55% of murders committed by blacks? Explain it to the forum.


This guy ^^ won't like any explanation that doesn't completely rely on blacks being genetically inferior.

When racists race bait using questions like the thread title, they actually already have the only answer they will accept.

Those people have no place in searching for any other answer.
I created the Thread title and you keep ducking the issue. Genetically inferior came from you.
I created the Thread title and you keep ducking the issue.
No, I came here to tell you and everyone else that, while you guys were busy for decades dishonestly asking questions like your thread title, honest, smart, hard working peole actually went out and found an answer to the question and others like it.

Did you not know that?

If not, maybe you will learn something today.
No, I came here to tell you and everyone else that, while you guys were busy for decades dishonestly asking questions like your thread title, honest, smart, hard working peole actually went out and found an answer to the question and others like it.

Did you not know that?

If not, maybe you will learn something today.
You would look smart had you simply explained your point.

You would look smart had you simply explained your point.
I just restated it. That's my point, thus far.

And earlier I fleshed it out with a small background of why I would make that point.

Certainly I deserve more credit than the other posters who are just trying to annoy people in this thread.
I just restated it. That's my point, thus far.

And earlier I fleshed it out with a small background of why I would make that point.

Certainly I deserve more credit than the other posters who are just trying to annoy people in this thread.
Word salad.
Bad start. Why not simply discuss?
You can start by telling me what you want to discuss. I don't become rude for no reason, but my opinions may not be acceptable to you.
Why won't you contribute to this topic?
I have. Much more so than you or than any other poster.

Thanks to me, we now know why this thread even exists.

Thanks to me, we know the only answer the racists will accept.

Thanks to me, we all now know that there is a robust and detailed answer to the thread title question and to others like it.

Thanks to you, we have to scroll by a barrage of low syllable-count troll posts.

Pretty stark contrast.
You can start by telling me what you want to discuss. I don't become rude for no reason, but my opinions may not be acceptable to you.
A very large number of murders are committed by Blacks. What do you know about this topic?
I have. Much more so than you or than any other poster.

Thanks to me, we now know why this thread even exists.

Thanks to me, we know the only answer the racists will accept.

Thanks to me, we all now know that there is a robus and detailed answer to he thread title question and others like it.

Thanks to you, we have to scroll by a barrage of low syllable-count troll posts.

Pretty stark contrast.
Your ego could be rented out like a horse.
Blacks are no more naturally criminal or violent than any other race. Criminality is a learned behavior.
We are not including all blacks, just the blacks living in the United states. It is documented far more blacks than whites murder based on percentages of the population of each.
Blacks are no more naturally criminal or violent than any other race. Criminality is a learned behavior.
One might also say it is caused in part by many urges and behaviors that are hard wired into us by evolution, and which we quash in the interest of raising responsible, ethical humans.

Ever watch a group of toddlers interact? Someone's getting hit over the head with a wooden block and having their toy taken from them.
It's more easily explainable than trying to rebut the evidence.

White Americans created the cause of a high number of black people needing to commit crimes.

America is now living with the consequences and no possilbl fix is being imagined. There's only more of the same remedy of incarceration or Capital punishment, that isn't working.

More charitable remedies must be imagined and endemic racism in America needs to be moved aside and it's proponents punished.

I can only see more failure and likely escalation to mass murder on America's streets.
How did 'white Americans' cause blacks to commit 50% more crimes? No, it's up to SOME blacks to fix themselves instead of blaming others. MOST whites get along with blacks and most blacks get along with whites. We all live together and, today, blacks are just as likely (per capita) to be in positions of power as whites. So, leave US alone please and let us get along and be friends instead of continually trying to drive a wedge between folks.
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How did 'white Americans' cause blacks to commit 50% more crimes? No, it's up to blacks to fix themselves instead of blaming others.
And every time they form an advocacy group that gains any political strength, the usual suspects are right there to trash and materially oppose the group and its leaders.

That's a rigged game.
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