54 years ago November 22 1963

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.
There was no magic bullet
Connally was seated down and to the right, the bullet didn’t turn

Indeed. Bullets can't do that. Not while they're in flight anyway. That's what I keep trying to tell Haiku-boi.
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

It was Trump in the grassy orange knoll I tell ya!

Helped by the father of Ted Cruz, of course.
"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

It was Trump in the grassy orange knoll I tell ya!

Helped by the father of Ted Cruz, of course.

Clinton was busy not having sex with that woman. So he's off the hook.

When JFK was in the room there weren't many women left available. And what there were, LBJ got.
Last edited:
One of the traditional basics of mob hits is to establish and put into place some schlub who looks like, and can be sold as, a loser loner with no life and feed a story putting the finger on that guy, in order to take the focus off the actual hitters, who then skulk away undetected.
Like Las vegas and Sandy Hook??????

Uhhhmmmm.......nnnnnnnnnnnno. Hits like this target important single figures, like people who "know too much" or have power to do things they don't like. Not random bystanders they don't even know.

There's a huge difference in motivation between murder and mass shootings. Entirely different operations for entirely different purposes.
Of course motivation is sowewhat different......doesnt mean the M.O. is

You are truly a fucking moron. Both the Lost Wages and the Sandy Hook shooter offed themselves after feeding their gun fetish sensualism at the moment their time ran out. Neither one planted a patsy to take the fall. Neither one made the slightest attempt to escape. Neither one had any point where their mission could be called "complete".
Riiigghhttttt......funny there is no proof of that is there...nice story though
One of the traditional basics of mob hits is to establish and put into place some schlub who looks like, and can be sold as, a loser loner with no life and feed a story putting the finger on that guy, in order to take the focus off the actual hitters, who then skulk away undetected.
Like Las vegas and Sandy Hook??????

Uhhhmmmm.......nnnnnnnnnnnno. Hits like this target important single figures, like people who "know too much" or have power to do things they don't like. Not random bystanders they don't even know.

There's a huge difference in motivation between murder and mass shootings. Entirely different operations for entirely different purposes.
Of course motivation is sowewhat different......doesnt mean the M.O. is

You are truly a fucking moron. Both the Lost Wages and the Sandy Hook shooter offed themselves after feeding their gun fetish sensualism at the moment their time ran out. Neither one planted a patsy to take the fall. Neither one made the slightest attempt to escape. Neither one had any point where their mission could be called "complete".
Riiigghhttttt......funny there is no proof of that is there...nice story though

"No proof"?

Adam Lanza offed himself when the police got there. So did the Lost Wages guy. There are pictures and a crime scene report.

You think they got away do ya?

Wait, lemme guess. Lee Harvey Oswald shot up 80 people and left these two guys to take the fall. Amirite?

Oswald fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

No other plausible explanation

"back, and to the left".... but also... UP.

Three inertias at least two of which are impossible from Mac Wallace's position (the one we pretend was Oswald's, not to be confused with Frank Sturgis' position on the other corner of the same building -- and both of which were seen by eyewitnesses).

Oswald of course wasn't up on the 7th floor at all. The Wallace and Sturgis teams, as all the teams, had their own security to make sure they were not interrupted.

Wallace's shot did hit but it was the least obvious of the three bullets that hit JFK. It hit him in the back (the only one of the three hits that came from the rear). Connally meanwhile was shot by three other bullets.

Then there were still other bullets that hit no people but penetrated the windshield of the car, the trim on one of its windows, a spot in the street that fell short, and a spot in the grass that also fell short.

Connally's quote in the moment is most revealing: "oh my god they're going to kill us all!" -- Connally knew of the plot before it happened, which is why he so quickly knew what was going on in a space of two seconds. His exclamation was another way of saying, "god damn it, can't you idiots shoot straight? What do you think you have, magic bullets?". Note also his use in the moment of the plural pronoun: "THEY're going to kill us all". By "they" he wasn't referring to "Lee", "Harvey" and "Oswald", none of whom did any shooting.

all three bullets came from the rear

Yeah? Which "all three" would that be? The "all three" that hit Kennedy? The "all three" that hit Colnnally? The "all three" that missed the target altogether? Because there are at least four of those.

A ricochet from one of them hit James Tague standing way down Elm street; that one did come from the rear, from the Dal-Tex building, but it fell short and hit the street. Another penetrated the front of the windshield. Still another (this is three now) nicked some trim on the car window. And a fourth, fired from the grassy knoll, fell short and embedded in the grass --- a bullet which was picked up from the ground and pocketed by a Dallas investigator (and there's video of him doing it).

It's obvious that after all these botched attempts including three that hit the wrong man (Connally), when the fatal shot is finally fired (or shots are finally fired), aided by driver William Greer pulling the car to a complete stop at a prearranged spot and against all protocol, JFK's head is propelled **UP**, and to the **LEFT** as viewed from Zapbruder's POV on Kennedy's side of the car.

It is impossible for any bullet from any type of firearm, either in 1963 or the present day, to whip around in a U-turn to produce that effect, from Oswald's alleged perch in the TSBD, which was by then over Kennedy's right shoulder and well behind him. Simple as that; impossible. The laws of physics on Planet Earth do not permit it and never will.

If you're sitting at a baseball game and you're looking down not watching, and you hear a bat crack and look up to see a ball sailing into the left field seats, the logical deduction is that the batter hit it there, from the direction of home plate that it is travelling AWAY from. You don't assume that a fan in the left field seats threw it in an amazing boomerang pitch.

Then of course there's the bullet hole in the windshield, which also arrived from the front. Another U-turn. Believing in magic bullets is all well and good if you're three years old I guess.

Then further there's the entrance would in Kennedy's throat, probably the first one that hit him. Since Kennedy was facing tully forward at the time and not turned to the rear where the TSBD was, that requires a third U-turn.

Go ahead, try to explain any of that.

If you can't, then what's your only recourse?

It is to admit you've been lied to the whole time, by a Whitewash Commission whose job it was to do just that. Because those who appointed and ran it were knee-deep in the whole plot.

The short version: "Duh".

"Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy… alone? Without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. government or at least a portion of that agency?

I believe you’re very naive if you do." --- Charles Harrelson, one of the admitted hired hitmen, who actually fired that bullet from the front that struck the POTUS in the throat.
Whelp, he's right about that.

you continue to make yourself look stupid

all three bullets did all the damage

no more no less

Again what I asked you was -- WHICH three?

You've got an front wound in JFK's throat (1) another wound in JFK's back (2), a head wound from the right front that disintegrated his skull (3, possibly 4), a midsection wound in Connally that took out five ribs and collapsed a lung (5); a wrist wound to Connally (6), a thigh wound to Connally (7), a hole in the front of the windshield (8), a ding in the car's window trim (9), a bullet that landed in the grass and was picked up and pocketed (10) and a short-fall bullet that hit the pavement and scratched a man way down Elm Street (11) at a minimum.

Which three do you want to deal with?

This is sort of like ordering a pizza. You get three toppings but you can't handle them all.

What's that?

No I'm sorry -- "bullets making complete U-turns to hit from the front even though fired from behind" is not available as a topping on this planet.

you continue to look stupid

there was only three shot all from the leftist oswalds firearm
President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

true that

"back, and to the left".... but also... UP.

Three inertias at least two of which are impossible from Mac Wallace's position (the one we pretend was Oswald's, not to be confused with Frank Sturgis' position on the other corner of the same building -- and both of which were seen by eyewitnesses).

Oswald of course wasn't up on the 7th floor at all. The Wallace and Sturgis teams, as all the teams, had their own security to make sure they were not interrupted.

Wallace's shot did hit but it was the least obvious of the three bullets that hit JFK. It hit him in the back (the only one of the three hits that came from the rear). Connally meanwhile was shot by three other bullets.

Then there were still other bullets that hit no people but penetrated the windshield of the car, the trim on one of its windows, a spot in the street that fell short, and a spot in the grass that also fell short.

Connally's quote in the moment is most revealing: "oh my god they're going to kill us all!" -- Connally knew of the plot before it happened, which is why he so quickly knew what was going on in a space of two seconds. His exclamation was another way of saying, "god damn it, can't you idiots shoot straight? What do you think you have, magic bullets?". Note also his use in the moment of the plural pronoun: "THEY're going to kill us all". By "they" he wasn't referring to "Lee", "Harvey" and "Oswald", none of whom did any shooting.

all three bullets came from the rear

Yeah? Which "all three" would that be? The "all three" that hit Kennedy? The "all three" that hit Colnnally? The "all three" that missed the target altogether? Because there are at least four of those.

A ricochet from one of them hit James Tague standing way down Elm street; that one did come from the rear, from the Dal-Tex building, but it fell short and hit the street. Another penetrated the front of the windshield. Still another (this is three now) nicked some trim on the car window. And a fourth, fired from the grassy knoll, fell short and embedded in the grass --- a bullet which was picked up from the ground and pocketed by a Dallas investigator (and there's video of him doing it).

It's obvious that after all these botched attempts including three that hit the wrong man (Connally), when the fatal shot is finally fired (or shots are finally fired), aided by driver William Greer pulling the car to a complete stop at a prearranged spot and against all protocol, JFK's head is propelled **UP**, and to the **LEFT** as viewed from Zapbruder's POV on Kennedy's side of the car.

It is impossible for any bullet from any type of firearm, either in 1963 or the present day, to whip around in a U-turn to produce that effect, from Oswald's alleged perch in the TSBD, which was by then over Kennedy's right shoulder and well behind him. Simple as that; impossible. The laws of physics on Planet Earth do not permit it and never will.

If you're sitting at a baseball game and you're looking down not watching, and you hear a bat crack and look up to see a ball sailing into the left field seats, the logical deduction is that the batter hit it there, from the direction of home plate that it is travelling AWAY from. You don't assume that a fan in the left field seats threw it in an amazing boomerang pitch.

Then of course there's the bullet hole in the windshield, which also arrived from the front. Another U-turn. Believing in magic bullets is all well and good if you're three years old I guess.

Then further there's the entrance would in Kennedy's throat, probably the first one that hit him. Since Kennedy was facing tully forward at the time and not turned to the rear where the TSBD was, that requires a third U-turn.

Go ahead, try to explain any of that.

If you can't, then what's your only recourse?

It is to admit you've been lied to the whole time, by a Whitewash Commission whose job it was to do just that. Because those who appointed and ran it were knee-deep in the whole plot.

The short version: "Duh".

"Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy… alone? Without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. government or at least a portion of that agency?

I believe you’re very naive if you do." --- Charles Harrelson, one of the admitted hired hitmen, who actually fired that bullet from the front that struck the POTUS in the throat.
Whelp, he's right about that.

you continue to make yourself look stupid

all three bullets did all the damage

no more no less

Again what I asked you was -- WHICH three?

You've got an front wound in JFK's throat (1) another wound in JFK's back (2), a head wound from the right front that disintegrated his skull (3, possibly 4), a midsection wound in Connally that took out five ribs and collapsed a lung (5); a wrist wound to Connally (6), a thigh wound to Connally (7), a hole in the front of the windshield (8), a ding in the car's window trim (9), a bullet that landed in the grass and was picked up and pocketed (10) and a short-fall bullet that hit the pavement and scratched a man way down Elm Street (11) at a minimum.

Which three do you want to deal with?

This is sort of like ordering a pizza. You get three toppings but you can't handle them all.

What's that?

No I'm sorry -- "bullets making complete U-turns to hit from the front even though fired from behind" is not available as a topping on this planet.

you continue to look stupid

there was only three shot all from the leftist oswalds firearm

The one that shoots magic U-turn bullets?

So Connally shot himself? The car windshield shot itself? The grass shot itself?

Diga me Tonto, how the fuck do you shoot INTO a target, from BEHIND it?

President Kennedy was assassinated by the leftist Oswald

JFK Assassination - News, Pictures, and Videos - CBS News

"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at
"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.
There was no magic bullet
Connally was seated down and to the right, the bullet didn’t turn

indeed that is the case
One of the traditional basics of mob hits is to establish and put into place some schlub who looks like, and can be sold as, a loser loner with no life and feed a story putting the finger on that guy, in order to take the focus off the actual hitters, who then skulk away undetected.
Like Las vegas and Sandy Hook??????

Uhhhmmmm.......nnnnnnnnnnnno. Hits like this target important single figures, like people who "know too much" or have power to do things they don't like. Not random bystanders they don't even know.

There's a huge difference in motivation between murder and mass shootings. Entirely different operations for entirely different purposes.
Of course motivation is sowewhat different......doesnt mean the M.O. is

You are truly a fucking moron. Both the Lost Wages and the Sandy Hook shooter offed themselves after feeding their gun fetish sensualism at the moment their time ran out. Neither one planted a patsy to take the fall. Neither one made the slightest attempt to escape. Neither one had any point where their mission could be called "complete".
Riiigghhttttt......funny there is no proof of that is there...nice story though

"No proof"?

Adam Lanza offed himself when the police got there. So did the Lost Wages guy. There are pictures and a crime scene report.

You think they got away do ya?

Wait, lemme guess. Lee Harvey Oswald shot up 80 people and left these two guys to take the fall. Amirite?

Again thats the story.......there is no proof is there......show the film.....nobody saw anything ....all we have is what the police claim....just like Dallas
One of the traditional basics of mob hits is to establish and put into place some schlub who looks like, and can be sold as, a loser loner with no life and feed a story putting the finger on that guy, in order to take the focus off the actual hitters, who then skulk away undetected.
Like Las vegas and Sandy Hook??????

Uhhhmmmm.......nnnnnnnnnnnno. Hits like this target important single figures, like people who "know too much" or have power to do things they don't like. Not random bystanders they don't even know.

There's a huge difference in motivation between murder and mass shootings. Entirely different operations for entirely different purposes.
Of course motivation is sowewhat different......doesnt mean the M.O. is

You are truly a fucking moron. Both the Lost Wages and the Sandy Hook shooter offed themselves after feeding their gun fetish sensualism at the moment their time ran out. Neither one planted a patsy to take the fall. Neither one made the slightest attempt to escape. Neither one had any point where their mission could be called "complete".
Riiigghhttttt......funny there is no proof of that is there...nice story though

"No proof"?

Adam Lanza offed himself when the police got there. So did the Lost Wages guy. There are pictures and a crime scene report.

You think they got away do ya?

Wait, lemme guess. Lee Harvey Oswald shot up 80 people and left these two guys to take the fall. Amirite?

Lost Wages guy?

Don't you hate automatic spell check?
well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.
There was no magic bullet
Connally was seated down and to the right, the bullet didn’t turn

Indeed. Bullets can't do that. Not while they're in flight anyway. That's what I keep trying to tell Haiku-boi.

Bullets can't do that.

actually bullets can but that is off topic

in this case in it is exactly as winger said

the bullet traveled more or less a straight line
Uhhhmmmm.......nnnnnnnnnnnno. Hits like this target important single figures, like people who "know too much" or have power to do things they don't like. Not random bystanders they don't even know.

There's a huge difference in motivation between murder and mass shootings. Entirely different operations for entirely different purposes.
Of course motivation is sowewhat different......doesnt mean the M.O. is

You are truly a fucking moron. Both the Lost Wages and the Sandy Hook shooter offed themselves after feeding their gun fetish sensualism at the moment their time ran out. Neither one planted a patsy to take the fall. Neither one made the slightest attempt to escape. Neither one had any point where their mission could be called "complete".
Riiigghhttttt......funny there is no proof of that is there...nice story though

"No proof"?

Adam Lanza offed himself when the police got there. So did the Lost Wages guy. There are pictures and a crime scene report.

You think they got away do ya?

Wait, lemme guess. Lee Harvey Oswald shot up 80 people and left these two guys to take the fall. Amirite?

Again thats the story.......there is no proof is there......show the film.....nobody saw anything ....all we have is what the police claim....just like Dallas
Plenty of people saw and heard three shots from the schoolbook depository
No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.
There was no magic bullet
Connally was seated down and to the right, the bullet didn’t turn

Indeed. Bullets can't do that. Not while they're in flight anyway. That's what I keep trying to tell Haiku-boi.

Bullets can't do that.

actually bullets can but that is off topic

in this case in it is exactly as winger said

the bullet traveled more or less a straight line

So the regressives aren't ballistics experts either? Who would have known? ;)
"by the leftist Oswald" :lmao:

--- who wasn't even up in the window where only Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints were found..
--- who couldn't possibly have delivered the fatal shot from the front, when he was behind the car....
--- who couldn't possibly have fired enough bullets for three to hit Kennedy, another to hit Connally, another to hit the windshield, another to hit the street and another to land in the grass...
--- who was CIA trained and knew by the time the cops came into the movie theater that he had been set up, that if he ran out the side door he'd be met with a hail of bullets conveniently putting him out of the way so he couldn't say what he knew, which is why he started yelling "I am not resisting arrest" to the witnesses....
--- who had to be messily dispatched in a brutal and obviously set-up mob killing on live TV to make sure he never told what he knew...

Holy SHIT how freaking gullible are you?

well that is who he was ya retard a leftist

No, he was a CIA freelancer who was made a patsy.

Why would one leftist shoot another leftist?
How did he get bullets to do U-turns?
How did he fire off at least twice as many shots as the rifle was even capable of?
How did he get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints up there, but not his own?
Why did he start yelling "I am not resisting arrest"?
Did he actually use a rifle so powerful that he could shoot from behind and the bullet travelled all the way around the world to hit JFK from the front?

Pretty damn clever leftist.
Liberals once again defend the indefensible. This clown posts about it like he was there!

Actually I posed questions that the poster continues to run away from.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.
Ever seen that happen?

Ooopsie. That's another question isn't it.

I'm particularly interested in the one about bullets making U-turns.

you are particularly stupid for making such a statement

no such thing happened ya retard

but keep saying that because you are fun to laugh at

You can run and hide all you want Haiku-boi, but this is not going away, ever.



That is from Abraham Zapbruder's famous film. Zapbruder was positioned between the grassy knoll on his right, and the TSBD on his left. And the alleged Oswald (Wallace) window was in the upper level of the FAR corner from there, which means that window was waaaaay up off to the upper left of the field in this post.

I will ask your wangly ass one more time. HOW THE FUCK do you shoot a bullet from that direction --- and push his head **BACK** and **UP** --- in the same direction the bullet came from?

The simple answer --- simple enough even for simpletons is --- YOU DON'T.

Want a bonus question?

If your name is Lee Harvey Oswald ..... how do you get Malcolm Wallace's fingerprints in that upper window yet not leave your own? Hm?
all three bullets came from the rear

Yeah? Which "all three" would that be? The "all three" that hit Kennedy? The "all three" that hit Colnnally? The "all three" that missed the target altogether? Because there are at least four of those.

A ricochet from one of them hit James Tague standing way down Elm street; that one did come from the rear, from the Dal-Tex building, but it fell short and hit the street. Another penetrated the front of the windshield. Still another (this is three now) nicked some trim on the car window. And a fourth, fired from the grassy knoll, fell short and embedded in the grass --- a bullet which was picked up from the ground and pocketed by a Dallas investigator (and there's video of him doing it).

It's obvious that after all these botched attempts including three that hit the wrong man (Connally), when the fatal shot is finally fired (or shots are finally fired), aided by driver William Greer pulling the car to a complete stop at a prearranged spot and against all protocol, JFK's head is propelled **UP**, and to the **LEFT** as viewed from Zapbruder's POV on Kennedy's side of the car.

It is impossible for any bullet from any type of firearm, either in 1963 or the present day, to whip around in a U-turn to produce that effect, from Oswald's alleged perch in the TSBD, which was by then over Kennedy's right shoulder and well behind him. Simple as that; impossible. The laws of physics on Planet Earth do not permit it and never will.

If you're sitting at a baseball game and you're looking down not watching, and you hear a bat crack and look up to see a ball sailing into the left field seats, the logical deduction is that the batter hit it there, from the direction of home plate that it is travelling AWAY from. You don't assume that a fan in the left field seats threw it in an amazing boomerang pitch.

Then of course there's the bullet hole in the windshield, which also arrived from the front. Another U-turn. Believing in magic bullets is all well and good if you're three years old I guess.

Then further there's the entrance would in Kennedy's throat, probably the first one that hit him. Since Kennedy was facing tully forward at the time and not turned to the rear where the TSBD was, that requires a third U-turn.

Go ahead, try to explain any of that.

If you can't, then what's your only recourse?

It is to admit you've been lied to the whole time, by a Whitewash Commission whose job it was to do just that. Because those who appointed and ran it were knee-deep in the whole plot.

The short version: "Duh".

"Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy… alone? Without any aid from a rogue agency of the U.S. government or at least a portion of that agency?

I believe you’re very naive if you do." --- Charles Harrelson, one of the admitted hired hitmen, who actually fired that bullet from the front that struck the POTUS in the throat.
Whelp, he's right about that.

you continue to make yourself look stupid

all three bullets did all the damage

no more no less

Again what I asked you was -- WHICH three?

You've got an front wound in JFK's throat (1) another wound in JFK's back (2), a head wound from the right front that disintegrated his skull (3, possibly 4), a midsection wound in Connally that took out five ribs and collapsed a lung (5); a wrist wound to Connally (6), a thigh wound to Connally (7), a hole in the front of the windshield (8), a ding in the car's window trim (9), a bullet that landed in the grass and was picked up and pocketed (10) and a short-fall bullet that hit the pavement and scratched a man way down Elm Street (11) at a minimum.

Which three do you want to deal with?

This is sort of like ordering a pizza. You get three toppings but you can't handle them all.

What's that?

No I'm sorry -- "bullets making complete U-turns to hit from the front even though fired from behind" is not available as a topping on this planet.

you continue to look stupid

there was only three shot all from the leftist oswalds firearm

The one that shoots magic U-turn bullets?

So Connally shot himself? The car windshield shot itself? The grass shot itself?

Diga me Tonto, how the fuck do you shoot INTO a target, from BEHIND it?

Here's an early prototype of Oswald's gun.


The early tests went fairly disastrously, until they figured out they had to extend the barrel.

Oswald's was extended 2000 feet, and camouflaged by painting it "Dealey Plaza scene". So nobody noticed.

All he had to do was place the end in front of the Lincoln, and wait. It sat there like a giant Alpine horn.

Simple explanation.

Right Haiku-boi?

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