50 Cent rips Kanye West's statements on Katrina...


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Apr 10, 2004
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Philadelphia, Amazing huh...
http://contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/50 cent slams kanyes bush is racist comment


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Rapper 50 CENT has lashed out at fellow hip-hop star KANYE WEST for accusing US President GEORGE W BUSH of racism in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

The IN DA CLUB star believes human intervention could not have prevented the effects of the hurricane, which killed over a thousand people in the US gulf states in August (05), and sees no point in reprimanding the President for something which was beyond his control.

He says, "The New Orleans disaster was meant to happen. It was an act of God.

"I think people responded to it the best way they can.

"What KANYE WEST was saying, I don't know where that came from."

At least he can see past the bullshit thats fed to Blacks. Funny thing is that most in the black community want to emulate "fitty's" gansta profile and persona creating a community of wannabe thugs. If you look at his background though, he's an american success story. His father left his mother before he was born and his mother died before he was 10 years old. He was raised by his grandparents but did whatever it took to succeed. It meant doing criminal but after his son was born he strove to be the best rapper he could possibly be for his sake.

He's not an ideal role model but with all the rappers talking about gold rims, bling and hoes, young blacks could do worse so long as they look at how he overcame and not glorify his gansta ways.

I feel alot less ashamed for buying his album now hehe :dance:
insein said:
http://contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/50 cent slams kanyes bush is racist comment

At least he can see past the bullshit thats fed to Blacks. Funny thing is that most in the black community want to emulate "fitty's" gansta profile and persona creating a community of wannabe thugs. If you look at his background though, he's an american success story. His father left his mother before he was born and his mother died before he was 10 years old. He was raised by his grandparents but did whatever it took to succeed. It meant doing criminal but after his son was born he strove to be the best rapper he could possibly be for his sake.

He's not an ideal role model but with all the rappers talking about gold rims, bling and hoes, young blacks could do worse so long as they look at how he overcame and not glorify his gansta ways.

The one thing that 50 cent has and will always understand is that he doesn't expect jack shit from anyone. He's come up on his own and has no qualms about letting you know just that.
fuzzykitten99 said:
he just earned some respect from me. now only if he would dress a bit more adult like...

He does, just not all the time. Most of the time he's promoting his clothing line. The hip-hop culture has never been about dressing like "normal adults."
insein said:
http://contactmusic.com/new/xmlfeed.nsf/mndwebpages/50 cent slams kanyes bush is racist comment

At least he can see past the bullshit thats fed to Blacks. Funny thing is that most in the black community want to emulate "fitty's" gansta profile and persona creating a community of wannabe thugs. If you look at his background though, he's an american success story. His father left his mother before he was born and his mother died before he was 10 years old. He was raised by his grandparents but did whatever it took to succeed. It meant doing criminal but after his son was born he strove to be the best rapper he could possibly be for his sake.

He's not an ideal role model but with all the rappers talking about gold rims, bling and hoes, young blacks could do worse so long as they look at how he overcame and not glorify his gansta ways.

I love how the whole thing is worded: slams Kanye, lashed out against Kanye.

He just said he didn't know where Kanye's comment came from.

The article is practically throwing the first punch. Sensationalism much?
The ClayTaurus said:
I love how the whole thing is worded: slams Kanye, lashed out against Kanye.

He just said he didn't know where Kanye's comment came from.

The article is practically throwing the first punch. Sensationalism much?

Welcome to Journalism 101. Make the story more sensational than it is in order to sell it better. But if you think about it, 50 does "slam" Kanye because he spoke against him while he was bashing Bush. So thats like a slap in the face of all black people to stop someone from bashing Bush. Thats a slam. Maybe theyll be a beef war now between Kanye and 50. lol
no1tovote4 said:
Uh-Oh! Now 50 Cent will be listed as an "oreo" and and "uncle Tom", he isn't "Diverse" the way the Democrats want him to be!

I can see it now...fans throwing Oreo cookies on stage when he performs..
GotZoom said:
I can see it now...fans throwing Oreo cookies on stage when he performs..

Like cans of Copenhagen at a Chris Ledoux concert only for the opposite reason. What a bunch of lunatics. I was a stage guard at one of his concerts, when that song started it was our job to stand in front of the band and knock down as many cans as we could.
no1tovote4 said:
Uh-Oh! Now 50 Cent will be listed as an "oreo" and and "uncle Tom", he isn't "Diverse" the way the Democrats want him to be!

Ok here's a question and if anyone knows the answer, I'm listening.

Why do blacks label each other oreos??? I disagree with other white people all the time, my sister is a democrate if you need an example, but I don't resort to name calling.

Maybe they'll grow out of it???
Trigg said:
Ok here's a question and if anyone knows the answer, I'm listening.

Why do blacks label each other oreos??? I disagree with other white people all the time, my sister is a democrate if you need an example, but I don't resort to name calling.

Maybe they'll grow out of it???

Oreos = black on the outside, white on the inside. In other words, a race traitor.
Trigg said:
Ok here's a question and if anyone knows the answer, I'm listening.

Why do blacks label each other oreos??? I disagree with other white people all the time, my sister is a democrate if you need an example, but I don't resort to name calling.

Maybe they'll grow out of it???

It is a way of controlling their actions agreeable to specific determined reaction expected of them. For instance, a black man who likes country music and votes republican is outside of the expected action, he therefore would be called 'oreo' with the general support of the society. Unfortunately a black man who does well in math and sciences is also labelled as such...
no1tovote4 said:
It is a way of controlling their actions agreeable to specific determined reaction expected of them. For instance, a black man who likes country music and votes republican is outside of the expected action, he therefore would be called 'oreo' with the general support of the society. Unfortunately a black man who does well in math and sciences is also labelled as such...

Here is a group of people who yell about not wanting to be labled, not wanting to be steriotyped, and want everyone so see them as individuales. But, within their own race they want everyone to agree with each other, think the same and vote the same????? I'm not trying to be dense here, but this doesn't make much sense.

Blacks are so quick to say they can't be racist and yet the worst insult they have for each other is "acting white".
Trigg said:
Here is a group of people who yell about not wanting to be labled, not wanting to be steriotyped, and want everyone so see them as individuales. But, within their own race they want everyone to agree with each other, think the same and vote the same????? I'm not trying to be dense here, but this doesn't make much sense.

Blacks are so quick to say they can't be racist and yet the worst insult they have for each other is "acting white".

No, no no.

Black are allowed to be racist; against themselves or whites. Blacks are allowed to use "offensive, racist" words that whites aren't allowed to use, etc.

It is whites who are not allowed to be racist at all.
GotZoom said:
No, no no.

Black are allowed to be racist; against themselves or whites. Blacks are allowed to use "offensive, racist" words that whites aren't allowed to use, etc.

It is whites who are not allowed to be racist at all.

Remember back when Queen Lhatifa was a gangsta, she said something like parapharasing here "there is no such ting as a racist black person"
Well all I have to say is, if Farrakan and his group arn't racists than I don't know anyone who is. :dunno:
Bonnie said:
Remember back when Queen Lhatifa was a gangsta, she said something like parapharasing here "there is no such ting as a racist black person"
Bullcrap! I've met more beligerantly racist blacks than I have ever met beligerantly racist whites. Everybody has that underlying racial thing where we make fun of other races, but I've only met a handful of really racist assholes who actually hate other people of different races and needless to say, they are mostly black. When I was in elementary school, my PE teacher was a black lady named Ms. Harris. She was so racist that she always blamed the white kids for everything. I can remember several occasions when I got in trouble because a black kid started something with me or lied and told her I had called them a ******. Come to think of it, most of the faculty at that school were racist blacks. The principle Mr. Spears, my third grade teacher Mrs. Favors, Ms. Harris, Mrs. Greenway my fourth grade teacher...I hated that place.
Hagbard Celine said:
Bullcrap! I've met more beligerantly racist blacks than I have ever met beligerantly racist whites. Everybody has that underlying racial thing where we make fun of other races, but I've only met a handful of really racist assholes who actually hate other people of different races and needless to say, they are mostly black. When I was in elementary school, my PE teacher was a black lady named Ms. Harris. She was so racist that she always blamed the white kids for everything. I can remember several occasions when I got in trouble because a black kid started something with me or lied and told her I had called them a ******. Come to think of it, most of the faculty at that school were racist blacks. The principle Mr. Spears, my third grade teacher Mrs. Favors, Ms. Harris, Mrs. Greenway my fourth grade teacher...I hated that place.

You should have called them ******* to their face. That would have been much better than getting in trouble for not doing anything. Anyone that acts that ignorantly towards a child deserves the title.

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