have the time or interest explaining it to you you're crazy.

He undid some bad deregulations bush Dennis hastert and Tom delay slipped in.

Now you go research all the bad deregulations delay hammered through. I'll be here laughing.

Which ones are these, Silly Bonobo?

As always, you spew shit with nothing to back it.

You are a blowhard, a fool, and a hack.
Obama got us out of the recession your side put us in. Now you want to complain how well he did? Fuck you! Fucking idiots and partisan hack losers

Oh, and exactly HOW did "his side" put us into a recession?

MBS? (Carter) CRA? (Carter - vastly enhanced by Clinton) GLBA? (Clinton) CDO? (Clinton)

I don't expect an intelligent answer from you, Silly Bonobo. You don't know what the acronyms stand for, you sure the fuck don't know the details behind them. You are but a money, flinging shit in hopes of distracting from the faults of your party.
Corporations stopped caring about workers and started implementing Ayn Rand Milton Friedman Jack Welsh economics in the 70s and workers have been taking steps backward ever sense.

Some of its justified some of it is only happening because the rich have waged class warfare on us and most don't even know it.

One day 75% of American workers will work for a temp agency. And you voted for it. Your grandkids should piss on your grave what you did to them.

No wonder Germany and Canada are numbers 1&3 best countries and were 4 now. Funny socialism is OK there
You won't believe the truth even if I told you and if you don't already know you don't want to

What 'truth?"

You have zero grasp of the the subject. You spew shit you think helps your party. It isn't that you're wrong on the subject, it's that you lack the foundation to make an intelligent argument at all. Discussing economics with you is like arguing quantum physics with the cat.
If you think I have the time or interest explaining it to you you're crazy.

He undid some bad deregulations bush Dennis hastert and Tom delay slipped in.

Now you go research all the bad deregulations delay hammered through. I'll be here laughing.

Which ones are these, Silly Bonobo?

As always, you spew shit with nothing to back it.

You are a blowhard, a fool, and a hack.
You ignored them back when it was happening or defended them now you want me to dig them up and show you? It won't change your bad attitude.

Ask Elizabeth Warren.
Yeah, in Christianity, you have to get on your hands and knees…very dignified.

The lefties have all they can do to remember talking points. You don't expect the poor things to actually fact check them, do you? As if they'd care. If Bam says things are better, they go along. Of course, people on welfare aren't as affected as those who work or are actually looking for a job.
Then please tell all those lying Republican governors who are trying to take credit for the recovery you say doesn't even exist to shut the fuck up.

You must be low income uneducated and have no skills if you don't know about the recovery.

Do workers need a raise? Hell yea. But don't look to Republicans for a raise

What aspect of our economy has recovered significantly under Obama? Funnily enough wall street did.
Obama got us out of the recession your side put us in. Now you want to complain how well he did? Fuck you! Fucking idiots and partisan hack losers

LMAO how did Obamatard do that exactly what specific actions did he take? We'll just be here laughing while you try to work that out :laugh::laugh::laugh:
If you think I have the time or interest explaining it to you you're crazy.

He undid some bad deregulations bush Dennis hastert and Tom delay slipped in.

Now you go research all the bad deregulations delay hammered through. I'll be here laughing.

As predicted, tune in next week when sealybobo credits Obama for making it rain and gravity.
Obama got us out of the recession your side put us in. Now you want to complain how well he did? Fuck you! Fucking idiots and partisan hack losers

Oh, and exactly HOW did "his side" put us into a recession?

MBS? (Carter) CRA? (Carter - vastly enhanced by Clinton) GLBA? (Clinton) CDO? (Clinton)

I don't expect an intelligent answer from you, Silly Bonobo. You don't know what the acronyms stand for, you sure the fuck don't know the details behind them. You are but a money, flinging shit in hopes of distracting from the faults of your party.
Corporations stopped caring about workers and started implementing Ayn Rand Milton Friedman Jack Welsh economics in the 70s and workers have been taking steps backward ever sense.

Some of its justified some of it is only happening because the rich have waged class warfare on us and most don't even know it.

One day 75% of American workers will work for a temp agency. And you voted for it. Your grandkids should piss on your grave what you did to them.

No wonder Germany and Canada are numbers 1&3 best countries and were 4 now. Funny socialism is OK there

Both parties pushed the trade giveaways that hurt the middle class and made china and south korea industrial powerhouses. dem or repub, no difference, at least till Trump.
Corporations stopped caring about workers and started implementing Ayn Rand Milton Friedman Jack Welsh economics in the 70s and workers have been taking steps backward ever sense.

So you think the purpose of a corporation is to "care about workers."

Jack Welch moron, pay attention. Of the three you mentioned, only one is an economist. Further, the 1970's were the decade of the most unabashed implementation of Keynesian theory in history (though Obabble is rushing to repeat all the mistakes.) It was Nixon who put wage and price controls in place.

Some of its justified some of it is only happening because the rich have waged class warfare on us and most don't even know it.

So, you hear words and terms, never grasping what they mean, and misuse them in ways you think will serve your party?

One day 75% of American workers will work for a temp agency. And you voted for it. Your grandkids should piss on your grave what you did to them.

I never voted for Obama.

But you did, what 10 or 12 times?

If the Zoo doesn't cremate you, Silly Bonobo, perhaps I'll point them to where you get planted. :dunno:

No wonder Germany and Canada are numbers 1&3 best countries and were 4 now. Funny socialism is OK there

Best in what way? Per capita GDP for the USA is nearly $10K higher in the USA than Germany. It IS $10K higher than Canada.

You spew a lot of shit, but you don't have much knowledge.
Yeah, in Christianity, you have to get on your hands and knees…very dignified.

The lefties have all they can do to remember talking points. You don't expect the poor things to actually fact check them, do you? As if they'd care. If Bam says things are better, they go along. Of course, people on welfare aren't as affected as those who work or are actually looking for a job.
Then please tell all those lying Republican governors who are trying to take credit for the recovery you say doesn't even exist to shut the fuck up.

You must be low income uneducated and have no skills if you don't know about the recovery.

Do workers need a raise? Hell yea. But don't look to Republicans for a raise

What aspect of our economy has recovered significantly under Obama? Funnily enough wall street did.
Obama got us out of the recession your side put us in. Now you want to complain how well he did? Fuck you! Fucking idiots and partisan hack losers
Obama has gotten us out of nothing. The economy is worse off now than when he was crowned. His false numbers on unemployment are nothing both liberal talking points.

Obama is the worst president we have EVER had!

Fuck Obama and all of his administrators.
For blue collar uneducated people who either don't vote or vote for trump? Yes life sucks for you but don't blame Obama. And don't give your governor credit for captain Obama righting the ship
Obama is scuttling the ship.
Obama has gotten us out of nothing. The economy is worse off now than when he was crowned. His false numbers on unemployment are nothing both liberal talking points.

Obama is the worst president we have EVER had!

Fuck Obama and all of his administrators.

When Obama took office, Nominal GDP was right at $15 trillion. Today it is about $17 trillion. This is about 11% over his 8 years. This is a paltry 1.4% average annual growth. (rounded to the nearest trillion)

Okay, so Obama is a disaster at growing the GDP, but he IS good at growing something.

When Obama took office, the national debt was $10.6 trillion.

Now this was during a recession. We had a GDP of $15 trillion. This gives us a debt to GDP ratio of 70.6%. Which at the time was the worst since the depression.

Today we have a debt of $19.2 trillion with a nominal GDP of $16.6 trillion. This gives us a debt to GDP ratio of 115.7%. This means we have more debt than we have in all produced assets.

Anyone, no matter how partisan, who cannot grasp what a problem this is, is a fool.
Yes and it was a problem when bush bush and Reagan did it too. You can't talk about the national debt as an argument to vote for Republicans. Republicans will cut important social programs and give the savings to their rich donors. They won't pay down the debt. But they will raise our taxes

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