5 Questions Every Blue Dog Should Answer At A Town Hall Meeting


Jun 14, 2009
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This month, Congressmen across America will be engaging in “town hall” meetings with their constituents. The most nervous Congressmen are the 52 members of the “Blue Dog” caucus, who will have to answer some tough questions on where they stand on Nancy Pelosi’s plan for the government to control health care, raise our taxes, increase spending, and put America further in debt...
5 Questions they need to answer

1. Why does the US pay more for healthcare than any other nation and still rank #40 in quality of care?
2. Why are almost 50 million americans without insurance?
3. Why are 70% of personal bankruptcies due to health issues?
4. Why must americans be linked to their employers to get healthcare?
5. Why do insurance companies charge so much more for small companies or the self employed?
5 Questions they need to answer

1. Why does the US pay more for healthcare than any other nation and still rank #40 in quality of care?
2. Why are almost 50 million americans without insurance?
3. Why are 70% of personal bankruptcies due to health issues?
4. Why must americans be linked to their employers to get healthcare?
5. Why do insurance companies charge so much more for small companies or the self employed?

Let me give my answers . . .
1. I'm don't believe the figures.
2. Who knows, who cares. It's a free country, you want insurance you pay the premiums like the majority of folks.
3. Must be the people who elected not to take out insurance.
4. Never heard that. And don't believe it.
5. That's called the free market at work and a larger pool of people will get smaller premiums.

Here's a better question --
1. Explain exactly why we have a health care crisis?
As more and more employers are swamped by employee healthcare costs, more employees are forced to reduce hours or become independent contractors so they are not covered. Healthcare used to be a low cost perk for employers, now they will dump more and more formerly covered employees
if the "blue dogs" were smart, which it seems they are not, they would take over their party with their coalition which could effectivley stymie everything the demos want to do by voting against it. why they dont do it? because they are right along with the lefties plans and a little show of opposition is enough to feed their constituents who are easily appeased.
yeah individual liberty and freedom is such a bore, youre right a return to the dark ages is so much more appealing. fuck off!

Our great nation has never seen an assault on liberty and freedom like we saw under republican rule.
America entrusted its care to the republicans in one of the most critical timeperiods in our history. The result was two wars, 5 Trillion in debt, torture, denial of human rights and the destruction of a once proud american image
As more and more employers are swamped by employee healthcare costs, more employees are forced to reduce hours or become independent contractors so they are not covered. Healthcare used to be a low cost perk for employers, now they will dump more and more formerly covered employees

When I was a kid and got sick my mother took me to the doc , she paid him $3, he put the money in his pocket. The doc made a decent living and my dad was making $75 a week and raising a family of 5. I had my tonsils removed at age 12, the doc charged $50, I spent one night in the hospital and the bill was $25, a weeks pay for my dad. What has changed -- the bureaucratic government got involved and the greedy lawyers started suing everyone connected to the medical field. Both have come between you and your health care provider. Now you pay both.
You are wrong, this is the most important time in your history, you are giving up your freedom to a ruling class where you will have absolutely no say in what this country does to YOU. Obama, Pelosi and Reed are soooooo far left they could be considered communists. THEY MUST BE STOPPED!!!
yeah individual liberty and freedom is such a bore, youre right a return to the dark ages is so much more appealing. fuck off!

Our great nation has never seen an assault on liberty and freedom like we saw under republican rule.
America entrusted its care to the republicans in one of the most critical timeperiods in our history. The result was two wars, 5 Trillion in debt, torture, denial of human rights and the destruction of a once proud american image

grow a brain fuck wad, you dont give a shit about debt nor do you give a shit about American soldiers in harms way. STFU. if you did you would oppose barry bam bam on those same issues you stupid prick. the people destroying not only the image of America but America itself you lump of fecal crust are the shit for brains in control and your messiah dear leader who is fucking America up the ass as we speak. so drop off the face of the earth you fucking reprobate
More questions to ask at the next town meeting. Why can every industrialized nation provide better healthcare than the US?

The World Health Organization's ranking
of the world's health systems.
Source: WHO World Health Report - See also Spreadsheet Details (731kb)

The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems was last produced in 2000, and the WHO no longer produces such a ranking table, because of the complexity of the task.

See also: Healthy Life Expectancy By Country
See also: Health Performance Rank By Country
See also: Total Health Expenditure as % of GDP (2000-2005)
See also: Main Country Ranks Page

Rank Country

1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom
19 Ireland
20 Switzerland
21 Belgium
22 Colombia
23 Sweden
24 Cyprus
25 Germany
26 Saudi Arabia
27 United Arab Emirates
28 Israel
29 Morocco
30 Canada
31 Finland
32 Australia
33 Chile
34 Denmark
35 Dominica
36 Costa Rica
37 United States of America
38 Slovenia
39 Cuba
40 Brunei
41 New Zealand
42 Bahrain
43 Croatia
44 Qatar
45 Kuwait
46 Barbados
47 Thailand
48 Czech Republic
49 Malaysia
50 Poland
grow a brain fuck wad, you dont give a shit about debt nor do you give a shit about American soldiers in harms way. STFU. if you did you would oppose barry bam bam on those same issues you stupid prick. the people destroying not only the image of America but America itself you lump of fecal crust are the shit for brains in control and your messiah dear leader who is fucking America up the ass as we speak. so drop off the face of the earth you fucking reprobate

A truly well thought out and eloquent response, representative of the typical republican

Thanks for sharing
grow a brain fuck wad, you dont give a shit about debt nor do you give a shit about American soldiers in harms way. STFU. if you did you would oppose barry bam bam on those same issues you stupid prick. the people destroying not only the image of America but America itself you lump of fecal crust are the shit for brains in control and your messiah dear leader who is fucking America up the ass as we speak. so drop off the face of the earth you fucking reprobate

A truly well thought out and eloquent response, representative of the typical republican

Thanks for sharing

yep, republicans have no mercy for fucks like you, you better start to relize that
One more question Senator.....
My child has leukemia and i am stuck in a low paying job. If I leave my job, no insurer will cover me. If I keep my current job, my escallating bills will cause me to lose my house.

Why does the richest country on earth allow this to happen to its people? If I were in any other industrialized country, my family would be taken care of.........why is the US so inept when it comes to healthcare????
One more question Senator.....
My child has leukemia and i am stuck in a low paying job. If I leave my job, no insurer will cover me. If I keep my current job, my escallating bills will cause me to lose my house.

Why does the richest country on earth allow this to happen to its people? If I were in any other industrialized country, my family would be taken care of.........why is the US so inept when it comes to healthcare????

if you dont like your job quit and find a better one, if youre an uneducated dipshit fit for burger king that is the outcomes of your choices, put the joint down and use your brain for somehting more than a waste recepticle then u will be able to provide for the children you had when you knew before yo had them you could not support them. stop begging for others to make up the slack for your fuck ups. ask you parents for help though im sure they are sick of paying your bills as well.
Obama has claimed the cost of this "plan" will be 1.5 trillion dollars over a 10 year period and will not cost the middle class any more money in taxes (they call them opt-out fees - a tax by any other name is a tax). Nice pipe dream. Anyone who has been around for more than 20 years knows the Federal Government has never been able to acurately predict cost and maintenance of any large scale social program it has implemented. Based on past performance we can expect the actual cost to the taxpayer will be at least 10 times the estimate of 1.5 trillion=15 trillion dollars, possibly much more.

This is based on the simple law of supply and demand: more patients less care givers = higher and higher costs. Oh and lets not forget the medical malpractice lawsuit factor (studies have shown that two thirds of all such suits are frivolous). Of course the current congress will not address this, tort lawyers are one of the largest contributers to the DNC.
The wealthy will find ways to shelter their money so as not to have to pay the tax (many of them are democrats) and the taxes on small businesses will drive many out of business as well as large businesses to cut back on staff (by by jobs). I.e. the excess cost will eventually be shouldered by the middle class, blue collar working families.

The reasons for the high cost of health care are not being addressed which I have stated above will exacerbate the problem, not cure it.
Instead of using the high cost (and exponetially growing cost) of the Mass model our representatives should be looking at the low cost health coop (successful) model found in many other areas of the country.
if you dont like your job quit and find a better one,
If you quit your job, you lose your insurance. Nobody will pick you up because your child has a pre-existing condition
if youre an uneducated dipshit fit for burger king that is the outcomes of your choices,
Even the uneducated deserve to be treated for severe illnesses
put the joint down and use your brain for somehting more than a waste recepticle then u will be able to provide for the children you had when you knew before yo had them you could not support them.

Nobody who has children plans for illnesses like leukemia, even someone with a well paying job cannot afford cancer treatments

stop begging for others to make up the slack for your fuck ups. ask you parents for help though im sure they are sick of paying your bills as well.

Having a child with cancer does not make someone a fuck-up, medical bills for treatment will quickly eat up any savings that even upper middle class families have accumulated
If you quit your job, you lose your insurance. Nobody will pick you up because your child has a pre-existing condition

Even the uneducated deserve to be treated for severe illnesses

Nobody who has children plans for illnesses like leukemia, even someone with a well paying job cannot afford cancer treatments

Having a child with cancer does not make someone a fuck-up, medical bills for treatment will quickly eat up any savings that even upper middle class families have accumulated

stop blaming your child for your fiuck ups. stop smoking dope to cure your childs cancer, stop begging Americans to be your new daddy.
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